Q&A ETD - Eustachian Tube Dysfunction - Other remedies to try

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If you have tried my ETD Exercise, TMJ and Sleep Apneas videos but you still have fullness in your ears, tinnitus, sinus issues, muffled hearing, ear pain, reduced hearing or problems with balance, this information could be great for you.

LINK to Microbiome Labs
I recommend starting with a minimum of 2 bottles of the Megaspore and 1 of the Mega-prebiotic.




Sinus and Eustachian Tube related videos that may help you
Sinus #1
Sinus #2
Sinus #3
Eustachian Tube Dysfunction

0:00 Introduction
0:05 Eustachian Tube Dysfunction
2:58 Anti Inflammatory Diet
5:13 Chiropractic Biophysics or CBP
7:56 Ozone Nasal Insufflation

Рекомендации по теме

Love to hear someone talk about self health care!!! "Take a hold of our ship and go get em!" Love it! Thank you for posting your videos.


Mr Adam Field; Thank you; you are a very kind man since you care about other people, this makes you a perfect human being.


Dude. I don’t know if you make any money off these videos but Iv learned more from you than all my ent and neurology doctors combined. The next step for me is balloon dilation and I’m terrified that it might worsen my symptoms so I’m gonna hit it hard with all of your exercises.


Women be aware that perimenopause can cause ear problems due to the drying up of mucus membranes. Estrogen falling affects ENT so much and can cause tinitus, clogged ears, sore ears, itchy ears and hot ears....perimenopause can also affect sinuses and increase allergies due to dryness and this can cause problems with ears like infections etc. Ive been suffering so much because of this lesser know symptom of perimenopause. Never had so much problems now with my ears. So much pain, infection, blocked up...😢


Dr. Fields, I cant thank you enough. I have suffered from clogged eustachian tubes off and on for many years. Recently, I've had a clogged eustachian tube for about a month and 1/2. So, I finally went to a local doctor and they told me to take some Zyrtec. Well, that didn't work. So, today I found you and started watching some of your videos. The first video was on messaging different part parts of the ears and skull. So I did that. Then I started watching another one of your videos and honestly half way through the other video I started to get mucus drainage from the messaging technique that I had learned from you just minutes before. Wow!!!! It was so simple, but so effective! I almost cant believe it. Thank you so much. I like that you want people to be more self sustainable when it comes to their health. That's a true sign of a good person.


I've not eaten any gluten, dairy, or sugar for 3 weeks, added Kefir and bone broth to my diet, very clean eating - and my ETD and resulting tinnitus (of 2.5 months due to allergies?) has slowly been improving. I also do one of the two massage videos you have posted 1-2x per day. I hope I continue to get better.


It's taken me a while to realize this is what I've been dealing with. This is the first time in my life with all these strange symptoms. And now I've made a major break-through in discovering your channel. Maybe we can deal with this after all! Thank you so much for these videos. I now have some knowledge, some techniques, and some hope!


My TMJ has gotten better! It went form my orthodontist telling me my mouth will stay with the two fingers opening which I refused to believe, to now having the full range of motion.. but now Tinitus is being the issue, my ears always feel "full" and with pressure.. this really helped a lot! I can even feel fluid moving around that area.. I loved this video because it also targets the TMJ. Thank you so much for your uplifting and positive videos


My ent doctor told me there was nothing he could do for my tinnitus. I have always used a wholes-tic method when it comes to my health. Using this techniques today has reduced my tinnitus. Your expertise is greatly needed and appreciated. Thanks for you compassion.


I am SO happy I found this. I am getting so frustrated with my ears. I have dealt with those for 3 years now.


Thank you so much Dr. Fields. You are a life saver. My doctor told me there's nothing they can do about my eustacian tubes collapsing except to take drugs. I'm doing the exercises you recommend & already I'm feeling some relief. I know with time my eustachian tube will be healed. Thank you again for your awesome advice. 🌻


Thank you for your videos !!! I'm loving these videos and you're actually providing some relief for us who have no answers from other Dr.'s


OMG!!! So HAPPY I found you! Been suffering with my left ear feeling clogged and Tinnitus. Feeling like there is no help😢. I decided to change my diet and went out today, will try everything you have recommended. THANK YOU for taking the time to help!!!!


I know you posted this video about two years ago. But you are so awesome for helping so many people and myself… have gotten great relief… i’ve had two surgeries many many years ago. Don’t really recall what the actual diagnosis is but I know I do have a malformed mastoid bone in something to do with my eustachian tubes that creates suction and makes my eardrum cone shaped. On and off through my entire life I have this clogged feeling it comes and it goes, Thank God, but your massage techniques are amazing.


Your warmness makes you likeable! Keep up the great work! We are human.


Thank you for posting the tutorial saving me time and travel. I’m all for mitigating issues natural ways before moving towards medicine.


I believe I have this. This is going to drive me crazy. I do have an appointment next week with an ENT. I'm about to watch this video.


Thank God with this help I'm completely healed now. I had clogged ear for almost a month because of chronic ear infection (otitis) I keep the exercises for about 6days, twice or sometimes 3 times a day, + proper diet, then suddenly all the mucus drained, it came out one after another I feel instant relieved. Thank you doc. Field. God bless you. x


I got tinnitus after covid recovery and I’ve been coming back to both of your videos addressing tinnitus and/or Eustachian tube dysfunction. They’ve greatly helped alleviate the symptoms.

I have good days and bad days, but these tips and the exercises in the other video reduced the severity of the noise to a manageable level. (I can sleep!)

Your charisma makes these videos easy to watch repeatedly. Hope we eventually get some new tinnitus content from you. I think the amount of people who came out of covid with tinnitus and neuropathic conditions are underreported. Although our condition may not be sinus related, you definitely helped me.

Thank you so much


I have been dealing with severe ear aches for the past two years. I found your videos yesterday. I started doing the exercises on your videos yesterday and it is already helping. thank you.
