Will Microwaving Food Give You Radiation?

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Can warming up your meal in the microwave have adverse health effects? Watch to find out.


0:00 Will microwaving give you radiation?
0:59 What is radiation?
2:31 Why you shouldn’t cook your food in plastic
3:16 Don’t stand close to your microwave
4:26 How to bulletproof your immune system

In this video, we’re going to talk about microwaves and radiation. Will using your microwave give you radiation?

Radiating means to travel outward in all directions from a source.

Radiation is the transmission of energy in the form of particles or waves through space or a medium.

There are two types of radiation: ionizing radiation and non-ionizing radiation.

Ionizing radiation breaks more or one electron from an atom. This kind of radiation has the potential to cause DNA damage. Examples of ionizing radiation include gamma rays, X-rays, and even UV radiation.

Non-ionizing radiation disrupts the bonds of molecules, but not necessarily the atoms. Microwaves use this form of radiation. They disrupt the molecules in your food, causing heat.

Microwaving your food will lower the nutritional value of your food. This also goes for overheating your food by other methods.

The real harm caused by microwaves has to do with cooking your food in plastic. Microwaves break down the plastic in plastic containers or plates and allow it to leach into your food. This can contribute to the accumulation of microplastics in your body.

Always use glass or ceramics when warming or cooking food in the microwave.

Avoid being close to your microwave while it’s in use—keep 15-20 feet of distance. Being too close to the microwave while it’s in use can affect the cornea in your eye. It can begin to cook the sensitive cornea.

Dr. Eric Berg DC Bio:
Dr. Berg, age 58, is a chiropractor who specializes in Healthy Ketosis & Intermittent Fasting. He is the author of the best-selling book The Healthy Keto Plan, and is the Director of Dr. Berg Nutritionals. He no longer practices, but focuses on health education through social media.

Dr. Eric Berg received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1988. His use of “doctor” or “Dr.” in relation to himself solely refers to that degree. Dr. Berg is a licensed chiropractor in Virginia, California, and Louisiana, but he no longer practices chiropractic in any state and does not see patients so he can focus on educating people as a full time activity, yet he maintains an active license. This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, and prescription or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Berg and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

#keto #ketodiet #weightloss #ketolifestyle

Thanks for watching. I hope this helped explain radiation and the risks of using a microwave. I’ll see you in the next video.
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I am a woman from eritrea africa and thank you for teaching me everyday.i wouldn't be here if I hadn't find your videos.. I wish you health and happiness.what a beautiful human being you are...


I’m very guilty of standing inches away from the microwave watching the food inside lol thank you so much for sharing such valuable info!


Hi dr. Berg, I am now at 37 pounds down from eating perfect keto since the middle of January. Thank you for everything.


As a physicist, I was pleased to see that you highlighted that microwaves vibrate molecular bonds but do not break them. From a physics perspective, the safety of wifi routers, cell phones, and microwaves is really about the rate that the water in your cells is absorbing that radiation and how fast the cells can get rid of it again. You'd think there'd be no damage since it's just a little heat, but if cells are getting warmed above body temperature for too long then the greater amount of random fluctuations will probably create biomolecular chaos.


My mother's oven broke and so she nuked all her food for years.
She lived till she was 94 a very healthy individual. It was a flu vaccine that killed her in the end. She loved her microwave


When I was in high school in the 1970's our Family Studies classroom got its first microwave oven. We were warned that it was very dangerous to stand in front of it while it was on. Back then no one stood in front of microwave ovens when they were on. However, over time we all forgot about that warning so I assumed modern microwave ovens are safe. But they're not! Thanks for bringing this warning back to our attention, Dr. Berg.


I'm far from smart and don't know how accurate and/or relevant this is but, I heard someone say that If you wanted to know if your microwave was safe.... stick your phone in it, shut the door, and try calling it. If it rings.... GET A NEW MICROWAVE! I don't know if that was just someone being funny or what, and I know we are mainly concerned with how THE FOOD ITSELF is being affected, but I just thought I'd throw that tidbit in just in case it was true so people could at least protect themselves from faulty microwaves. Someone could have just been "shiving me git" as far as I know, so take that info. with a grain of salt.

BTW Dr. YOU THE MAN! You are giving a lot of yourself to help others and (so far) seem to be on the side of plain (not so simple) truths and without the "go along to get along" speak! Granted I'm new here but from what I've seen so far.... you seem to be an honest good man not willing to hide from ACTUAL REALITY or create alternate versions just because the platform masters say so! Its like people have forgotten the value of truth and that living in a world where right is wrong and vise versa.... only creates chaos, confusion, and mass mistrust!

They have made it to where now, you almost can't trust that the treatment being recommended by doctor, hospital, IS ACTUALLY "FOR YOUR GOOD/HEALTH"! Its like the "FIRST DO NO HARM" oath has gone the way of the dinosaur! I never use to be leery of vaccines/treatment etc. but now, I am suppose to go get a heart monitor and to be honest, I'm not sure I'm going to out of mistrust they will be honest, or go by another "entities" "recommendations", or just simply "right" with the results.

I know that maybe seems "overboard" or whatever but I have been through a lot in my life already. I rolled my truck 19 times and you can imagine how broken I am. It was A MIRACLE we survived at all. Even the doctors/nurses at the hospital said so.... they even created new procedures because of our injuries (my brother was in the accident too).

That being said, things are MUCH DIFFERENT than they were in 2007! Once gov. took control of "treatment/procedures".... well, my trust in the healthcare field isn't what it use to be to say the least! My uncle (closer to a father to me) was given the "recommended" (wrong) treatment when covid first showed up.... he is no longer with us. My area happens to be one of "those" areas proven to have been WAY WRONG about a lot of things.... AND UNFORTUNATELY STILL WITHOUT ANY CHANGE IN COURSE.

I have had WAY too many surgeries in my life (and installed hardware) already and DEFINITELY don't want a pace maker or whatever if I don't REALLY need one! One things for certain, my injuries/health problems require medication for each and there's more than you can count on one hand! Don't get me wrong, I'M BLESSED TO EVEN BE HERE AND I KNOW IT, but the knowledge of that doesn't lessen the pain and agony

Anyway, enough whining. Thanks for your heart and character, they both show well!:) Its almost like you have brought "house calls" back to life!:) God Bless you and yours doc!:)


When microwaves first came out there were radiation warnings both in print and sticker on the door. They are now so commonplace that no one thinks twice of possible danger. The Dr. is correct about staying your distance.


I have not microwaved my food for 14 years, everyone laughed at me when i completely changed my diet and fasted to heal myself, i still struggle with my health, i dont know why...?
But now they wonder why I dont look my age lol

I even went so far as to switch to an old samsung flip phone that you can only take calls/texts, because i wanted to get off the tech grid. Those 4 years were the best ever, lowered my stress 🙏
I told ppl i only wanted to meet in real life if we were to socialize :)




I was waiting for "Microwave can spike your insulin". Damn, I feel cheated now 😂


Dr. Berg, literally 2 hours ago I was thinking, "I wish Dr. Berg would do a video on microwaves, " and then voila! I found this video you put up not even 17 hours ago! ❤ Your content is always top notch! I haven't used a microwave in almost 6 years but wasn't sure the exact benefits until this video. Thanks!


15 feet would put most of us in another room of the house entirely


Incredibly reasonable and comprehensive video. Great info.


I love how respectful Dr. Berg is when he talks about other's opinions


I have been using microwaves for 40 yrs. and only today I fully understood what it does. Thank you!


i agree with you dr berg whatever type of plastic even if labeled microwaveable is not to be used anytime..use ceramic!


I actually did a video on Microwaves VS toaster ovens on my channel last year. I threw my microwave out about 4 years ago. Once again awesome video...People need this information. Dr Berg you're in a league of your own!👍


You give so much💕! I hope you’re taking care of your own health and get some regularly recreational happy time too!
Happy Easter 🐥🐤🌼🌞


Haven’t used a microwave oven for 21 years, at all, not even at work for my lunch. I have a bento lunch box with a stainless steel dish and the main compartment acts as a Bain-Marie so I just put hot water in it half hour before my lunch and voila’. I use a regular oven at home.
