How to treat Hyperthyroidism and weight loss due to it? - Dr. Anantharaman Ramakrishnan

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Hyperthyroidism is due to excess production of Thyroid hormone from of Thyroid Gland due to various reasons. Actual treatment depends on cause of Hyperthyroidism. Graves disease , the commonest cause of Hyperthyroidism is treated by Anti Thyroid drugs and radio iodine therapy whereas Solitary toxic Nodule or Toxic Multi Nodular Goitre, surgery is the better option. Occasionally Solitary toxic nodule is treated by Radioactive iodine. Anti Thyroid Drugs are oral medication to be taken on a daily basis once or twice a day. Radio Iodine is a treatment in capsule form usually given once , however in some individuals this is repeated again. Surgery involves removing the portion of Thyroid or Thyroid gland itself. Hyperthyroidism is accompanied with weight loss in more than 60 to 70 % of patients lose weight. Weight Loss due to Hyperthyroidism can be resolved by treating the thyroid level imbalance.
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