ERIC BERG IS WRONG? - Dr. Westman Reacts

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While Dr. Eric Berg loves to share helpful keto tips, he’s also known for promoting all sorts of products like ACV and vitamin D 💊🤔Is he a true keto advocate, or a supplement-pusher that needs to be fact checked? ✅

“Change your food, change your life!”

Dr. Eric Westman and his Adapt Your Life Academy team are on a mission to empower people around the world to transform their health through the science-backed benefits of low-carbohydrate and ketogenic diets.

Dr. Westman is an obesity medicine specialist and trusted expert in the therapeutic power of carbohydrate restriction, and clinical research, and has treated patients using low-carb keto diets for over twenty-five years. 
He makes keto SIMPLE, so that YOU can LOSE weight, REVERSE chronic disease and GET the RESULTS you want.

Get started NOW by grabbing our FREE GUIDE – 10 Tips for Starting Keto Right. 

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Dr. Eric Westman, Associate Professor of Medicine at Duke. He is Board Certified in Obesity Medicine & Internal Medicine, & founded the Duke Keto Medicine Clinic. He is a Fellow in The Obesity Society. He is the author of The New Atkins for a New You, Cholesterol Clarity, and Keto Clarity, and End Your Carb Confusion & co-founder of Adapt Your Life.

Disclaimer: Nothing on our channel is medical advice. 
Dr. Westman and the Adapt Your Life team do not diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any medical conditions online. We provide education to help people better understand their own health and support their well-being. Make sure you are working with YOUR licensed provider to monitor your health and medications. These posts and videos are not designed to and do not provide medical advice, professional diagnosis, opinion, treatment, or services to you or to any other individual. We do not promote or endorse affiliate links and/or products unless they are our own.
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I am a cardiac patient with no heart attacks. Blockages were found after a 2980 cac score 4.5 years ago. I take 2grams of flushing niacin, CoQ10, k2d3, Nattokwinase, and serrapeptase everyday. I have lost 240lbs on keto for 3 years and now carnivore for 1.5 years. I reversed t2d, HBP, Ed, anxiety, sleep apnea and more. I came off of all 12 pharma drugs “doctors” had me on for over 25 years. Hdl is 60, triglycerides are 69, ldl is 90, fasting glucose is 97 and BP averages 115/67.


I don’t take any doctor seriously if they are not humble enough to admit they don’t know everything.


Thanks Dr. Westman. What you talked about was exactly what happened to Me! My Dr. Who I see because I'm on Blood Pressure meds, Wanted to also put me on Statins because my Cholesterol levels were a little high, This was just when I started a low carb low sugar and low Alcohol "diet" I said "I don't want to take any Statins" In time using this Diet, My Cholesterols, Triglycerides, A1c and Blood Pressure all came down to Normal levels as I lost almost 50Lbs of weight around my Middle! So now almost two years later I take a very low dose BP Meds and no other drugs needed, All because I followed a near Keto diet and exercise every day! I am near 70 and feel better now than when I was younger!


Thank you Dr Westman … your calm explanations and sound experience are always worth hearing to me.
Experience does matter.


This is the weirdest video with all three Youtube celebrity doctors in one video reviewing each other.


Hi, thanks for the video. I agree that lifestyle is absolutely essential. No vitamin, supplement, or drug will ever replace a healthy lifestyle.
If you’re interested, I’m more than happy to do a podcast with you to discuss this topic? I think it would be a really interesting conversation


I have never had cholesterol problems but was put on ststin and had side effects. I took myself off them and I'm much better for it.


Thank you! Muscle side effects are not the only side effects of statins that were ignored. (Suppressed?)


If I were to ask my (NHS) GP, here in England, if they would send me for a CAC or for a Carotid Ultrasound to check my “cardiovascular risk”, they would be trying not to laugh at me. 90% of the UK population would have to wait for a cardiac event to have either already happened, or be obviously imminent before getting any such “luxury” on our beloved NHS.


DR Berg is a very good educator, I’ll give him that!


I find Dr Stanfield is just a regular GP pushing the regular guidelines based on the W.H.O. advice which is deeply flawed.
Dr Berg and yourself certainly seem to be on the right track of trying to avoid medication if possible and going down the natural nutrition low carb/keto route for good metabolic health.


Dr Berg introduced me to Keto I benefited tremendously, I owe him a debt of gratitude. At some point I learned he is a Scientologist and I immediately stopped following him. Maybe others are finding this out themselves. These days I'm looking at Dr Hyman, Thomas Delauer, Dr Ekberg, Dr Ken Berry and Dr Westman...


Dr Berg has helped me in huge ways and his information has been unimaginably helpful in a plethora of ways.


Niacin has never been shown to be harmful. It can cause flushing in higher doses. The negative studies only showed it wasn’t as effective at lowering LDL as statins.


Dr. Berg DC gives great information in a short and simple video and that is what makes him a successful YouTuber. I haven't found any doctor on YouTube give perfect information but nonetheless very useful. I have M.S. and have followed a KetoVore diet with much success. Loss of belly fat, more energy...


I think Eric is a good man and he's doing his best to follow the good science. It's obvious he's giving it his all and he is not a click bait crook. He doesn't have the best education nor is he an actual scientist but he's trying. There's some common sense things I believe he gets wrong. Like eating anything other then red meat to get some elusive micro nutrient. I think it's pretty obvious by now to most thinking people that we as a species evolved eating mostly red meat for the past 200, 000 to 500, 000 thousand years. None of the plant foods humans eat today were even around more then 3, 000 years ago, we created them through botany. Hell just a few hundred years ago we started moving certain very popular plants around the globe like tomatoes to Europe or Potato's to Great Britain and pine apple to Hawaii. So no we didn't evolve eating plants and plants are certainly not better for you then fresh healthy fatty red meat. And everyone should know by now that Ketosis is the natural state of humans not eating sugar and processed food. What animals do we know today that process food before they consume it? And I don't mean bees making honey or cows chewing cud because the processing is just regurgitation. Zero. Ants do cultivate mold but I think that's just a natural breakdown process not to be confused with processed food.


I read Jeff Volek and Steve Phinneys book today’ “ The art and science of low carbohydrate “. A revelation. Well worth a read.


I agree with Dr.Westman... do a lifestyle change first and observe how your blood sugar and your blood pressure decrease gradually. Do check your cholesterol level as Dr.Westman suggested in his other podcasts.Please consult your Primary Physician or Cardiologist like I did 😊😊😊 experts advise.


The dutch professor Frans Russel has discovered why Statins cause so many side effects. It concerns the substance Lactone that is involved in Statins. Research shows that the lactone form inhibits an essential part of energy production in those mitochondria. Professor Russel: “It concerns the respiratory chain in the mitochondria, the chain in which the cell generates energy by consuming oxygen. It is severely hindered. We also show that the statins accumulate in the muscle during treatment. The stacking of Statins further contributes to the inhibition of the optimal functioning of the mitochondria.” Although in a few cases it can lead to serious muscle breakdown, by far the largest group (twenty percent of all users) suffers from muscle pain without muscle damage. Yet this muscle pain hinders daily functioning.


Dr Westman I don't see you commenting on any posts here. Am I just missing them or are you never interacting with your audience? Anywho, how am I supposed to determine if I need to take a statin? I do have very high cholesterol .I haven't had any heart attacks and using the Mayo clinic statin decision tool I am at less than a 10% risk for a heart attack.
