BEST Exercise for Hashimoto’s - Get Healthy and Strong!

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BEST Exercise for Hashimoto’s - Get Healthy and Strong!// If you have Hashimoto’s and hypothyroidism, should you be doing less exercise or more exercise? You’ll see both recommendations, which can make it tough to know exactly what you should do. The short answer is… We need to exercise in a way that is appropriate for our body and in a way that is tolerated. That way, we can utilize all the benefits of exercise, without it over stressing our body. In this video, we’ll discuss why some people need different approaches to exercise for their thyroid, then cover the exact strategy I use with patients to help them minimize their Hashimoto’s symptoms and feel their best!

#exercisehashimotos #hashimotosexercise #drbradbodle

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Do you think you're exercising too much or too little? What are your biggest exercise challenges? Let me know in the comments! -Dr. B


Thanks for the video I myself have noticed that if I try to do hour or more long body pump or hitt classes it takes me days to recover. I have found the best for me is two 15-20 minute mini strength or body weight cardio mixture at least 5 days a week. And 3-4 larger weight strength trainings a week. I don’t get crazy tired and am still able to tone and lose weight


AWESOME CONTENT!!!! I have reduced my workouts since I viewed another one of your videos and I have noticed my body does not feel inflammed like it used to when I was doing HIT Training. Thank you Doctor Brad for this VALUABLE INFORMATION🙏❤😊


Yea, I’m in the ‘way too much’ camp. I love being active. Sometimes I stop losing weight or gain because I do too much. It’s crazy because I can eat 1200 calories and burn thousands more and GAIN the next day or two!

A typical day for me is to do cardio step aerobic videos, walk the dog for at least 3/4 mile, and sometimes I also do some project around the house (i.e. install hardwood floors, paint a room, etc). The days I include really hard work (sanding walls is the worst), I gain! I also crave carbs more on those days.

When I have time for strength training, I use FitBod which creates the workout for you based on the information you provide (equipment available, goals, levels, etc). It tracks what you’ve done and gives those muscles a break for the next workout. I also bought a workout ‘toy’ that helps you do planks while playing a game.

A few years ago, I could not do these things because I had a Hashi or LUPUS flare and it changed my life. It lasted eight months. My whole day about pain management (ice packs, lots of pain relievers, weird pain massage gadgets). I went on Levo (for Hashi) and eventually Hydroxychloroquine (for LUPUS). Slowly, I’ve been building my health back.

The hardest thing is to be a formerly super active person who has to basically stop due to tremendous pain, watch your hair fall out, you skin changes, you gain weight…. You don’t even look like yourself anymore. But I’m here to say that you just don’t give up. I turned to keto and supplements with my Levo and Hydroxy meds. I watch videos like yours and they have really helped. I’ve learned a lot. Now, I’m working out a bit again and gaining my life back. It’s happening slower than I want, but it is happening!

Thanks again for an awesome video!!!


Daily walking has been the best exercise for me. I've consistently hurt myself from weight lifting and body weight exercises and it was incredibly discouraging to hurt for up to a week after one exercise session and having to ice my shoulders for hours. Walking has helped me lose weight and has helped my mood. I still want to work up to body weight exercises again but I think just moving everyday is helping my body build tolerance.


Thank you so much - I had my thyroid radiated in 1990 and it's been such a struggle not realizing over the years I was exercising too much. I had the mindset that I needed to go go go and now at 65 I am taking days off - doing more weight training and I feel so much better, recover faster.


Dr Bodle, Thanks so much for this. Based on one of your previous videos I adjusted my exercise routine to low and slow and it has made a tremendous difference. Prior to this I was following the general advice of trying to do do brisk walks, HIT exercises, strength training to failure and I would be exhausted (and discouraged) for days and sometimes weeks, basically getting nowhere. I have since then incorporated daily walks at a slower pace, some at home strength training but never to exhaustion and I am not experiencing any of that fatigue. I am now able to slowly increase the intensity and feel like I am getting stronger. I look forward to incorporating all the new exercises you explained in this video as quite a few are new to me and spreading them over the week. I also include planks as I find those very helpful for my core strength. Thanks again for all this information specific to hashimoto. Context does matter!


i had hashinotos where i gained weight but once i changed my diet and started exercising, all the inflammation decreased tremendously. Now i stopped working out months ago and now i need to start getting back into it (not for weight loss) but for overall energy but i need a solid workout routine that will help my body


Thanks so much doctor you are amazing. I love your explanation


Thank you. Very clear and very concise..and something I can work with.x


@Dr. Bradbodle
What protein would you recommend for Hashimotos patients? Or some post recovery drinks after exercise to avoid potential side effects of the exercise. Thank you


Hi Dr Brad. First things first... Thank you for all the hours you are sacrificing for all of us, who are living with hashimotos and hypothyroidism!

Short question if I may.
I am 52 and doing a few weights, nothing big at all, so it's not as if I am not active. A few days ago, I was just sitting and when I stood up, a muscle in my lower back tore. I did not do anything funny, I just stood up. The pain went fron 0 to 8 in less than a second.

Nou I have seviour pain and can barely walk. When I am not moving pain is at 3 but when I do a specific movement it shoots back to an 8.

Only now by searching the internet have I discovered that hypothyroidism has a effect on muscles. Can it be so saviour or could this be something else?

I do not understand the big picture of the relation between hypothyroidism and my muscles.

Thank you for all your time, it is sincerely appreciated.


Hi Doc I’ve just been diagnosed. I collapsed in the gym.


Question, I have Autoimmune Hashimotos,
doing well on dedicated Armor thyroid, but is my gouty arthritis connected? I'm not ingesting any triggers, including alcohol or Nightshade veggies. Love ❤️ your caring ❤️


Dr. Brad if the autoimune response is triggered by the oxidative stress of mitochondria (in leg muscles because of overexercising for example ) then would it be possible to grow more mitochondria through less intense exercise and get rid of the bad ones? I would appreciate your response. Thanks.


What do you recommend for a source of carbohydrates for hashimato's patient for fitness?


I play Pickleball- and my heart rate will get up to 160-170 bpm in the Arizona sun. I feel like I shouldn’t even play, but I enjoy it. I’ve cut back on elliptical and weights because I noticed my long muscles and joints started hurting. (Thanks to one of your previous videos)I do get tired after Pickleball. Is it normal to have such a high heart rate with hasimotos?


@drbraddoble - have you heard of patients with hashimoto's getting heart palpitations/rapid heart rate AFTER a workout? This has happened to me a handful of times... once I'm done with a workout, about 20 minutes later my HR goes up for awhile. Last year I was Dx also with SIBO, and treated it and seemed better and didn't get the higher HR symptoms after a workout anymore. However, recently it happened again. Possible SIBO relapse? Adrenal dysfunction?


What is the best type ofbiodine to supplement with if lab tests show you are low?
