China’s New Subway Just Collapsed - China's Amazing New Infrastructure Will Shock You - Episode #218

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Line 13 of Chengdu's new subway fell into a sinkhole... are we surprised? Absolutely not.

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Cartoon feat. Jüri Pootsmann - I Remember U
Track : Cartoon feat. Jüri Pootsmann - I Remember U

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As an Aussie I am ashamed that our country has this toxic relationship. If it were up to me we’d have nothing to do with them


A town in my state of Michigan is fighting to stop a Chinese Battery Factory from being put in. The permission was given without any of the residents knowing by their 'town officials' without letting anyone living there know and every single one of them has been voted out as soon as the residents found out. It's still a fight between the residents and their new elected board members against the court systems in Michigan right now.


As an Aussie, I thought the behaviour of the Chinese embassy officials in our Parliament House with regard to Cheng Lei was outrageously rude, and the Prime Minister has copped a lot of flak from the media over this. When Chinese officials were previously touring around the South Pacific to persuade nations to sign up to a "security" partnership with China, something similar happened at a media event in Fiji. The Chinese officials tried to shoo journalists out of the room, whereupon their Fijian hosts had to stand up to the bullying Chinese and tell them that Fiji has freedom of the press and that the journalists had every right to be there.


Chef Tom here….waffle batter contains oil or butter.
It’s to create a crispy exterior…
Pancakes do not call for oil in the batter.
That’s the difference….i love both…..Tom


That's not a sinkhole, that's just a CCP designed skylight... totally intentional... promise!


My heart goes out to the woman screaming in the video. I wish someone had enough empathy to comfort her.


This channel deserves 1 billion subscribers. Good job, guys!!!


My wife who I met in Shenzhen in 2003 got a job in a jade store there a year later. She lost her job when she refused her boss/owner's advances although she was married (to me).
When I told her that it was illegal in the USA, she really didn't believe me until a few months later after she got her marriage visa and learned more about our laws after a few months here.
Funny anecdote: she also got angry with me when I suggested we go to a Karaoke bar in Shenzhen on one of my visits. She thought I was a pervert. Little did she know that most Western karaoke bars bear no resemblance to those in Asia.


The banter between the host is what really makes this show good


Just like Indians, Philippines will soon realize that unless they push back, China will continue to take their territories, one slice at a time. Show some backbone, stand and fight. Give a measured response at least.


China seems cool, it’s like living in a real life disaster movie.


the pro-CCP and anti-CCP convo on the bus was absolutely hilarious, epic clip 🤣👏


As an Aussie I agree with Winston.
"Anti-Chinese" does not need to mean racism but being anti-CCP.
Both Politics and Business are heavily tied to the Chinese. Most of the iron in tofu-dreg buildings, underground railways and the Chinese navy will have come from Australia.


The displays of patriotism the CCP encourages its citizens to portray is what non-Americans swear we do. Like Mat said in a previous episode, I have yet to see US citizens living abroad getting so excited about a politician visiting that they basically have a mini Super Bowl parade in the streets.


My heart was breaking for the screaming woman or child in the collapsed apartment. I hope they rescued her.


Boarding a ship not flagged by your country in international waters with troops wielding weapons of any kind is an act of war.
This was an act of war. They left that ship to sink and the crew to drown with no communications device. It was a clearly flagged Philippine Navy vessel. Boarding it with weapons and attacking the crew and ship was an act of war. I highly suspect that this will cause a major escalation in the region, probably with China trying something like this again while a US vessel is near by and then aid being rendered.

In all honesty, the Philippine crew needed to draw their firearms and defend themselves when this happened. They could have died from this and are lucky to be alive. This wasn't piracy. It was an attempt at killing the crew of the vessel and to sink it. The response to that is lethal force when you are a naval vessel of any nation. You let the politicians worry about cleaning it up because you need to live and there is just your vessel, the guys trying to sink you, and an ocean you will die on without your vessel. If you can't outrun them, then you have to fight them.


1:35:00 No, the strobe light is not for fun; that is an actual weapon in this case. It is for suppression and control, and in the case of epileptics (hello!) it can cause serious harm. Using a strobe light like this is the same as using excessive volume and frequencies to harm people's hearing, but can be better directed.
Personally, this sets me into fight or flight mode, you can imagine the rest. At best, I'll have a migraine for the rest of the day.


Crepes for Winston and me. They are mostly eggs and don't make you feel like you're dying when you're done like both pancakes and waffles do. And I'm American through and through.


I died when C-milk called the sinkhole a portal to hell lmfao. It wasnt even that funny but it caught me off guard tabbed out.
