Hashimoto's and Exercise Intolerance

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Hashimoto's thyroiditis, also known as chronic lymphocytic thyroiditis, is an autoimmune disorder that affects the thyroid gland. It is the most common cause of hypothyroidism in the United States, and it is estimated that up to 14 million Americans have this condition.

People with Hashimoto's often experience symptoms such as fatigue, weight gain, and sensitivity to cold. They may also have difficulty losing weight, even with regular exercise and a healthy diet. This is because the thyroid gland plays a crucial role in regulating metabolism, and when it is not functioning properly, it can lead to a slowdown in the body's ability to burn calories.

One of the challenges of living with Hashimoto's is dealing with exercise intolerance. This is the inability to exercise at a normal level due to fatigue, muscle weakness, and other symptoms. In some cases, people with Hashimoto's may find that they are unable to exercise at all, which can be frustrating and demoralizing.

Fortunately, there are ways to manage exercise intolerance in people with Hashimoto's. The first step is to work with a doctor to properly manage the condition. This may involve taking thyroid hormone replacement medication, which can help to regulate the body's metabolism and improve symptoms.

In addition to medication, it is important for people with Hashimoto's to engage in regular physical activity. However, it is important to start slowly and gradually increase the intensity and duration of exercise over time. This can help to build endurance and avoid over-exertion.

Low-impact exercises such as walking, swimming, and yoga are often recommended for people with Hashimoto's. These activities can help to improve cardiovascular fitness and flexibility without putting too much strain on the muscles and joints.

Martin P. Rutherford, DC
1175 Harvard Way
Reno, NV 89502
775 329-4402

#drmartinrutherford #hashimotos #hashimotosdisease #drmartinrutherford
Power Health Rehab & Wellness
1175 Harvard Way
Reno, NV 89502

Power Health Chiropractic
1175 Harvard Way
Reno, NV 89502

This Video Content has been made available for informational and educational purposes only. This Video is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health providers with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read or seen online.
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Thank you. Some days you just don't know how it's going to roll. Other days you know it's a going to be good, or that you need to scale back. And partners that don't get it, will never get it. Listen to your body, not those around you.


This makes a lot of sense as to why I’ve felt the ways I’ve felt after over doing it. Lately I’ve started a full time job that puts me into straight cardio all day long and 16, 000 steps. I’ve also recently started working out again but I’ve decided to go easy and rest when I need to rest. I can tell when I have oxidative stress. My body just shuts down and the fatigue my body goes through makes me feel like a walking zombie.


Omg! My very first massive panic attack was after the gym. Your videos cover things others don't.


Thank you!! I was diagnosed at age 20 with Hashimoto's, I am 84 now. You are the only doctor that has explained it to me. Because of you I can now listen to my body, (fatigue, coldness) and rest more instead of trying to exercise and get things done. I am sharing your video with my Physical Therapy people and my doctor. Bless you!!


I got a dog this month from the pound. I never have to motivate myself to exercise anymore as he walks me all over the neighborhood multiple times a day❤❤❤❤It works!!!


This explains why I have had such a hard time with exercise.


As a 53 year old woman with Hashimotos, I completely agree with you. As an ultra distance runner who lives for adventures and challenges; this information feels like a nail in the coffin. 😔😵‍💫😵🤨


I have and had trouble - even with doing the stairs from my apartment to get to the mailbox twice a week - hanging on to my health and not doing too much damage to everything. Before therapy a few years ago, I didn't understand that my over exhausted body was causing "road rage" reactions. Last month, my psychiatrist gave me a script for everything - depression, anxiety, sleep deprivation (Wellbutrin, zoloft, respirdol). Not only did my mindset of struggling to just make a pot of coffee every day improve, physically, my bad circulation, inflammation, and swelling of my heart improved 90%. So I thank doctors that listen to and act to improve lives. Also, since I had the gut feeling I was becoming pre-diabetic from the doctor's other video, I tried L-Glutamine and had some success with cravings and also getting more energy (since it was always zero anyway) and not crash. This is how I turned being able to walk five minutes to being able to grocery shop.


Exceeding capacity of mitochondria ✅ Compensating. I was a triathlete and feel like I damaged myself badly. This is trying to teach us to observe the cycle and change it. Finding the right balance is key.


Dr. Rutherford thank you so much. I'm 49 years old and just discovered that I have Hashimoto's after years of suffering. Since I was a child I have exercised intensively. I lost my ability to do this abruptly four years ago. Today I have been broken as I cycled 30 miles yesterday with weight. Now I know why, your creative explanation made it easy to understand. Much Aloha.


Wow ! I have several autoimmune diseases MS, Hashimoto thyroiditis and subcutaneous lupus and celiac IBS but I believe it’s IBD . I suffer terribly from Arthritis from these autoimmune diseases.
My fingers are going crooked on my right hand and right eyelid is having difficulty opening in the morning. I have problems swallowing water ? I can’t do even 15 minutes of walking maybe 10 at most and I can’t stand in one place for more than 4 minutes I have to move my legs and then rest . I do better with the therapy the rehabilitation taught me which is twenty leg lifts with bands each side then bridges 20 bridges lying on Mat lifting butt up with bent legs squeezing and lowering my pelvis back down twenty and then I must break then I can do my arm exercises with my bands and a routine that is sufficient enough but not too much that I learned inpatient at physical therapy numerous times . Thank you Dr Rutherford for everything you share on here . So appreciative for you Sir ! Happy Holidays to you and your family. Thank you again .


Thank you so so much!!!!
This is exactly what has been happening to me. I knew it but kept pushing!! I will start paying more attention to what I know to be true!
I have fibromyalgia but believe I have undiagnosed thyroid disease but cannot get my doctor to do more than the basic tests..


I've been trying to train like an athelete. Ive been getting anxious and low recently. I'm a new (2mths) Breathing Apparatus Operator in the volunteer fire service so I have to get fitter for that. That has made the want to be fitter srtonger (been that way since before diagnosis). I find it extremely hard to fight the urge to train. And feel even worse when I can't. I have hashimoto's and leaky gut, plus. Im battling to stay on Carnivore diet. But everything else except butter, ghee, beef, lamb, wild caught fish (by us) and kangaroo, makes me hurt. So I sabotage myself (painfully).

Watching this video I had an haaaa moment!!😊🕊 Will attempt to reset my brain...❤ Please pray for me!

HUGE Thankyou to Dr Martin 💝


This makes me feel so much better. My husband and my daughter keep telling to just go start exercising. I can barely walk some days. I even have a hard time walking more than a few hundred feet at a time. It's been really depressing, because I also have RA, tracheal stenosis and Fibro. How do you feel about vibration machines?


I hiked the swedish mountainbike a week, 20kilometers a day, no problem. I do calisthenics, no problem. I do 5km running, then I will be very exhausted next day, so weird...


Thank you. This explains a lot about why my body is unable to take exercise beyond a point, why recovery takes much longer than expected and why I feel exhausted and not exhilarated. Its frustrating because I really want to workout and enjoy exercise but my body just can't keep up with my mind


How does YouTube know I spent all day working in the garden hauling mulch and now I'm miserable? This was really useful information.


Shouldn't the ones who have a hard time getting across the room have their meds increased?


Funny because I have been off the treadmill for a long time period I'm thinking about getting back on it today. We yoyo with our weight so much that it's discouraging.


Yup! i had to leave my workplace because it was physically too extreme for me. now looking for a new job.
