TikTok Mom Feeds 1 Year Old Donuts For Breakfast..

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this is sad

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Aw her enthusiasm is so contagious and what a beautiful smile. The way she throws the plates down with all that fantastic energy. The imagination and flair for cooking is superb...what a mum.


This is 100% child abuse, if a parent actually cared about their kid they'd make something better than this


This woman hates her kid and herself
Get this kid away from this abuser. This child deserves better.


6:32 you are supposed to season the meat before you cook it and mix it into the meat, not dump it all on top and then fry it


She seems like the kind of parent that does not care about doing the right thing, if she can get away with the easy option. She propably knows that if she tried to feed the kids proper food they’d throw a tantrum, and instead of being responcible and standing her ground, instead just feeds them what ever they’ll eat as long as its done and over with.


My mom was smoking before i was born. She stopped just for me. I am very grateful and i feel sorry for the child in this video


This definitely makes me appreciate my dad. My mom was very neglectful and only cared about her school and work so my dad took care of me and my siblings. When my mom decided to be around this was her idea of taking care of us. I learned how to really cook from my dad and now I am able to cook for my family. You as a parent are the most important role model to your child in every way


I make my sister meals like eggs, grapes, and like half a bagel for breakfast. She’s 2 and it’s not too much not too little


She looks so annoyed while "making" the food.


You tell from the look in her eyes that there’s no love for her child. Just tired dejected apathy. This person should never have had a kid and should be ashamed of how little care she’s showing.


Sugar and Seed oils are awful for you, and eating them at such a young age damages your body for the rest of you life.


I was neglected and abused as a child, when it comes to my own son I could easily say, “I don’t know better!” BUT I KNOW WHAT “WORSE” IS SO OF COURSE I CAN FIGURE OUT WHAT BETTER ACTUALLY IS. It is borderline evil to me to know what abuse or mistreatment feels like as a child and then to turn around and do the same thing to your own kids, she is setting them up for eating disorders.

My son has ADHD so getting him to eat is an ordeal, he is literally the most picky eater I have ever met (myself included and I’m autistic lol) - I still try my best to teach him healthy eating and body image habits because my mom taught me basically nothing useful, even though I don’t inherently know better. This is disgusting, honestly.


everyone’s talking about the healthiness of the food and i’m insanely shocked that a ONE YEAR OLD is eating that much food in any sitting..


I had a one year old in my daycare class that literally only ate junk food, Cheetos and other snacks, and it took a harsh toll on her. She was constantly constipated and always felt terrible. Her mom didn't even try to feed her real food because she would throw a fit and didn't want to deal with it. It's definitely neglect, if not outright abuse.


My girls are 24 and 21 now. When they were 12 months old, I was giving them one large sized scrambled egg and a 1/4 of a banana, apple, or pear, with milk to drink for breakfast. Some days, it was 1/2 cup rice cereal (like oatmeal for babies and toddlers) and 1/4 of a banana, apple, or pear. I never gave them pancakes or waffles until they were much older. Even then, it was a couple yimes a month only. Their diet growing up was about 80% protein, very little processed foods and breads. That was just how I did it.


I couldn't cook when I first became a mom. But there's baby ready made meals. Qnd veggie and fruits are so good, my 5 year old knows a little about health and she asked me for a healthy breakfast today. I gave her a salad and fruit. Also my husband taught me how to cook. Turns out I had a bad childhood and grew up on pancake, hamburger helper, and ramen.


Man, I am fat myself due to a lot of trauma I will not dump on this channel. However, to pass it onto my child is a horrible habit to pass on. Donuts are a once in a while type of snack, not breakfast. She's wild for this.


Sad truth is that we live in a society where people value social media over anything else (it's all about clicks and views, no matter how stupid or embarrassing it is). Instead of feeding the kid fruits and vegetables, the kid is going to become one (later in life). The poor unhealthy habits start from day one and will continue for the rest of a persons life.


This makes me so grateful for my Polish grandmother who cooks two course meals with verity. For my father as well, as he cooked pretty healthy too. How difficult is it to make your child a sandwich? Even something as simple as ham and cheese. Yes it’s not the healthiest option for a sandwich but goodness it’s not doughnuts and fried food. 😢 You can have those once a week or whatnot but not every single day for every meal… Oatmeal is really easy to make as well- you can also just wash blueberries and throw them in! This isn’t laziness, it’s lack of caring- it’s so disheartening.


The worst thing is more that she is filming as if she's proud of her lazy and unhealthy behaviour. (tossing the plate, the attitude that she's projecting when cutting doughnuts, ridiculous amounts of seasoning on the meat) She clearly knows it's going to get clicks via outrage but she has no shame about it. Sad for the child if clicks actually mean more than the childs health. I fear that the mother will double down because of social media rather than even think about changing.
