Was Darwin Wrong?

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Our planet Earth is teeming with life. To some it's a miracle, but can science explain how it came into existence? Critics have attacked the theory of evolution for over 150 years, claiming it is full of holes, and the gaps reveal the hand of an intelligent designer. Who's right – we investigate the most explosive science of them all and ask, was Darwin wrong?
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We live in a society exquisitely dependent on science and technology, in which hardly anyone knows anything about science and technology. - Carl Sagan


"When we descend to details, we can prove that no one species has changed (i.e. we cannot prove that a single species has changed): nor can we prove that the supposed changes are beneficial, which is the groundwork of the theory.” (Charles Darwin, 1800’s Evolution Theorist, in his letter to G. Bentham May 22, 1863). " The GROUNDWORK of THEORY" and NOT a factual evidence !


Q: What’s a creatard’s favorite animal?
A: Storks, because they still think that’s where babies come from.

Q: What’s the difference between a creatard and a broken record?
A: A broken record is more likely to be repeating something intelligent.

Q: Why do creatards talk about Darwin more than “evolutionists”?
A: Because creatard “science” is still in the 1800s.


Clueless creatard cliche number 96: Evolution means modern animals should be turning into humans.

Reality: Evolution is about promoting the survival of the species. That does not mean becoming human. Wolves evolving into dogs is an example.


Creatures that live off hydrothermal vents in the ocean would have been around since the beginning as well.


Clueless creatard cliche number 67: Evolution is just a theory.

Reality: Germs. gravity and DNA are also “just a theory”. In science, a theory is a well-substantiated explanation of an aspect of the natural world that can incorporate laws, hypotheses and facts. Intelligence design on the other hand is an example of the everyday use of the word “theory”, as it has no proof. Even theistic scientists know this.


*WHAT CAME FIRST; THE CHICKEN OR THE EGG? That is not a rhetorical question. We have known from the science of genetics that whatever changes to the DNA of the chicken predecessor or 'proto-chicken' took place in the egg during its formation in the body of that predecessor. The DNA (the Genome) of any offspring will be, for the most part, that of its parents and indeed offspring will always most resemble their parents. However, because of copy errors (mutations) that occur whenever cells divide and replicate (mitosis and meiosis) there will be minor genetic differences. Those differences create variation among offspring. That accounts for the genetic differences we find in every population of organisms. Most of those offspring will die and their variant genes along with them. Only those organisms that survive long enough to reproduce will pass their genes to successive generations. Over thousands of generations those variant genes accumulate in the population gene pool and manifest in physiological differences from the ancestral species. At some point those accumulated physiological differences will be sufficient to be regarded as a 'new species'. At no point however, would any of those generations be anything other than a variation of its ancestors. Contrary to what creationists would like people to believe, evolution is not about 'cats morphing into dogs' or 'monkeys giving birth to humans'. Evolution is incremental modification of preexisting structures. It does not stop. IT CANNOT STOP.

Since creationists have no evidence to support creation mythology, they can only resort to lies and deceit to promote their belief system. Such 'Straw Man" arguments are just one example of their logical fallacies.


I am sure I read a while ago Darwin was not alone. There was a growing consensus amongst other scientists, he's just the guy that wrote it up and made it palatable to be shared, and put himself up as a target. The issue I have is that by continuing the 'myth' of Darwin alone, simplifies the oppositions' attacks - they have only to discredit him alone. If we can clarify that this was the natural (ooops) output of a community forum, I feel would strengthen the 'case'.


*"I cannot stress often enough that what science is all about is not proving things to be true, but proving them to be false."* - physicist Lawrence Krauss

*"No amount of experimentation can ever prove me right; a single experiment can prove me wrong."* - Albert Einstein


See; Mathematical Challenges to Darwin's Theory


Darwin didn't get everything right because we've learned a lot about genetics and other laws of nature which drive evolution since he lived, but he was far more right than wrong.


There is insufficient justification for teaching this theory as fact. Uniform gradualism is not observed in the fossil record, and you put it on equal footing with the Theory of Relativity? Good grief. What an insult to Einstein. What hubris.


Though supporters of the theory would like you to think the fossil record mirrors universal common descent... it most certainly does not. There is no indication of the gradualism Darwin insisted upon. There is not a single thread. If you do your homework, you will soon realize that this theory is supported by bias.. not the "evidence" they claim.


*WHAT DARWIN KNEW* In 1830, at age 21, Charles Darwin graduated Cambridge University with a degree in theology. Had it not been for one of his theology professors, Reverend Professor John Stevens Henslow who was also a biologist, Darwin would surely have faded into obscurity as an ordinary Anglican (Church of England) minister.

At that time, theology professors were also expected to teach other subjects and young Charles Darwin eagerly sought out such teachers, one of which was Henslow. In his eagerness to learn about the natural world, Darwin would often question his tutor between classes. This was noted so often that Darwin became known as "The man who walks with Henslow".

Even after Darwin's graduation in January 1831, Henslow encouraged his young protege to study geology with Reverend Professor Adam Sedgwick, and Darwin attended his lectures which he found fascinating. That summer, Sedgwick selected Darwin to be his field assistant on a trip to Wales. That gave Darwin a 'crash course' in field geology, an experience he later put to good use on the HMS Beagle's 'Voyage of Discovery'.

It was Henslow to whom the position of ship's naturalist was first offered by Captain Robert FitzRoy of the HMS Beagle. At the time, FitzRoy and the Beagle were preparing for an extended Voyage of Discovery, charting the waters of South America. Henslow declined that offer due to his wife's opposition, but recommended his young student in his stead. Darwin's social status also made him a suitable traveling companion for a ship's captain who is, for reasons of discipline, denied familiarity with his crew.

On December 27, 1831 the expedition sailed from England on what was initially planned as a two year voyage.

Despite young Darwin's fascination with the natural world he was not yet a scientist. During the voyage, while Captain FitzRoy was charting off shore waters, Darwin spent much of his time on land and was shipping fossils and plant and animal specimens back to Henslow, Sedgwick and others who eagerly awaited them. He learned much in the process due to his powers of observation.

In 1839 he published his account of the expedition as 'The Voyage of the Beagle'. Two years later he was nominated and elected a member (Fellow) of the British "Royal Society", which conferred upon him the right to use the letters FRS (Fellow of the Royal Society) as part of his name.* At that point, Charles Darwin was recognized as a scientist of note.

Darwin's knowledge of geology had served him well during the voyage, during which he furthered that knowledge by reading Charles Lyell's 'Principles of Geology'. Lyell is famous for the principle of "Uniformitarianism"; that the earth has been altered by physical, chemical, and biological processes that are uniform through time. Darwin himself later authored books on geology, resulting in his being elected a Fellow (member) of the Royal geographical Society (FRGS), permitting his use of those letters in his name. Those books:

The Structure and Distribution of Coral Reefs (1842.
Geological Observations on the Volcanic Islands (1844),
Geological observations on the volcanic islands and parts of South America visited during the voyage of H.M.S. Beagle (1877)

Darwin's curiosity and search for knowledge lead him to do research and write books on such diverse subjects as barnacles, orchids, earthworms, carnivorous plants, et al, in total 19 books, and thousands of letters to family and colleagues, all available on-line.

His seminal work of course was his "On the Origin of species by Means of Natural Selection" published in 1859 when he was 50. It was the culmination of almost 30 years of work.

That was followed 12 years later by "The Descent of Man, and Selection in Relation to Sex" which reignited a firestorm of protests from fundamentalist creationists.

By any measure, the life of Charles Robert Darwin FRS FRGS FLS FZS* was one of great accomplishment.He was honored in life by those fellowships, not only the Royal Society and Royal Geographical Society, but also the Linnaean Society and Zoological Society.

Today there are those who fear his revelations weaken religious belief, and so will attempt to vilify him with slander and lies at any opportunity. Of what value is such a religion?

*The Royal Society of the U.K, is, like the U.S. National Academy of Sciences that was patterned after it, an organization of the top scientific minds of the nation. Fellowship is by invitation only; new members are nominated and voted upon by current members. Those so chosen are entitled to use the letters FRS. (Fellow of the Royal Society) as part of their name. Charles Darwin was one of those so honored.

To be continued.


Yes, Darwin was primarily correct- as correct as anybody could be without basic genetics.


"Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge: it is those who know little, and not those who know much, who so positively assert that this or that problem will never be solved by science." - Charles Darwin


*The American Association for the Advancement of Science statement on evolution:*
*"Evolution is one of the most robust and widely accepted principles of modern science. It is the foundation for research in a wide array of scientific fields and, accordingly, a core element in science education. The AAAS Board of Directors is deeply concerned, therefore, about legislation and policies recently introduced in a number of states and localities that would undermine the teaching of evolution and deprive students of the education they need to be informed and productive citizens in an increasingly technological, global community. Although their language and strategy differ, all of these proposals, if passed, would weaken science education. The AAAS Board of Directors strongly opposes these attacks on the integrity of science and science education. They threaten not just the teaching of evolution, but students’ understanding of the biological, physical, and geological sciences."*

Creationists, who are often scientifically illiterate, often make the claim that evolution is not really science. The AAAS, in essence, is saying they lie.


Whales evolved over the past 55 million years from land animals. This is shown through the fossil record that start with Pakicetus that was identified as the precursor to the whale lineage by the presence of an S shaped bone in the skull of Pakicetus that is unique to whales as well as an unusual double tendon arrangement on the limbs of Pakicetus and is still found in the flippers of modern whales. Neither of these features are found in any other animals. It is also noted that by comparing the genomes of many species, the closest living relative of whales is the hippo, another aquatic mammal.


See: "Mathematical Challenges to Darwin's Theory... "


Correct me if I'm wrong but I think Darwin was not focused on solving the origin of life, but he was focused on the complexity of life i.e how life evolved from the simplest form to a more complex form.
