YOU WERE LIED TO ABOUT THANKSGIVING! History and Origins of Thanksgiving | Native American History

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✨Welcome to another eye-opening episode of the Mythical Arcana podcast! Today, we’re peeling back the layers on one of America’s most celebrated holidays: Thanksgiving. In this episode, we’ll uncover the real story behind the holiday’s origins, the truths about the Pilgrims and Native Americans that often get left out, and how the cozy narrative you learned in school may not be as accurate as you think. Was it really a harmonious feast of gratitude, or is there a darker, more complicated history hiding beneath the surface? We’ll also explore the impact of colonization on Native American tribes and how their perspective reshapes the meaning of this holiday. Grab your plate (and maybe a side of skepticism), because this is the story of Thanksgiving you weren’t taught in school. 🍂 YOU WERE LIED TO ABOUT THANKSGIVING—let’s uncover the truth.

00:00 Intro
00:10 Thanksgiving
01:43 Origins
03:41 First Thanksgiving
06:34 Complicated Relationship with Native Americans
09:35 Early Thanksgivings
12:30 Sarah Josepha Hale
15:48 Intermission
16:28 Thanksgiving becames a national holiday
20:07 National Day of Mourning
22:59 Modern Thanksgiving
27:16 Outro

🍂 Thanksgiving Explained: Dive into the "Thanksgiving Documentary" and uncover the "True Origin and History of Thanksgiving" in this detailed exploration. From ancient harvest festivals to the modern-day feasts, discover how Thanksgiving has evolved through centuries of tradition and transformation.

📚 Thanksgiving Stories: Enjoy a collection of "Thanksgiving Stories" that bring to life the diverse experiences and traditions that define this holiday. From the first 1621 feast to contemporary celebrations, these stories capture the spirit of gratitude and community that Thanksgiving represents.

🎙️ Mythology Podcast: Tune into our "Mythology Podcast" where we delve into "Thanksgiving Folklore" and the "True History of Thanksgiving." Join us as we explore how mythology and history blend to create the narratives that shape this beloved holiday.

🌽 Thanksgiving History Explained: Get a comprehensive overview with "Thanksgiving History Explained," tracing the origins from ancient times to the present day. Learn about the Pilgrims, Native American history, and how these narratives have been remembered or forgotten through the ages.

🎧 ASMR Mythology for Relaxation: Relax with "ASMR Mythology for Relaxation" featuring soothing "ASMR Stories" themed around Thanksgiving. Perfect for unwinding, these narratives blend historical insights with soft-spoken storytelling to enhance your holiday relaxation.

Whether you're interested in the historical nuances or just looking for some heartwarming tales, this channel has something for everyone this Thanksgiving. Don't forget to like, comment, and subscribe for more content on Thanksgiving and other cultural celebrations!
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The story of Tsquantum is inspiring. He had been kidnapped and enslaved by Europeans, but was bought and freed by Christian monks. He learned to enjoy beer, he worked his way back to where his village had been, and found it gone. He then helped the English pilgrims, asking them for a glass of beer. The fact that he knew the Spanish and English languages and cultures, as well as native American, was a major help in bringing the peoples together.


We should put this much energy into sharing the stories of all those angels that helped .


"The earth is God’s.” (Psalm 24)We begin by acknowledging that this land belongs to no one. We then honor the ancestral Native peoples who cared for this land, followed by our own immigrant ancestors who endured hardship to come here. We then thank those who cooked our meal, and those who planted and harvested the food we eat. Finally, we state our commitment to sustaining the land for future generations.


Thank you for sharing this with everyone personally for me I don't celebrate any Traditional or American holidays.


Yes! The joy of the more better good to celebrate a day of thanks!


Then the pilgrims show their true demonic nature, DEVILS


WHAT THE...?! OH MY...?! OK, I get it everyone everywhere do not be happy or look forward to anything like ANY AND ALL HOLIDAYS OR BIRTHDAY DAYS ( not sure if it is an actual holiday but it is something good some look forward to) anyway that being said we all OR most people know There is Negative and positive Knowledge and/or information about holidays. Now here's where your freedom of choice to view it negatively And bark about it till the day you die Or you can choose the positive look forward to it and enjoy That's specific day With those you love ❤. Whatever you choose is again, you're freedom of choice, So make your choice & then: SHUT UP YOU BORE ME


Dial it back a bit with all the AI art. I understand it's very easy and convenient but there's often weird and creepy attributes sprinkled throughout like corn that's the size of a man and instances where the people are smiling and laughing but their eyes look like they're terrified which is very creepy.


In the past few years have begun to question as to why we're celebrating a holiday where Indians were, beaten, tortured, assaulted, & forced out of their homes & had their lands taken from them. Because white people tried to & eventually forced their way of life & religion onto another group of people who already had their own beliefs & ways of living. Instead of saying "Ok, you don't like what we're selling, that' fine we'll just move & leave you alone." they're like "Look it worked for us it'll work for you now you're doing this whether you like it or not."


Wait...are you saying i stead to having fun with my family eating turkey, i was supposed to destroy the enemy?


Arrogance brings about failures, violent control. Worry not, for the goddess of the earth is preparing to bring about the cleanse.


Until Very Recently I didn't realized how Deferent how the American and Canadian Thanksgiving are Not only the Organs For Each is Deferent But also while You American's Celebrate Family we Canadian's Celebrate Nature and the Ground more Specifically The End of the Harvest Season. And not only that but also the Canadian Thanksgiving used to be Random before Parliament finally decided to just keep it on the Second Sunday of October. But the Rest is Still the same we still get together and watch Football but in our case it's CFL and Eat Turkey with Family and all of that. With the Only Deference being of course Black Friday. I would Imagine instead of Black Friday we would be Getting Ready for Halloween. Anyways for Full History I Suggest Searching Out Videos on it right Hare on YouTube (Duh) Because I've only just Learned about it and Sadly it hasn't been Ingrained in my head yet.


My best friend is Wanponoog. It is true.


Why do you think there is always an arguement in the family at thanksgiving . The same complexities of human interractions


Thanksgiving is quite honestly one of the best holidays ever created.

Literally, it's only fault is that the Feast at Plymouth Rock of 1621... which was barely mentioned in the journal, which wasn't discovered until 1822, whose famous "First Thanksgiving" painting wasn't made until 1923.

Is that feast the reason the holiday exists? No, not at all. That's like saying we celebrate Christmas because of the "Christmas Truce of 1914" or because of St. Nicholas... or heck, even the birth of Christ.

The reality is Christmas predates all of these events by centuries, even millenia... and Thanksgiving is simply the Fall/Autumn counterpart.

Thanksgiving is not religiously grounded, nor unique to any race of people. It was the "harvest festival" and, much like Christmas, had historical stories tacked onto its lore... and quite frankly, the story of the First Thanksgiving, is a beautiful one. I have no doubt there is an alternate timeline where after said feast, the colonists and Indigenous were one people... sadly that wasn't the case, and we cannot underscore that aftermath.

But we cannot hold Thanksgiving to that completely unrelated story either. I would love to see a day when the entire world comes together, and celebrates Thanksgiving.


It probably took hours to cook and roast and bake, etc for all of those people years ago.😊


The Indians were unwilling to accept the demise of their culture…change….and diversity the invaders brought with them. The were afraid of the culture the invaders brought with them…the invaders risked theirs lives trekking across an unforgiving ocean to come to a new land to seek a better life…the Indians should have embraced the invaders with open arms and accepted their imperfections….after all, the invaders came to the new land to do the work the Indians didn’t want to do.


Theses drawings of the 5$ Indians just not going to make the team 😂


Akwe:kon enska entitewahwehnon:ni ne onkwa’nikon:ra tanon teiethinonhwera:ton ne onkwehshon:ah ne akwe:kon sken:nen akenhake tsi teionkwatawenrie ne ken:tho ohwentsia:ke tewen:teron…eh kati’ niiohtonhak ne onkwa’nikon:ra.


For my family at as always meant deer hunting
