Deadly Chainsaw Mistake People Don’t Realize They Do

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When I watch people running chainsaws on YouTube, I sometimes see them doing something potentially dangerous. I don’t know if they realize they are doing it. In my opinion this is a dangerous way to operate a chainsaw. In bringing this to their attention so they can decide if they want to continue or not.

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47 years of professional western timber cutting and the most tired part of my body at the end of each day is my hands. Gripping your saw tightly is the single greatest safety advice I know of. Thanks Mister Wilson!


I've been cutting wood for over 50 years; this guy knows what he is talking about!


I'm a volunteer saw instructor, both crosscut and chainsaw, with a volunteer trail maintenance origination in the PNW. The USFS curricula we use emphasizes the importance of a proper grip on the saw which is as you describe - with the thumb fully wrapped around the saw handles. With the thumb wrapped, there is a mechanical connection between your hand and the saw. With the thumb not wrapped, it's only friction between the palm and fingers and the handle. Students who fail to grip the saw properly will fail their certification class, period, end of story.


The only thing better than your sense of humor is your professional advice. Keep it coming!


Ok, I am guilty of limp gripping my saw, I recently noticed that after using saws for 30 years, I don't know when I acquired that bad habit but I will stop it. Thank you


I was taught to not only keep a firm grip on the handle, but also to lock that same arm in straight position, so in the event of a severe kickback your whole arm will go up. Beyond that, the most dangerous thing when chainsawing is not clearing the debris around you as you cut. Nothing worse than being forced to to take a step back, landing on a limb you just cut, and fall down.


I can't think of a single reason why not having a firm grip on a power tool is a good idea.


I was a Husqvarna dealer in the 70s. My dealer rep. had a book with color photos of chainsaw accidents. What a horror show. I support your technique 100%! ALWAYS BE PREPARED FOR THE WORST. Shalom/gw


50 years ago, Dad told me "hold that chainsaw like you're mad at firm masculine grip).


You are a real chainsaw expert … Chainsaw 101 .. firm grip, held to the right of the body, straight left arm … and be very aware of what the tip of the blade is doing … simple … respect the saw …


A broken thumb suggests a major kickback. Seems like a broken thumb is a better outcome than a face full of stitches, or worse. So those broken thumb stories should be told as “my thumb sacrificed itself to save my face!”


My father was a CLP instructor for 40 years, and you sir are correct. With everything you said.


I don't know how many cords of wood a person can cut from a hospital bed, but I bet it's not many. Get a grip folks.


I'm a 40 year professional Utility Arborist and Faller. This guy is spot on. Another good tip is to always lock your chainbrake if you are walking around with the saw running. Make no mistake, these big pro saws can mortaly injure you and are not for amateurs. Most are well above 4000 feet per minute of chain speed .


I’ve been operating chain saws for many years and I’m in full agreement with you… as the owner and operator of a 1943 Case VA tractor, with a hand crank start… that is when you don’t want to wrap your thumb around the bar… some folks have apparently mixed these two scenarios together and gotten confused about the “why” we do it this way…


I rarely comment, but I have to say thank you for posting this. I’m an “experienced amateur” saw man, and after this video got in my head (including while sawing), I realize how often I make this very mistake. And now I’m becoming more and more careful to avoid it. Thanks again.


This video is without a doubt the best video I have watched on YouTube. The people that will go and buy a chainsaw and think they are smarter than the chainsaw and use it without ever learning how to use it is what keeps me as a firefighter-EMT in business. Also being a wildland firefighter, faller two certified, we will not bring people up the ranks if they have their own idea how to use a chainsaw weather they know someone who broke their thump or gets to sweaty wearing chaps or likes the sound of the chainsaw makes so no hearing protection. Working 16 hr days using the saw 8-12 hrs you get fatigued. That’s where safety precautions come into play. Thank you again I hope this reaches the people that need it the most.


Both chainsaw and relationship advice in one video. Who could ask for more?


Agreed!!! I was taught to hold it firmly and keep in mind that the bar and chain is looking for an opportunity to take a bite out of you. Much like a mule is waiting for you to walk close enough behind it to kick your head off.
Keeping the bar in line with your right shoulder also reduces the chances of a center mass kickback. I was taught these tecniques by my forefathers that operated saws before there were chain brakes on them. I currently run a MS500i with a 28" bar in large hardwoods in Western North Carolina. Happy sawing everyone!!!


When I was 16 years old, I became distracted while using a table saw and kick back pulled my left hand into the blade. Fortunately, I had a good surgeon that was able to reattach the bouquet of fingers that I carried into the emergency room and I only lost my left thumb joint. They did a good enough job that I work in IT on a keyboard all day 37 years later.

You've never seen someone as focused as I am when using any kind of saw and I grip it like it wants to kill me. 👍🏼
