5 BEST foods for ADHD!

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Back at it again with another top 5 list! This time we are talking about the best foods for ADHD. What do i mean by that? Well certain foods have been known to have a negative effect on ADHD brains and even affect peoples symptoms making them worse. Today im talking about foods that are healthy for your brain! Making them in my opinion, the absolute best foods to consume when you have ADHD!

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Рекомендации по теме

-nuts (vitamin E)
-blueberries (brain function protect vs Alzheimer’s)
- turmeric ingredient curcumin


Fish oil saved my life. I supplement with salmon. Took about six months for the full effects of the fish oil to kick in so hang in there. Really helped with anger anxiety and mood liability, also great for my skin!


As someone who stopped taking meds, this helped a lot.


its nice to see a video that tells us what to eat instead of what not to eat. Thanks man


I did the paleo diet for a few months (prior to finding out I have ADHD). Looking back on it after watching this video, I was heavily consuming things like nuts, berries, fish, and avacados. I also found it to be super similar to Keto (aside from being able to have a decent amount of natural carbs like those found in berries). But yes, looking back on that now - I remember feeling like I had a lot more energy. I lost a lot of weight, and I remember being more productive than usual, and much happier on a more consistent basis. It felt relatively sustainable as well - aside from cravings haha. I may have to give it a go again, now that I know what I'm looking for. Thanks for the awesome videos! Been learning a lot about myself from watching.


note to self... buy tumeric. thanks for ur video, cant wait to watch more. Im trying to eat more healthy and this is my 1st stop ... adhd and food.


As a functional nutritionist -check the ingredient lables to find nuts not "roasted" in oils.These oils can become rancid in processing and cause more inflammation. (Same with potato chips and MANY other processed foods...) Go for raw nuts if possible or find salted nuts without added oils!


Ur channel is my new favorite to watch on YouTube! Luv it! My favorite is this one!


Sorry it's not relevant, but would you consider making a video on starting/maintaining a youtube channel with ADHD? I made one last year... so far I have 200 ideas in my notebook, 10 scripts written, 4 videos to edit (recorded 6 months ago), and only about 5 videos actually uploaded on my channel from a year ago! It's the classic case of having so many ideas but not being able to start or stay consistent.
Your channel's doing so well! It'd be super helpful to hear :)


my brain: hey these foods might help!
my taste buds: yeah no sorry fam that ain't happening


Thanks for this.. it's really helpful for those of us wanting to truly improve our overall lives. I knew most of this info, but some of it I never really thought of yet


My son is 13 yrs old now, we found out that he has ADHD when he was 7 yrs old.His behaviour when he was 8, 10, is not concentrating his study, he even hit himself, he is now 13 yrs old his behaviour was totally change, become so quite and if we ask something, is hard for him to answer directly, is very emotional for me as a mother, we love him so much! ADHD have this kind of ability and questions for that is very far away from our imagination😀😀he is very smart, but there are times he is silent, and he doesn't want to talk, that makes me worry,
Please reply my messege, and l am very grateful, watching your advices and methods how to handle ADHD child.
for helping people have ADHD.O


lucky for me and my extreme ADHD, I love all of these :)


As a vegan, you can definitely get DHA/omega 3 fatty acids while on a plant based specific diet.


Finding out my daughter might have adhd, I went down the rabbit hole. And come to find out that apples avocados and blueberries along with other berries are high in salicylates. And salicylates can increase symptoms! those are her favorite foods😢


I’ve struggled with ADD for my entire life I’m now 18 years old and starting college. During the summer I experienced with animal-based diet and I’ve basically stopped staying strict to the diet about a month ago and now I basically don’t follow it at all and I noticed at the start of my school year I was on top of all of my assignments and reading and writing was particularly easier than it has been for me in the past. But now that I stopped the diet I have all the hardships of ADD back and I’m going to restart the diet so I can focus again


Do have a video on recipes for these foods? Or could you make one? Also maybe how to stick to a diet that is good for you instead of slipping back to the sugary processed foods that are quick and easy for us who don’t always have the motivation to get up and cook or don’t remember to cook until we are already hungry.


I already had fish and avocado in my diet and I just added nuts, I wished I liked berries but sadly I don't, everytime I eat something that I think needs a bit of spice I add chilly flakes, which I've always added and also tumeric.


What is great for our brain and in fact the first ingredient it needs, it’s a Vitamin B1, as well as vitamin D3 & food rich with zink!
Keep in mind that there is food we may eat that kills these vitamin & minerals inside our bodies. This is something worth of researching.
In addition, according to medical research, our brains functions benefit from hunger & limiting of snacks during the day. Doctors suggest intermittent fasting or eating one to two times a day!


Keep up the great videos man! I started Keto after I saw the diet video you made. Best lifestyle change I could have done. I haven’t been diagnosed with adhd yet but I’m going to go soon to see if I actually have it. I will say though, ever since I started Keto I have been a lot more energized and my focus has gone up some. Though still not perfect, I still procrastinate a lot and forget a lot of things but it helped a ton. Plus I lost 30 pounds in a couple months lol.
