A Guide for newcomers/Beginners [Sword Art Online: Fatal Bullet]

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A Guide for newcomers/Beginners 1080p60fps [Sword Art Online: Fatal Bullet]
Beginner Guide

I Never really did a Guide for beginners so here it is, i hope its helpful and understandable, otherwise i have to redo this and explain it somewhat better. Hopefully i didnt forgot something and if i did please tell me in the comments or explain it in the comments yourself, also if you dont agree with something here tell it in the comments. Anyway hope this Video helped you and have a nice day.
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I was gonna mention Leveling as well but the Video is already to long so im gonna say it here shortly, before you go into leveling i Reccomend you do the Story first and then after go leveling or as an emergency. You can level up very good on the Map White Frontier what is only availible in the DLC Dessonance of Nexus, Also is co-op as very good way of Farming Level especially Behemoth MT-02 that gives 7 Million EXP and with EXP gear on you can even have over 15 Million, brings you to Level 300 very fast.


Happy to see someone giving this game some love even after all this time. It doesn't get near the amount of love it deserves. I've played the previous SAO games but Fatal Bullet gave me the most enjoyment.


I hope this game gets more players again, I just started and could only imagine playing a full party with random people online Vs a boss


just got the complete edition for £8 and thought i would check out some tips and tricks. thank you for the help :D this should be good


Just getting into the game years after release after getting heavily burnt out by Hollow series years ago. Glad to see your guides!


Important note to the customasation data. You don't start with all 8 unlocked unless I belive you have all the DLCs If you only have the base game. you only have 2 or 4 saves
For the medal gauge at 50% you gain +40 to all stats. and at 100% you gain +80 to all stats. Acording to what I remember from reading up on the wonky stat that is defense in this game.


Thanks for this! Started playing a last week but was kinda overwhelmed from all the...mechanics and paralysis due to over analysis 😅


Damn didn't even know this game was still active!


Thanks for the guide, had this game for years and never really got into it 👍🏼


This video is very helpful, Thank you! I just recently got into this game and really enjoyed the anime so I'm enjoying thus far!


Try to lvl up before you try something but don't overuse, lv140 for story, lvl200 for dlc1 and 2, over 200 for dlc3 since you need a r11 sniper, 300 for dlc4.
For weapon: never use sword unless you are in lvl 300 with giga or blue rose swords (I forgot how many times I have to carry a friend who insist to use sword and his alfasys for damage, he also didn't focus on some build and use all attribute as they are the same so he thinks it is balance and it's better, yeap it was hard to teach him), sniper aren't good except for some opponents (MT, final story boss and some heavy mechs), only focus on auto weapon (except gatlings because it's overheat).
You need all 4 dlcs and complete the game on normal and extreme for lvl 12 shop, the extra clothes and weapons (beginner boost) aren't sell on dlcs unless it's complete boost or complete edition


Really like this video! Glad to have found something more recent since I just picked up the game. Can’t wait to see what I can get into now


Just started this game and having fun, this guide helps a lot thanks


Found this today, started playing FB over again, never really got into it. But, I put all my stats into Strength and Agility - because well... run fast. LOL


This game is sick and i never played a JRPG except Scarlet Nexus, i wish more people would give Fatal Bullet a shot.

I just started playing for the first time and i’m contemplating on coppin' the DLC’s. 😅

I like third person shooters with customization and their aren’t many games like that on the market, this is a breath of fresh air for me.


I've been playing this game since August when I got it on sale on the ps store. It's actually really fun, I've been playing exclusively offline though and I reached level 104 about 4 days ago. I've learnt Alot of stuff from this video and it's also just another reminder that I need to get the dlc because I can do way more with it.


Does anyone else have the problem where the game keeps minimizing while you play my mouse cures pops on my screen and my character can't move and it minimizes its just this game to all my other games work fine


I'm really hoping to get this game for Christmas this year. I played originally in 2020 on a PS4 and reached around level 175; right now, I am using a Switch and I cannot afford the game.


Am I supposed to get a certain ending or max all Affection with the characters in the base game before doing NG+? And I'm guessing you replay the entire base game until you can do it on the Hardest difficulty before starting DLC 1?


i buy the game in the new sales.. but after in endgame i gan put again points if i waste in levelling for equip gear? ty
