What I Eat for Lunch to Maintain my 50 Pound Weight Loss | WEIGHT LOSS WEDNESDAY - Episode: 246

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They say that variety is the spice of life, but for those struggling with their weight, it's also the spice of obesity, and the kiss of death for the food addict.

I simply steam my broccoli for 4 minutes in the microwave using this:

And roast my sweet potatoes for 60-90 minutes (depending on size) at 400 degrees F.

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Snickerdoodle Recipe:

I'm Chef AJ and I make healthy taste delicious.

Love & Kale,
Chef AJ
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You inspired me to do a potato taste test of my own. I discovered how delicious okinawan purple sweet potatos are. I didn't know potatos could taste that good! It's just a reminder that there is a whole new world of plant food varieties to try. Thanks Chef AJ!


I too love rice in a salad. My hunger doesn’t shut off without the starch, no matter how big the salad is. 🍚🍠


When I first watched Chef AJ I was shocked & aghast ! Of course I was as I ate the typical western diet - full of oil, sugar, salt. 5 years later my tastebuds have changed & I ❤️ Chef AJ, her recipes & advice. 👍👍👍


Very interesting. We are all different because I have to say that for me, variety is incredibly important in my food choices. I've been eating a WFPB diet for about 20 months and have lost about 65 pounds, stable for the past 6 months. I adore flavors and spices so exploring Asian/southeast Asian dishes has been really fun for me, particularly Japanese and south Indian foods. So many creative ways to cook vegetables with lots of flavor, no animal products, and delicious to boot! Today's lunch was a chilled japanese eggplant and myoga salad, steamed broccoli left over from last night's dinner, and 3 slices of grilled tempeh.


Just changed my diet, ordered the book, and doing exactly what she’s doing! We have great famers markets around us!!


Every time you tell us what you eat for lunch still blows my mind. 20 ounces of sweet potatoes I actually laid out 2 baked sweet potatoes for my lunch and the broccoli (which for me is no problem), and I have to say, I don't know how you get that much volume into your little tummy. I can't ever eat the whole plate. But you are right - that is such a delicious lunch or dinner.


I just got your Ultimate book this week, and have finished reading it, so inspiring! Thank you Chef AJ! I’ve been following Dr. McDougall for several years. I’ve already got several of your recipes earmarked to try this coming week!


I know you've said that you're bored by doing this but I enjoy these videos so much. Thank you Chef AJ!


You are blessing the world, Chef AJ! I am new to this lifestyle, and your book started me on this, so far, 9 day journey. I watch your videos and know that I can keep going. My blood pressure already came down 20 points from 6 weeks ago; low grade acne is gone; and my fingernail ridges are filling in. Oh, and I’ve lost 6 lbs. That’s for being my coach! 😊👍🏼


That should be the name of your new dessert book 'the fruit, the whole fruit and nothing but the fruit' very catchy!


Oh, I’ve so missed seeing you in your beautiful kitchen! Thanks for the suggestions!


‚Variety is the kiss of death‘. Very true. Studies show that when people have access to a wide variety of foods, they tend to consume more calories. And people in the blue zones don’t have very varied diets: about ten items they prepare in slightly different ways.


Thanks so much Chef AJ. I need to keep it simple... I appreciated this video so much. I have type 2 (well haven't been diagnosed by my fasting blood sugar is 130 and I occasionally get the tinny taste in my mouth. I don't have the unquenchable thirst and need to go to the loo as much, but the fasting blood sugar tells me enough. I am afraid of going to my Dr. bc I know she is going to want to put me on medication and I have seen what that has done to my wonderful father. I have been "consuming' as many of your videos as I can and I just discovered Adam Sud and the "Mastering Diabetes" course. I had been getting info from other sources (I don't like to mention names), but they say you have to stay away from carbs and all white products (potatoes, rice, bread, etc. So I get the white rice, white bread etc, but was so confused over potatoes. I will jump all into this and give your advice my top priority, buy your book and shelve the ones from the "other" source. I also purchased last night after watching your video with the "Mastering Diabetes" couple. Great video btw. Cute couple too. :) Thanks for being so inspiring. Peace xo


Hello Chef AJ. Yesterday I saw this video and those meals really tempted me hahaha. Today in the morning I decided to eat sweet potato and brocolli, with some cacao powder and a banana. It was REALLY DELICIOUS!!


I fast everyday ! My first meal is usually around 11. I’ll make it my brunch! I wA eating eggs for years. Now I eat either oatmeal with blueberries’ cinnamon’ chia seeds’. Walnuts. Or a bran cereal! With a fruit smoothie


Thanks for your sweet informative teaching on creating meals and eating them too! BLESSINGS!


And so much more expensive on a pension! Sometimes they sell a variety here in latino markets called boniato orientale, which are essentially white japanese sweets, love them when I can get them! I'm not a fan of the orange ones, so usually incorporate then into sauces or recipes just because they are so good for you.


I’m healing from Sibo and really encouraged by videos like this and want to extend gratitude to you AJ. Thank you. I got the Heather’s Tummy Fiber and progressive dosing is going well - so far up to 2 tsp x2/day. Slowly but surely God is walking me thru. Thank you for your helpful videos.
You give me hope that i can digest a wide variety again one day and heal my microbiome, colon, and neurotransmitter functions. 🙏🏼


I so agree with you, those Yams! Are Perfection. ✨I’m love them cold, so Sweet! That is my favorite meal as well, could eat them for each and every meal💕


Over roast the orange yams in fryer, scoop out the sweet flesh skins, put skins back in air fryer 5 min,
Toasty crunchy skins!
