Why YOU Should Base in the Volcano | Don't Starve Shipwrecked Guide

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Welcome to a brand new Don't Starve guide! Today I'm going to show you all the benefits and challenges of basing in the Shipwrecked volcano, a location which has been made much safer from world-hopping in linked worlds as of the January 2023 Hotfix Beta. The volcano provides a slew of seasonal benefits and can be one of the safest locations for building in Shipwrecked. Hope you enjoy this Don't Starve guide and let me know what you love about this update!

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This video is current as of the 2023 Don't Starve Hotfix Beta.

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Gotta admit, imagine how OP you would appear to other entities of the Constant. “Hey, it’s that one human who lives in a bloody volcano!!”


I like that beefalo taming is somewhat on par with DST now, seeing as the issues relating to beefalo combat have been fixed and the ability to pick things on a beefalo have been added. The only thing we are missing now is the beefalo bell and I sincerely hope we can make enough noise for it to be added in the hinted QoL update this year!


So great to see both Klei and Jazzy dipping their toes back into single player. More like this.

Also, although most of my strats were covered in this vid, I've been tempted to main base the Volcano more and more, but for now I save it for Dry season. I make sure I have a live bird, 6 live butterflies, a full stack of oincs, and, among other structures, a prebuilt bee box, a spider egg, boards, bamboo, 8+ reeds and 2 seeds for a birdhouse and gears for an Icebox. Then once I get some gold and rocks from the volcano, I place my shanty and build my base including an icebox, a birdcage, and an ice3k. I use oincs to keep the altar happy, and I have monster meat, eggs and honey to cover my hunger, health, and sanity and abundant and renewable charcoal to make ice. also snakeskin and jungle tree seeds for bananas for sanity. I spend first dry season setting up my base and then collecting obsidian, cacti, and coffee plants. Apart from crocodogs I prefer an island base even during monsoon because I lay down a lot of turf, mostly snake rugs and cobblestones, although the mosquitos are still a pain in the ass, but once I have even seven cacti, the crocs are just mostly free meat, and there are more options for free farming with cacti off the volcano (butter, wings, feathers, etc).


Jazzy, thank you for not just making fun of a wiki inaccuracy and actually fixing it. As an editor, that means the world to me.

Wikis are big collaborative projects, so if you notice inaccuracies-- fix them! Don't just complain that dedicated volunteers aren't doing enough when they're already working for free. So thanks :)


I feel you on the bug fixes.
They make patching krissures being made safe thru a bug a priority but still havnt fixed seasons changing when going in and out of caves, coffee plant growing still being messed up or whatever tf is going on with dolphins


Oh hey, I had written that section on the wiki about the volcano mechanics years back. It seems that the bees have been fixed?
Haha, that reaction was priceless.


Oh, I know some of the answers to this!
It doesn't have puddles, no crocodogs, and you can deal with the volcano all summer!

I did it as Abigail in DST, through IA - Shipwrecked. I brought spider eggs up there and basically just ate meatballs with the ice maker, fed the volcano spider meat, and built base all summer. I ended up being completely self-sustaining up there, with a tar slick very close to the volcano for endless fuel. It was probably my most developed base... I've ever made!

EDIT: This wasn't mentioned in the video (And I can't recall if this was added by IA), but you can keep getting resources from the magma piles if you don't dig them up fully. They regenerate slowly over time! I had a steady supply of rocks, flint, gems, and gold this way. Though, there was one in my farm (I could have planned better, yeah), and I was afraid to dig it up fully to get rid of it because of the risk of an inferno-maker popping up in the middle.


A lot of "bugs", as we call them "DS mechanics" in chinese dont starve community, are not really bad for game experience, for instance catching fireflies in daytime or buring tree seeds to massively farm logs, especially they made a difference from DST


Yeah, I discovered this as well in my current Shipwrecked game. I first started the Volcano base to go feed the Altar, but found it was mostly just easier than my original island base and gradually built up the volcano base


Wow, you are awesome, I can't believe there is so much more to all this than I thought. I'm currently experiencing some weird stuff with Wendy and Abi's flower Via the volcano. Ghost Abs was on an island I died on, the touched stone spawned me far from her- I went to the volcano (for the first time- that playthrough and in general) and ended up with Abs flower. I left after about 120 seconds and abi was NOW WITH ME and in her *almost dead state* (most likely irrelevant) but I still had her flower. Klei is doing some amazing stuff and I love it all.


"I hate mosquitoes with all of my being" describes perfectly how I feel about them (the IRL ones though, haven't gotten to them in DS yet)


Can you still dig up the lava tiles? In the past, if you wear an ice cube and chilled amulet, you can safely stand next to the lava. Then, standing on the extra ‘ledge’ you get on tiles next to void, you can just barely select the pitchfork grid of the nearest lava tile and destroy it. Then you can telepoof onto this new barren turf and freely dig up all the other lava tiles as well. When you reload the world, the collision boxes get properly fixed and you don’t need to telepoof anymore.
Inside the pool of lava, Klei uses a couple invisible entities to create the lighting. These will remain so once you have dug up all the lava tiles you get a freely illuminated area. And the best part? The overheating aspect seems to be a part of the lava tile itself, so with those gone you neither overheat.
And the central area is also clear from any obsidian boulders and such so you can build freely.
Anyways, that bug was in the game and I do not know if it still is, but it’s great for making a base in the volcano center.


Funny that you posted this video i was just watching an old hamlet guide of yours and thought about watching a shipwrecked playthrough


i prefer basing in rainbow islands (the one with grassland + jungle + beach + mangrove + magma rock biomes) due to how most resources are near together + i can have easy source of foods there

sometimes i also base near yaarctopus + casino machine due to how i usually have like 4-5 fish farms + the dubloon backpack from the quacken rush i usually do during before first full moon lol

maybe if i get pc i might try basing in volcano ty btw for this video <3


You can’t block ash trees, obsidian boulders and charcoal formations from respawning. They have a 70 day respawn timer and they’ll always respawn on the exact same spot. So clearing obsidian boulders because they’re in the way won’t help you.
I was also sad to learn you can’t clear them with the living artifact.


its a poetic irony that the most "dangerous" land filled with hot lavas, deadly dragoons, and the source of all your meteor problems is actually legit the safest place to base once you get past the dragoon problem and stay away from the center


Wait, you never needed the city keys or building permits (i don't remember the acutal name) to unlock the hamlet house ( more importantly street


The best base you can set is in my heart, Jazzy.


Yooo i am so happy that don't starve single player is getting a update i hope we get reworks for the charatcers in single player also


Volcano base it is then. Let's goo!
