3 Easy Ways to Help Thyroid Work Correctly

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The thyroid does a lot for your body. It makes hormones that keep organs running properly. It also controls the way you use energy: for example, how you burn calories and how fast your heart beats. However, sometimes this powerful gland doesn't work like it's supposed to.

In this video, Jonathan, the licensed acupuncturist, explains and shows you how to use three simple movements to balance and correct the functions of your thyroid.

*** References: NIH MedlinePlus
Symptoms of Underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism) :
Many symptoms of an underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism) are the same as those of other conditions, so it can easily be confused for something else.

Symptoms usually develop slowly and you may not realise you have a medical problem for several years. Common symptoms include:
Tiredness, being sensitive to cold, weight gain, constipation, depression, slow movements and thoughts, muscle aches and weakness, muscle cramps, dry and scaly skin, brittle hair and nails, loss of libido (sex drive), pain, numbness and a tingling sensation in the hand and fingers (carpal tunnel syndrome), irregular periods or heavy periods.

An overactive thyroid (hyperthyroidism): can cause a wide range of symptoms, although it's unlikely you'll experience all of them. The symptoms may develop gradually or suddenly. For some people they're mild, but for others they can be severe and significantly affect their life.
Symptoms of an overactive thyroid can include:
nervousness, anxiety and irritability
hyperactivity – you may find it hard to stay still and have a lot of nervous energy, mood swings, difficulty sleeping, feeling tired all the time, sensitivity to heat, muscle weakness
diarrhoea, needing to pee more often than usual, persistent thirst, itchiness
loss of interest in sex.

*** For more information or questions, please visit the website or contact us:

[ Disclaimer ]
Jonathan Fang and In Hand Acupuncture are not responsible in any way for any injury or illness that may result from attempting to perform the exercises and movement demonstrated or following the instructions contained in any of our videos, nor can we guarantee any results. We do believe that these exercises will be helpful for a variety of health issues but those attempting these exercises must do so at their own risk.
Рекомендации по теме

I’m back after watching this a year ago. These exercises helped me to switch out of active Hashimoto’s and I felt so much better. I forgot that I even had it. Just recently life became stressful and I began eating unhealthy foods. Day before yesterday I had a really bad episode with my thyroid. It felt like someone was squeezing it and it was not only painful but scary. I had a headache and my mood was black. Almost frantic like I wanted to crawl out of my body to escape how I felt. I got home and felt desperate to get past how I was feeling and I remembered these exercises. I immediately began doing the bouncing with my hands folded over my thyroid. It worked to pull me out of that nightmare within only a few minutes. My thyroid stopped hurting and the choking feeling was gone. It was a miracle. I’m now back to doing these exercises daily to get my thyroid back to functioning properly. If you’re suffering, do these exercises. Yes, they might seem odd or silly but they are extremely effective. I’m eternally grateful to this wonderful teacher.


Thank you so very much!! All my doctor told me was to hurry up and have my thyroid removed. He wants to do the surgery asap. After watching 👀 you I'm going to do your exercises.. I thank GOD for you!! PRAISE GOD AND THANK YOU JESUS 🙏🏾 ❤️


I've had a horrible experience with my thyroid and discovered it myself ( my inner doctor) I literally prayed and seems like it was answered I said.... God show me how to help myself get better!?!... And here I am now the next day watching your video and immediately the cold went away and I fell t something on my head like you said blood flowing blood circulating and I was getting cluster headaches from it and I think it made it go away it went away I just don't know for how long thank you thank you thank you so much God and Jesus... and you and my dad's who's my spirit angel imagine that it's true...!


I was confirmed positive for thyroid 7 months ago I started doing this 1 month ago I tested today and my thyroid is gone thank you


On first day itself i had more energy. I know this is the truth. Thank you teacher!


Just tried the exercises with you and I am astonished at my neck and shoulder stiffness, I will be doing this exercise regularly from now onwards. I have had thyroid trouble for over twenty years and I have had so little help from my doctors.


This is my second week doing these exercises and I feel a big improvement in my sleep and most importantly, the headache I've been dealing with for more than six months.Thank you. I'm very grateful.


First Exercise - 5:37
Second Exercise - 7:17
Third Exercise - 8:22


My daughter will be 15 and she has hypo for a couple of years now. Every symptom you mentioned is what she has. We're desperate to get her back to normal. Will get her started on these exercises. Thank you so much. Such a Godsend!


As soon as I did the suggested exercises, my legs started to heat up.
This is a miracle 🙏


I feel better allready just listening to this guy talk...


Jonathan, could you do two videos to correct the haggard face that results due to hyperthyroidism, PLEASE? One for correcting bulging eyes and another to correct the eye bags that result from the same condition with your natural method? PLEASE!! You're the only one I can think of that knows about ancestral medicine and is not a drug-lord doctor!! Thank you for your awesome video by the way!


Thank you so much for this! I have been feeling a lot of tightness in the neck lately. These exercises help a lot!


Already my neck feels less grainy! Thank you, I will continue to do this!


Recently had my blood test and my thyroid hormone levels were 28.53. I am a teacher. I was aware of this problem.I always felt it's just sore throat.LDL was 250 but I don't eat junk and oily food.... your video is informative Dr.Thanks lot


I felt very relaxed, sleepy, happy after doing these exercises. Thank you for sharing your wisdom and helping people 😍
Update 2 weeks since beginning these exercises....AMAZING RELIEF. No more heavy headedness, no more headaches, no more pressure at the top of head. Thank you x infinity n beyond. 🙏


Thanks indeed. I had my Thyroid glands removed 2013 sergery and still on Thyroidsine every morning 1 before breakfast. I gained a lot of weight. I followed the neck exercise and I'm certainly sure it helps me.


What a wonderful video! Thank you Dr. Fang. I have been thinking on where to naturally heal my thyroid gland and I found you. I appreciate your gentle and caring way of explaining everything. I will watch this often and do the exercises.


This was great. I don't believe I have thyroid problems, but doing these exercises once has made me feel so energized. Thank you.


I saw it too late. and today i just saw this video. i have hypothyroid since 2015 i have tried various treatments but never worked. I really hope this exercise can help my problem. now i will start to believe you. Thanks very much. God bless you. Namaste🙏
