Sam Harris: What I Know About The REAL Donald Trump

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What’s your opinion of Donald Trump? Although I try to avoid politics as much as possible on my show, sometimes the subject naturally leads to an important event or person. In this case, my conversation with Sam Harris eventually led to Trump. To my surprise, I did not get a typical political answer. Instead, Sam analyzed him from a different point of view. Check it out!

🚨 My full conversation with the legendary thinker Sam Harris will air on 03/17/2024 at 5 AM (PT). Save the date and stay tuned! And hit the bell

Sam Harris is a neuroscientist, philosopher, New York Times best-selling author, host of Making Sense, and creator of Waking Up. His work touches on various topics, including rationality, religion, ethics, free will, neuroscience, meditation, psychedelics, philosophy of mind, politics, terrorism, and artificial intelligence. Harris came to prominence for his criticism of religion and is known as one of the "Four Horsemen" of New Atheism, along with Richard Dawkins, Christopher Hitchens, and Daniel Dennett.

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Is Sam right about Trump, or is he too harsh?


I agree with Sam. He paints a very accurate picture of Trump. I worry about the future of our country, that great experiment in democracy. I feel like things are falling apart. Rational voices are the only voices that will pull us out of this mess. My fear is that there are not enough rational voices.


Sam is hitting nail after nail on the head. The only disappointing thing about the video is that Brian doesn't seem to like it. Therefor thanks to post it anyway


Sam is spot-on. Agree with him 100% about Trump.

Keating's responses make absolutely no sense to me. Trump is regarded by the Jewish community as a "good father"? What? Are we talking about the same Donald Trump here? Also, I've never forgotten my wife's name and I doubt most men have. "Who among us hasn't done that?" says Keating. What a ridiculous statement. I'd say nobody has done that except Trump.


Sam Harris is the greatest observer and critic of Trump. His observations are astonishingly right on the money. This is one reason Harris is the most valuable observer and analyst of current affairs.


This doctor saying trumps a family man made me spit out my coffee. Thanks for the good laugh doctor.


Everything that Sam says here is true.


I don't know who Sam Harris is but I agree with his insights in this little video blurb. Like Harris, I see nothing in tRump['s persona but seemingly chaotic bullying aimed at immediate self gratification while eliciting eternal praise and blind faith by people who think he is smarter than he really is can improve this country by mere force of his personality.
I think General Kelly's assessment of tRump's personality as "transactional" accurately describes his overall motivation. I fear that his feeding that fragile ego at any cost may result in the downfall of American Democracy if he is reelected.


A lot of people here referencing Sams so called Trump Derangement Syndrome but in my opinion Harris is one of the few who is willing to give his unvarnished opinion on Trump. I think Sam is spot on in his assessment of Donald J Trump.


Sam is the only SANE person in our day n age. I do really mean it. He is aware of so much BS. We need him like light in a dark tunnel.


I'm very surprised to hear Brian calling Trump a good father. Not sure what evidence he sourced to come to that conclusion.


Trump's lack of mental health, in so many ways, makes someone like Nixon look just sort of "moderately screwed up" by comparison. Giving this nut-case the US Nuclear Codes possess enormous risks that should get much more US journalistic attention here. Friends of mine in W. Europe find the prospect of Trump's return to power truly uncler-inducing. Why don't more Americans?


The gorilla in the room is that non-Americans look at the Trump situation and conclude that tens of millions of Americans must be not too dissimilar from Trump to support him. And they know who and what he is. That's a sad indictment, and perhaps a revelation.


I used to regard Sam Harris as a top intellectual especially with regards to his religious debates, but because of his obsession and vilifying of Trump, I completely stopped listening to him (even the previous content). Believing that Trump is a threat to democracy almost equating him to the worst individuals in history makes me flabbergasted how such a rational human being could end up believing such absurd things. We already had Trump as a president and none what Sam is saying happened, and yet on and on Sam's obsession continues without an end. He keeps posting videos in which he elaborates how we are all doomed with Trump as if it were the end of our country and he is the only one to see it clearly, but all of us regular folks are brainwashed and can't see something so obvious. Again, how can such a deep intellectual end up in such extreme positions? It's a question for psychologists.


Sam’s not at all harsh. Trump is definitely a constant liar.


Well said, Sam Harris, well said and many of us question his humanity (or lack of.)


Brian: he is a good father, helpful guy. Really? 😅


Sam cites examples. It's not entirely opinion. For those that disagree with Sam, what has he said that is untrue? Please give concrete examples.


American presidents killing people around the world for oil, sam harris sleeps.
Trump forgetting his wife name, serious shit.


The problem is listening to this description is kinda funny.
