Breaking down why Biden admin changed position on sending tanks to Ukraine

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In an about-face, President Joe Biden announced that the United States will send 31 M1 Abrams tanks to Ukraine after previously being opposed to the move. NBC News' Kristen Welker explains why the Biden administration reversed course.

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#Tanks #Ukraine #Russia
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what good is a tank that is unbelievably thirsty and complex to maintain


As a fellow American it's absurd that we keep giving Ukraine hundreds of billions of dollars and and United States military equipment. Should stay all stateside so we have equipment to defend this country almost looks like a laundry house over there and Ukraine. Have a nice day


They have money 💵 for wars
Yet they can’t feed their poor 🐇


So like 60 tanks and some infantry fighting/troop carriers is supposed to defeat Russia along a front line over 1, 000 km long, with heavy fortifications, dragons teeth, trenches, tank traps, endless artillery, rockets, missiles, loitering munitions, mines, defended by mobile and mechanized tactical battalions, and now for the first time, the Russians aren’t heavily outnumbered, for the first time they actually outnumber the Ukraine/NATO in many places. Meanwhile Russia Im gaining territory and capturing cities and towns on the most heavily fortified Ukrainian lines in Donetsk; while gaining ground in the north and in Zhapporizhzia to the south. And, for the Ukrainian/NATO troops, there’s a massive, extremely broad river that needs crossed in the south, and they lack the artillery and kinetic weapons to effect that crossing without being decimated from the eastern bank. This is smoke and mirrors. Basically Germany won its showdown with US and the rest of NATO and is now agreeing to send a few tanks so Germany will send a few more — and this after the US stated repeatedly that the Abrams are the wrong tank for this war, it’s complicated to operate, requires long extensive training. It’s even more intensive to maintain with its delicate turbine engine thats massively expensive and combined with the transmission. Everything from the mechanical and electronic parts to optic, to the weapon, auto loaders and breech are easily mangled and broken without extensive training, it’s actually dangerous for lightly trained soldiers. Then repairs and maintenance are over 1, 000 miles away from the front lines in Poland, and the tank is massively heavy which complicates repair logistics. It’s turbine is a guzzler and needs refueled several times In a day even if it isn’t moving. It requires vast expertise, experience, robust logistics and maintenance environment to use effectively — and even then, it was never meant to be used without all the other mechanized vehicles of war, soldiers, recon and tactical Intel, heli and fixed wing air support, air defense, and capable/secure coms. Otherwise they can be destroyed by shoulder mounted kinetic weapons ubiquitous in this war. The Saudi’s lost multiple m1’s to small-arms terrorist gangs with Russian, shoulder mounted, anti-tank weapons. It’s like everyone forgets Ukraine started this war with almost 2, 000 tanks, plus they’ve already been given all the Soviet era tanks held by former Soviet bloc NATO countries like Poland, , Romania etc. the same happened to the Leopard tanks Germany is offering — only in this case they were destroyed in Syria by anti-Assad militias, groups, terrorists etc. this is just trash reporting on every level. I can’t image the contempt necessary in order to propagandize and lie to your customers, fellow citizens, voters, and also the world at large. MSM is just garbage.


The US government supplied the Iraqi army with M1 tanks A few of them fell into the hands of terrorist. We sold about 200 M1 Abrams to Egypt. If Egypt and Iraq can’t be trusted with these tanks that I don’t see a problem with sending a few old M1 tanks to Ukraine. When I was in the desert storm the older M1 A1’s easily destroyed Soviet era tanks. It wasn’t even a contest.


It should say “Why Biden was told to change his position…” Joe doesn’t think on his own and I think it’s obvious to most Americans! I’d like to know the real reason they changed his position though! Was it because they think it will help in 2024 or is it just money??


How many American troops going so they can train them?


Sending these tanks is stupid.
They can’t be integrated and if we are to send tanks abroad it should be to Taiwan.


If I was Russia I'd start giving zero fks about holding back now. With NATO sending these tanks they have fully escalated this war.


I wonder who will maintain these complicated tanks?


What not sending Americans hard earn money


The Ukrainians really need tanks and I'm glad they're finally getting them. Leopards and Abrams will help a lot in the fight against the Russian occupiers


Imagine if we had sent all this weaponry to Ukraine at the beginning of the war. We could have avoided a lot of casualties...


This is just a stupid move. If NATO allies want to do this, then let them. We don't need to stick our nose over there and get involved or do something stupid to trigger the next WW..


I think that increased military aid and economic support for Ukraine can save people in this war.
Support Ukraine now! Vermont 💙💛 Ukraine


We best get our nukes ready and increase our reserves


There y'all go with this bull mess. Funny how this happened right after Frontline played that documentary at US presidents and Russia last night


Remember when the US gave weapons, vehicles, and equipment to the afghans that are now in the hands of the taliban...


Probably blackmail for the Biden’s is my guess


Ahh yes, how about we send some politicians paychecks to help support Ukraine.
