Fix it Fast! Rushed Base Recovery Guide (Clash of Clans)

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How to Fix a Rushed Account in Clash of Clans. Judo Sloth Gaming brings a step-by-step guide to help you Recover your Rushed CoC Base. There are a variety of tips for all players to Fix that Rush within the video and chapters have been placed throughout it so that you can use them as a reference point should you need to return and view again. Clash On!

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Video Chapters:
0:00 Introduction
1:19 What is Rushing?
2:07 Negatives of Rushing
3:30 Step 1 - Stop Rushing
4:11 Step 2 - Upgrade Farming Troops
5:19 Farming Army 1
6:19 Farming Army 2
7:10 Farming Army 3
9:40 Other Upgrade Recommendations
11:09 Step 3 - Resource Upgrades
12:12 Step 4 - Defence Upgrade Strategy
13:57 [Pro Tip] Upgrade Traps
14:27 Motivation and Patience
15:35 Builders! Rush the Builder Base
16:33 Gold Pass Value
16:54 Active Clan
17:32 Best Trophy Range to Recover
18:48 Base Layouts

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► Judo Sloth Gaming is a mobile gaming channel focused on Clash of Clans. You will see a variety of videos focused on Attack Strategy and 3 Star Attacks as well as Let's Play and 5v5 War Commentary. Clash On!
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me: upgrade town hall for one second

my clanmates: rushed


I have not rushed my base at all but I'll still watch it to support my favourite creator!


When you say " welcome back", i always feels like you are going to sing a song😂

Great work, keep it up !😄


Anyone else got bored and is watching this with a not rushed account


The best way to make people underestimate you is:
Just don’t upgrade your walls, and if they don’t look properly, they will think it is really easy to beat


I´m happy to hear you say "stop rushing". There are WAY too many players doing that and ruin their chances to be in a good clan and cause stress for themselves, making this community sour to the core. Don´t rush guys, take your time, you will enjoy the game to the fullest.


Dividing video into different sections, creative style to teach, covering all minute details. It's
Really nice to see your videos.


I just upgraded to th9 today. I was so rushed going into th 8 and I’m now not rushed at all. Pretty proud


I’m a th9 just upgraded from th8 I get attacked by th11s


im not rushed at all, i started at 2014 and it was alot harder to upgrade walls so my walls are still 9/10 but my defenses are kinda good rn


Damn I’ve been waiting for this video looks like you read my mind Judo Tnx a lot 😇😉


Really a much awaited guide. Everything needed to know in just 20 min! Thanks Judo


sneaky goblin farm army: "Am I a joke to you?"


I played this when I was young so I just thought that having a higher level town hall made me cooler


The 2 legends Judo and Jo posted about the same topic in the same day: rushed bases


My advice to players with rushed bases:

1. You should not completely neglect your offense including your heroes, even if you're rushed you should at least be able to 2 or 3 stars bases that have the same townhall level as you. If you can't do that, then you're pretty much useless and better off making a new account and start over.

2. If you're looking for a decent clan with high level players, you MUST have something to offer that contributes to clan, either by having high trophies or donating huge amount of high lvl troops. Most decent clans are not accepting rushed base players is because it's giving their clan a bad rep to decent players that are interested in joining the clan. And for them, rushed bases are problem and if you're joining a clan that means the clan members have to help fixing it meanwhile they got their own problem.

3. Lastly, if you got accepted at a decent clan and your offense completely suck (read point number 1), do not force the co lead or leader to put you in war, because you would be a let down.

If you feel insulted after reading this, I'm sorry but I'm telling the truth


I love how you simplify everything so everyone can understand


I recently played back coc with a rushed th12 acc (around th9-th10 standard) and was so happy to see a guide on how to fix a rushed acc, very informative, definitely worth subscribing


I’ve never had a rushed base.. and I’ve been playing since 2013😂


I just love his welcome voice perfectly syncing with intro song. Great intro sir!
