Why Sending Ukraine Tanks Took So Long

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Ukraine will ultimately get Western-made main battle tanks to help take on Russian forces, but the intense political negotiations over sending U.S.-made Abrams and German-made Leopards momentarily threatened the unity of the NATO alliance.

Here’s a look at what went down behind the diplomatic scramble to infuse Ukraine with new armor and how it exposed a rift in NATO, plus the challenges that lie ahead for the U.S. and its allies.

0:00 Did tank negotiations expose cracks in NATO?
0:16 Behind the diplomatic scramble over tanks between the U.S. and Germany
2:00 Why the momentary rift among NATO countries matters
2:24 Challenges that lie ahead for the Western alliance

I’m Shelby Holliday, a reporter for WSJ. Subscribe to join me as I explain some of today's most pressing geopolitical events, from superpower showdowns and conflicts to supply chain snarls and natural resource struggles.

#NATO #Ukraine #ShelbyHolliday
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Do you think NATO and its partners can remain united as Ukraine enters a second year of war against Russia?


I think NATO will remain united. The stakes are too high for any non-nuclear country to go at it alone.


The flag for the UK used in this video is out of date by about 300 years. That’s the flag of Great Britain not the UK.


“Cracks in the nato alliance” is not how I would have put it. Seems to be a lot of speculation in this story.

Three of the most capable main battle tank programs are being handed over collectively to support Ukraine and its right to sovereignty, democracy and freedom.

One would expect tense debates, it’s kind of a big deal.



The US should have an export version of the M1 Abrams in the 1980s that has a diesel engine and equivalent protection to a Leopard 2. If the M1 has a diesel engine version, it will be easily transferred to Ukraine.


I stay optimistic, but I also worry at the same time.


Shelby you are a beautiful spokes model for the promotion of death and destruction no matter what side you're on.


its almost like adding fuel to a fire..


I don’t blame the Germans, they are completely reliant on US security. Which is why the Germans undermine the French’s in their push for Europe’s strategic autonomy.

This is another reason why the Australians went with American/British submarines instead of the French. The French won’t stick their neck out in a Chinese conflict.


Too little too late. The Ukraine is getting just enough not to lose, not enough to win. I don't know if this is on purpose


Shelby deserves to have more subscribers than Megyn Kelly, if only the videos were a little longer


Here i hoped for a unbiased and troughout report, wishfull thinking that was. Didnt even mentionend that germans were concerned of US replacing leopards that were send to Ukraine, which would have made us even more reliant on the USA. Im convinced Scholz stood in for our natinal interests in that moment!


Ivan the Terrible
Catherine the Great
Putin the Ruiner
Путин в Руинер
Ruiner of Russia


at the same time, it is understandable why German hesitated. The world still has not forgotten the fascist ww2.


It's like when your friends make you go to the party


O an alliance of Democratic countries will have different opinions who knew. In other news, water is wet.


so many mistakes, the first western nations to deliver mbt to Ukraine were ex Soviet states delivering t72 and t64 versions. UK was the first nation to pledge western mbt in January ( no delivery until March!). i only watched the first 20 seconds of the video...


yes cause the U.S. is the leader of nato being by far the most powerful country in nato. nato isn't that impressive without the U.S.


The real issue for Europe isn't the sending of tanks, it's that the Russians are now unlikely to restore normal trade relations with them, which Europe has come to rely on. Everything they were getting cheaply from Russia is either unavailable or is more expensive from elsewhere. Win or lose the battles in Ukraine the European economy is going to decline and with it living standards.


germany has 2 days of ammo for tanks and artillery... that is why Scholz gambled (and won?) on the us has to do as well... US willl now send tank munitions in the hundreds, saying "its just for our tanks" but all nato tanks can shoot it. You/we may not liek Scholz, be he istn dumb and has played munitions supply and other stuff as well ( now Switzerland producing ammo for the gepard says its ok to send that ammo to ukraine) please lets not get distracted by the real evil, that is Putin... also Poland lets stop shitting on germany... wanting to send tanks to ukraine... but only if germany pays for it...and next week asking for reparations for WW2... wtf lets stand together all of us for the first time since 1945
