🗣 What is Quiet quitting? & why it's prevalent in tech culture

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What is quiet quitting and why are people doing it? In 2022, we see a "new" phenomenon in work life post-pandemic (well, not yet POST-pandemic but hopefully getting there). Working in tech companies my whole career, I share my insight as to why this is pretty common and prevalent in tech culture.

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(my video here and a quote from me is featured here too, check it out!)
Reiterating a point that I don't think some people are understanding - quiet quitting does not mean doing nothing. Quiet quitting means doing your minimum, and the "minimum" is still doing your job well. The minimum in tech is still a VERY high output; not doing more just means not taking on extra projects or tasks that don't relate to your scope just for the sake of doing more. This is looked down upon because the tech culture expects you to ALWAYS do more than what's required of you. Hope this clears it up.

Please note I am not a representative of the companies I have worked at and all opinions are entirely my own.

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A lot of truth here. Yes I quit last year after almost 14 years in the field. It was not an easy decision, but life is too short to dread going to work everyday. No amount of money can buy real happiness, but friends I'm not asking you to resign from your job or abandon your business but be wise!


Working for a company is like everyday arriving at a cult. There is a lot of BS you are expected to get swept up in. To be promoted you are expected to really embody the BS. I often feel the bosses have lost themselves in it. If you point out realities they can't see them through the rose colored BS glasses they have made part of themselves.


Hustle culture is working for the dreams and aspirations of the company shareholders, nothing more. Very glad to see younger generation starting to realize this.


As an early GenX/late boomer, don’t buy the company line like I did. Your life matters! This old dog finally learned! Enjoy a healthy work/life balance.


doing the minimum to get by is not quitting in any sense, it is exactly what companies do on their side of the bargain - they give you minimum they can get away with to keep you


Working remotely made me realise I did not want to waste hours of my life commuting. So I'll always opt for working remotely, for as long as I can.


Hustle only works great if you're the owner of the company. With hustling, you see the company grow and expand. But of you're not the owner, don't bother.


In technology I can only work as a consultant/contractor in this capacity I don't get involved in the internal politics/gossip or trying to impress anybody. I simply do as I am told & get paid for every minute.


Been doing this since 6th grade lol. There is at best a slim chance that working extremely hard will pay off in a big way, but it most likely won’t. Getting a B average in life takes about a quarter the effort it takes to get the A. The rest of that energy goes into me, my hobbies, friends, etc.


I work remotely for a USA company even though I'm not american. Omg, the boss just pushes and pushes more, he wants to squeeze even the tiniest bit of work out of you. Everytime you think "well I've gotten really good at this now I can relax for a couple of minutes" he comes out with another way to squeeze out those 2 extra minutes. This is what the extreme of competition and free market has brought us to, squeeze people to the bone, you are just a machine.
Why did I mention I'm not american? Because I believe most americans don't realize how much their life and culture revolves around work. Your identity is work, your time is work, your body is adjusted for work (think of running as a way to handle work stress), your mind is work, etc. Of course anyone can live their life as they want, but is it worth it? To what end are you even working so hard? Life goes by so quickly, do I want my 'life' to just be memories of me stressed out in my house behind a computer? I don't think so. We can do better people, push for unions, push for reducing the wage gap, push for quality of life instead of more senseless competition.


I've been quiet quitting for the past year and my boss has never been happier with my work 😂


As a 1 year veteran of "quiet quitting", I can say with absolute certainty that it's best to just quit. It's not worth it to your physical, mental, and spiritual being to live in constant resentment for long periods of time. Quitting is liberation. Quiet quitting is like a slave thinking that he's sabotaging his master -- the master is still the master and you're still the slave, no matter how you slice it. That only ends when you actually quit.


Hard work doesn’t get you recognition and rewards unless that work is focused on making the right people connections and with your manager. When I look at the people that get the platinum or gold awards at work, I know 90% didn’t do anything special except make the right connections.


This whole video makes me feel so validated. I’ve always viewed myself as a 9-5 guy, I go to work, I do my job and then outside of working hours my time is mine (barring any emergencies of course), but people look down on that in the tech industry. All anyone in tech wants is someone who lives and breathes tech and that’s just not healthy for anyone.

Work to live, don’t live to work


I’ve been quiet quitting for the past 5.5 years long before the pandemic. actually now that I come to think about it probably longer than 5.5 years, somewhere around 2015 is when I began quiet quitting. I've worked for 3 different companies since and the last 2 I've been quiet quitting since day one. I’ve come to the conclusion this is all complete absurdity and I just don’t have the energy anymore to put up an act. I don’t love tech that much or anything as a matter of fact. It helps that I'm a minimalist and live extremely frugal so whenever I get the axe I can lay low for a few months and not have to do anything.


Long-time quiet quitter here. I'm 53 and definitely work in a toxic environment where I have been wrongfully mistreated a couple of times so badly that it led to PTSD. They killed my confidence. It's taken a long time to start building it back up, but it's finally happening, because I have dissociated from the place and am focused on the rest of my life. WFH (now permanently hybrid) has done that for me - my WHOLE LIFE is no longer about this place. I am not interested in working for anyone else ever again, I have a dream of starting my own business but it takes a lot of time. So here I am - putting in my time and doing a "very good" job, but have ZERO interest in "climbing the ladder" or becoming some kind of middle manager.


This is exactly how I feel right now. Life's too short to burn yourself out. Just be happy. Live your life and love your friends and family. Enjoy the time that's been given to you. I mean, no one will ever lay on their death bed wishing they had worked longer hours. Or at least... I hope not. Great video!


I think for a lot of people in the IT field... we worked a lot of overtime through the pandemic. Some of it we were paid for, and some of it was just getting stuff done so others could do their job. And when we all went back to the office, we were then expected to keep up that same pace while adding back in all the office chatter, commute, etc. We are all just tired and burnt out.


I thinks it’s funny us millennials are simply naming stuff that’s always been a thing- but GenX & Boomers we’re too embarrassed to admit and discuss. You’re right, no one can go 100%, 100% of the time. Nice video!


After nearly 9 years as a registered nurse, I retired two years ago. It was not an easy decision, but life is too short to dread going to work every day. No amount of money can buy real happiness Lol. But, friends, I'm not asking you to quit your work or forsake your business, but rather be wise!
