Ultimate Guide to Dune (Part 7) Chapterhouse Dune

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Throughout the corners of the old empire, the Spider Queens web runs. Great Honored Matre Dama seems hell-bent on the destruction of the Bene Gesserit sisterhood. Many of the sisterhood’s planets have been discovered, the remnants of the sisterhood on those worlds scratched out, burned away, the surfaces scorched by the Honored Matre Obliterator weapons. Millions of those under the protection of the Bene Gesserit sisterhood had already fallen to the wrath of the honored Matres. But the Spider Queen was still searching, she knew that it mattered not how many arms of the sisterhood she cut off if she could not find their center, the dwelling place of Mother Superior Dwari Odrade. A secret world which the Bene Gesserit called Chapterhouse.

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"The Bene Gesserit knew that hierarchical bureaucratic systems were always in danger not because absolute power corrupts absolutely, but because power attracted the corruptible."
I like that take.


And Quinn wept. For there were no more worlds left to conquer.


I've always been devastated that Frank Herbert died before completing his vision. I don't think where Brian and KJA took the series was the original intent. The face dancers became something more than themselves. I want to hear that story


It's interesting how the Dune books seem to oscillate between books that feel tight in their plotting and books that feel dense in their depths. God Emperor and Chapterhouse feel at times monolithic in the weight of their themes and the scope of their vision, whereas Children and Heretics have more of an adventurous tone to them that makes them more satisfying on initial read, but the God Emperor and Chapterhouse are the wellsprings I keep going back to, if that makes sense.


Dude, it’s perfect. I got chills every time I watched this. Creating the music for Chapterhouse was an incredible journey! Thank you for asking me to be a part of this project!

Cannot wait to see where your channel goes next! Though I kind of already know since I’m making the music for that next thing right now 🤔


Despite having read Chapter House so many times, your narrative makes it seem like it's the first time. Great job :D


Frank Herbert not finishing Dune is like the burning of the library of Alexandria. it feels like a huge piece of the human story is gone forever.


My guess is that the concept of breakaway Face Dancers with Daniel and Marty was one similar to Other Memories of BG and Leto II. They capture personas of others so perfectly, so completely that each person added becomes another Other Memory in their mind, and who knows, maybe each of their Other Memories as well. That would mean their knowledge and vision would increase geometrically with each added persona, combined with their far superior technology, turning them into Kwisatz Haderach-like beings, far beyond even Leto II's or Duncan's and Teg's capabilities. Yet through all of that, they have no inherent personal identity, they must create one themselves. There is an artificiality to them, a sort of antithesis to what humanity is, as seen and described by Herbert.

I don't know what their purpose was, or if it was anything beyond a self insert by Herbert and his partner, but whatever it was, I think they ultimately failed at it when it comes to Duncan and the no-ship. The feeling I got when Duncan set the no-ship towards an unknown destination they were forever separated from the rest of the story, the Old Empire, the Matres and the Ones of Many Faces. That's a real Scattering moment, setting out blindly into an unknown corner of a seemingly infinite universe. Once the travel was complete, they were truly and completely alone, separated from everything they had ever known. I would assume Frank would have brought them into contact with another pocket of Scattering in the next book, using that opportunity to explore other dimensions of the Scattering and its effects on humanity. I don't see any reason why any of the characters in the no-ship would ever have a reason to or have the means to return to the Old Empire. Who knows, there isn't much to go on with.

Back in the Old Empire I would expect a lot of disorder and restlessness happening due the unification of BG and HM, the breaking down of the dogmas of the Butlerian Jihad, and the anxious anticipation of the inevitable arrival of the Ones with Many Faces. It sounds like the buildup to Kralizec, and if the no-ship crew were somehow tied to it from the other end, it would be very interesting. Perhaps on the contrary to what Frank's son imagined, the machines weren't going to be the great enemy, but the future of the BG/HM organization, with their first steps towards Cyborg production taken. Maybe the point was going to be that humanity had finally evolved and progressed enough to reintegrate artificial intelligence into the human society, and that would somehow work towards the establishment of a universal democracy that Frank once hinted would be the ending point of the series.

Anyway, congrats on finishing your grand project! It has been a fun journey and has also been great to discover others as passionate about Dune as I am. I personally would not be interested in delving into Brian Herbert's books in the slightest, as from the most basic outline they clearly and grossly miss Frank's vision, but others might disagree with me. I would personally recommend you the Mars trilogy by Kim Stanley Robinson, whose writing is somewhat similar to that of GRRM. I think you would enjoy them a lot, and I'd love to see your take on them too.


I have to agree with the Organism. I always thought Daniel and Marty were meta characters, like a self-insert from Frank Herbert, meant to be Frank Herbert and his wife, Beverly Herbert. I got the feeling he knew he wasn't going to be able to complete the story, so those two characters, gardening, watching the inhabitants of the no-ship, discussing them getting away, and their plans for them, were like Herbert admitting the ending had escaped him, perhaps due to age or health, as the couple gardening invoked images or feelings of an older, retired couple, reflecting on life, and the inhabitants of the no-ship, Herbert's characters, his creations, were like his children, and he had great hopes, dreams, and plans for them, but he knew he wouldn't be able to see what becomes of them. I certainly never thought they were robots from before the Butlerian Jihad, though I did think the Honored Matres may have been feeling some remanent of the old thinking machines who were trying to go on with their existence beyond the human occupied space, only to have their ancient enemy and creators invade their space. But then again, I wasn't the one to find boxes and boxes of notes in an attic that contradict much of what was actually written in the original novels, so what do I know of Frank Herbert's intentions for continuing the Dune universe...


It's been a long time, but well worth the wait!


"Everything about you is a cesspool. You have no style."

It was too much.

Best line in the book, I genuinely laughed.


Your Ultimate Guides helped me get through the toughest part of my life after my accident. I can’t count how many times I’ve listened to each one. I would even listen to them in my sleep. Your voice, the music, the images, your wording have all been perfect and life/ sanity saving. Now I am living what feels like the start of a peak in my life, a time of reinvention and self discovery/ evolution. This final Ultimate Guide could not have come at a more perfect time of my life. Thank you for putting so much thought and passion into these invaluable and timeless works!


I can only imagine how much work went into this masterpiece. Thank you Quinn and Jamez!


when i die and if i go to the afterlife. the first thing I will be doing is finding frankherbert and asking him to tell me the end of this series. when starting this series I had no idea it was never finished. there will forever be a dune sized hole in my heart, mind, and soul


I'm currently on the third book thanks to you and the movie, so I'll skip this one to avoid spoilers. But here's my comment and like as a thank you, Quinn; this channel should blow up as the years pass and it's well deserved.


Having encountered you years ago, myself a self anointed Dune expert, I absolutely love your breakdowns and analysis. I’ve waited a long time for this one.


It's crazy to think how influential your coverage of the Dune series is. You got me into the books in 2019, and you really helped create the market for dune on the internet. You definitely deserve some credit for the popularity of the films that we are getting.


Clearly Quinn's promises can be trusted to be fulfilled, no matter how long it takes. A plan coming to fruition across countless generations of youtube videos!


It's been 84 years.... thanks for making this!!!!


Quinn helped me get into Dune a few years ago and its great to see his channel grow. Glad we finally got this guide.
