The True History and Meaning behind Yom Kippur

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Yom Kippur service at the Assembly of Called-Out Believers

The Eternal One tells us Yom Kippur is an eternal statute in Leviticus 16:29-30, “And it shall be a statute to you forever that in the seventh month, on the tenth day of the month, you shall afflict yourselves and shall do no work, either the native or the stranger who sojourns among you. For on this day atonement will be made for you, to cleanse you. Then, before the Lord, you will be clean from all your sins."

Leviticus 23:32 instructs us, "It shall be to you a Sabbath of solemn rest, and you shall afflict yourselves. On the ninth day of the month beginning at evening, from evening to evening shall you keep your Sabbath.” (This year this falls from the evening of Wednesday September 15th through the evening of Thursday September 16th)

May your time of deep soul searching and repentance as you fast and pray merit your name being inscribed and sealed in the book of life!

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I want to say thank you for all your teachings. I have just recently found your teachings and I have been so blessed. I am a born again Christian. And have been on a journey for a long time to learn from a Hebrew perspective the roots of my faith. Thank you for the precious depths of the Word of God.


I was feeling so down not having a place of worship today especially on Yom Kippur I feel welcomed and one with the group and I prayed 🙏🏾 for Yah to help me draw near to "him" so I can atone and as always Yah comes through for me and present this beautiful teaching in my time of need. Wish as a "black jew" if you will I could come to a place of worship like this.


This is my Wife and mines first Yom Kippur. This was a great study for us. Bless you.


Rabbi Isaac you are intentionally on point, well said, wow!! This is deep CORE heart surgery not just for the season of repentance but daily. My God. Thank you Sir ⚖️


Listen...Hit pause... Relfect... Hit play... Then repeat .. Then start all over again and take notes this time round :):) ....My goodness I am learning so much!


Thanking God Almighty who works through you to give us knowledge of the truth of the TORAH i surrender all my being unto YEHESHUA


Todah rabah Rabbi Yitzchak for your ahavatecha and zeal to teach us Torah, baruch ata Adonai Elohynu, HalleluYah amein


Without the shedding of blood there can be no atonement..
Mashiac Yahusha is our atonement Amien 💕💕


Thank you so much all of your teachings. I have watched many of them and have learned so many precious truths from you. I have been following Torah for the past ten years, but have learned much of the beauty behind His commands, statutes, and His feasts from you. Thank you for all you do Pastor Isaac!


Pastor Isaac, thank you for the bible verses which you have pointed out to us of Yom Kippur and your prayer to all the children of God. Psalms 19:10 The words of GOD are more precious than gold, than much pure gold; they are sweeter than honey, than honey from the honeycomb. Thank you Father God for His selfless love.


These teaching are revolutionary in the understanding of the Scriptures. Imagine the blessings that humanity would have received had these lessons been available to everyone. Instead of persistent errors there would be correction; instead of indifference there would be love; instead of envy blessings. The world would be aglow with the holiness of God, all things being equal. The inclusiveness God placed upon Israel was to preserve the authenticity of the message that they had to give to the world. Blessings are for sharing not for hoarding.
Even now we are thankful for these lessons as they either work to confirm the effects of the Holy Spirit on the understanding of the ancient word, or open doors for us to answers we have been seeking.
For this we give thanks to God for his messengers and pray that the blessings of mercy will be upon them. God bless you David in your ministry.


How beautiful and pure and perfect is the Word of the Lord Almighty. The holy spirit is upon you. You are a faithful blessed servant.


Thanks Rabbi Isaac for astonishing teaching. This my first Yom Kippur. Adonai bless you and Assembly.


Excellent teaching Rabbi Isaac. May God continue to bless your teaching and ministry for His glory. I'm so grateful and I thank God for leading me to your ministry. It's has been so wonderful to be able to connect the dots with biblical truths, doctrine and growing closer with building a relationship with my Heaven Father. Praise His Holy God is so good! He's so good to


Grateful these teachings are available...Blessings


Truly grateful for the instructional lesson . May Abba continue to bless you


HalleluYAH! Todah Rabbah for this wonderful service! It greatly Blessed me today as I observed Yom HaKippurim! ABBA'S Blessings be always upon you! Baruk Atah YHWH! Baruk Atah YAHUSHA! HalleluYAH!!!


I'm so glad that I've found your video's on YouTube! I learn a lot from you, even from your 'college'' - (Jewish -) teachers. GOD bless you! 🕎 ✝️ 🇮🇱 ❤️ The Netherlands 🇳🇱


What a beautiful message abt the caracter of our Heavenly Father & Yeshua


It a blessing that I came across this clip whilst I was studying Leviticus... You just smile seeing the Types and Symbolism's therein...
