Darwin DEBUNKED: Using Modern Science (12 Minutes of Density!)

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In this video, a Biochemist, a Mathematician, and a Geophysicist (Michael Behe, John Lennox & Stephen Meyer) explain why the advances in our knowledge about the cell over the past hundred years now make Darwin's original theory untenable.

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It's the doctrine of "Time of the Gaps". It says, in essence, that if you throw enough Scrabble pieces enough times (if they included upper and lower case letters and all the punctuation marks), you'll eventually end up with the entire library of perfect Shakespearean plays, with every title, every word, every capital letter, every punctuation mark, and so on, all in the right place. And likewise if you shook up a bag of musical notes and threw them onto enough sheets of staff paper, enough times, you'd inevitably end up with the full collection of Beethoven symphonies. (But then, where did you get the Scrabble pieces, and from where came the inexhaustible supply of staff paper and the musical notes?) And the musical instruments and the conductor would likewise be made in the same ways, and the book paper and the binding and so on. If you ran enough wood through enough blenders you could end up with a Stradivarius violin. All that's required is a few billion years.
And this, we are asked to believe, is "science" even though no one ever has, and no one can, observe it or duplicate it.


So, in other words - people are clinging onto outdated Science because they don’t like fact that everything has been beautifully & wonderfully created by God?


My faith in a Creator was cemented when I studied muscle cells during A&P class at university. The requirements for a single cell to function properly are mind blowing. No way it is random or time-dependent. It is brilliant engineering design.


Dr. Joshua Swamidass is a physician, scientist, and founder of Peaceful Science. He is an associate professor at Washington University in Saint Louis where he runs a computational biology group using artificial intelligence to explore science at the intersection of biology, chemistry, and medicine.

In a recent debate with an evolutionist, Swamidass said “You’re promoting Darwinism, that’s been disproven for 100 years!”

A little later, he said “You’re promoting Neodarwinism, that’s been disproven for 50 years!”

I predict it will be _several_ decades more before the general public catches up to what cutting-edge scientists have known for the _last_ several decades:

Darwin was wrong.


I started learning about these complexities in cells back in 10th grade biology in 1968-69. Mitochondria, Krebs cycle, glycolosis, and all the other things we had to learn, much of which was new information at the time.


It's interesting because I remember in middle school first learning about the cell the reason WHY a cell was so incredibly complex and perfect. Even now as a biology major, it still amazes me the more I learn.


As a recently retired physician, I am more and more amazed at how sophisticated our body is on the most minute levels. We try to duplicate and repair things that are not functioning well due to modern day toxicities, and are unable to replicate the sophistication that is innate in the body. We are at the infancy of understanding the complexity of the bodily systems.


The discussion about the bacterial flagellar motor and the T3SS is fascinating to me, especially how it connects to theism. For those who might not know, the T3SS is like a tiny molecular syringe that some bacteria use and it's made up of proteins that are similar to those in the flagellar motor.

Dr. Michael Behe has done some groundbreaking work on this. He's suggesting that the flagellar motor, with all its parts, is so complex that it couldn't have just evolved step by step (as is shown in the original video). Imagine trying to assemble a watch in the dark without instructions, and you only have 10 seconds to do it.

Now, there's another perspective from another scientist Kenneth Miller. He thinks the flagellar motor might have evolved from the T3SS, which fits the modern concept of Neo-Darwinian evolution. And so, the million-dollar question is, which came first? The current research suggests the motor being the OG and not the other way around, and even (non-theist) microbiologist Milton H. Saier Jr. thinks along those lines. This is concordant with my understanding of design and theism.

All in all, the deeper I go into these molecular intricacies, the more I feel there's a design behind it. It's like staring at a masterpiece painting and just knowing there's an artist with a grand vision behind it.


When they introduced language and the complexity of words the first thing that came to mind was, "In the beginning was the Word".


If anyone doesn't know what the protein Laminin is, I highly suggest they look it up. It's the vital protein cell that holds all skin and muscle tissue in our bodies together. The image of what it looks like says it all. Check it out!


I have been calling myself an atheist for 5 decades(since being a child), and eventually thinking more logically, I realized that doing so was arrogant, so I adopted the agnostic principle. Lately I am more inclined toward the idea of a creator. The analogy with the 2 halves of the glass where God is waiting for you in the second half fits perfectly.


I was never an atheist but just figured I could wait until I was older to “come to God.” I ended up having a brain tumor when I was 19 and a brain injury as a result from the surgery to biopsy the tumor. Long story short: I came to faith in Christ as a result.


"How can I possibly tell you of heavenly things when you don't understand earthly ones "
"That the things which can be seen are created from that which is not seen.". These statements come from the Bible. I'm so taken back over and over at all the marvelous things I've come to know from searching the scriptures.


I too fell into atheism after first getting into the sciences but as I looked closer it became obvious that the vast majority of the evidence given to support their world view is based on unverifiable information and assumptions.
It actually takes more faith in the unseen to be an atheist.


People laugh when someone says Mozart's 9th symphony is by random chance or Shakespeare's Hamlet is by randomness and selection. But the same people praise themselves for saying the mind that made Mozart's 9th symphony or Shakespeare's Hamlet rose by randomness. Crazy!


Another huge problem, is they never talk about the life span of this cell that has to mutate. Once it’s dead there is no passing of information to try again to build that machine.


I've known about "irreducible complexity" for years, but I never knew that it was Behe who coined the term. It was worth watching the video just for that!


They couldn’t have picked a better moderator than Peter R. He is by far the best host/moderator in the academic interview space. Great discussion!


I feel like I just listened to a conversation amongst intellectual giants and I actually understood what they said. So refreshing!


I love how respectful everyone is in these discussions--the videos and comment sections alike. After all, we're all just humans trying to figure out where we came from and why we're here. Whether or not you believe in God, these discussions are a great thing for us as both individuals and humanity collectively.
