Are you mature enough for an adult #relationship? #fyp #lifecoach #marriage #innerchild

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With all due respect, in regards to marriage and starting a family, 27 years old is not young for a woman.


Question! Does your husband act like a husband? My ass hole husband has had 2 affairs in 31 years. I was 8 months pregnant with our first when he did not come home till 4 in the am drunk. I was 21 he was 26. He has NEVER pulled a night duty with any of our 3 kids. He did not make enough money for me to be a sahm so I took part time jobs to work opposite him and he hated every minute carrying for our girls. My oldest is 30 and our youngest is 12. He is the most selfish person I know. My son in law does not even respect him. He at age 22 was more mature and a better husband to our daughter. He pulled all night duties with their son from the time he was born. He has watched what I’ve put up with the past 11 years he has been in our family and he and my daughter support me leaving him. I’m in bad health at 51. Had my first ambulance ride thinking I was dying. I was sent home 14 hours latter when it was discovered I had vestibular neuritis and very high blood pressure that has never returned to normal. I can not walk due to severe dizziness and needed people to get me drinks, food and help to the bathroom. I was so thirsty and asked him to bring me a glass of water. He screamed frustrated at me “I JUST SAT DOWN!” It has been a year and I notice little things that annoy him about my health and lack of energy that he looks down on me for. I am sick of hearing how women can not believe he is 55 and how handsome he is. He is always telling me this. His last affair that lasted 6 months was 14 years ago. I stayed and forgave him but we share zero love toward each other. As a Christian I do not believe in divorce but hoping death is quick as living with out love is not living. So your telling women to be a wife what if they did for 25 years and then stopped because she had enough. I pray he has another affair then biblically I can leave. I want to be loved and dream and have help toward a common goal. My husband has never planned a life with me. We have no 5 year plan or 10 year plan. Never have. I hate what my life has become.
