NASA Reveals MAJOR NEW Discovery On Mars!

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NASA Reveals Major New Discovery On Mars!

Last Video: How Robots Will Take Over Mars!

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Everybody is mindlessly fixated with the idea that H2O and CO2 on Mars will make supporting life possible are blatantly forgetting (or ignoring) the fact that *NITROGEN* is also necessary for terrestrial life, particularly plants. Mars doesn't have much of it. The Martian atmosphere is already about the same pressure as Earth's at an altitude of 200, 000 feet! Nitrogen is less than 3% of that thin atmosphere on Mars and, cold as the planet is, it's not cold enough to sustain deposits in the regolith. Especially without plants fixing the nitrogen into various molecules. So, you could could *MAYBE, * with a lot of technological effort and energy expenditure, extract enough nitrogen to sustain some small outposts. But even if you could warm Mars to an Earthlike temperature you still wouldn't have enough nitrogen (or oxygen) to "terraform" the planet. The required elements simply are not there in the quantities needed.


the suit "problem" isn't a problem, just bring up 3 more suits with you, and add 3 temporary seats, you're not lifting 3 people up, you're bringing them down which is allot easier.


I feel like there are dozen of frozen Large Lakes cover up with Mar Dust by layers. I would believe between 4 and 15 inches of Mars Sand. Undected from human eye or camaras. Most Evaporated as well many covered. There is more ice water their then what we think.


really appreciate your channel and what you do. Thanks for making my 2022 that much better. goodspeed! 🙏🏼


I know of a planet that has an absolutely shit load of drinkable water currently. And you don't have to spend literally trillions of dollars in resources to get to it.


It would be nice to think that the team at the ISS could patch the hole with some sealant or epoxy glue and refill the coolant. It's not as though the capsule needs to be re-usable after entry.


Wait you have to be kidding me, people will get in a little bitty capsule on top of a very large amount of explosives, and they're not prepared to die if shit goes wrong.


Was that dude in the Soyuz really using a "finglonger"?

Prof. Farnsworth would be so proud...


Dragon as designed has 7 seats. NASA has the limit of 4 for their missions.


Astronauts in the Dragon do not have to wear space suits, space suits are merely precautionary. In the event of an emergency ISS astronauts woudn't have time put on space suits no matter which capsule theyuse as a lifeboat.


FYI to be clear water ice and snow will end does sublimate very often in huge areas going directly from a solid or semi-solid state to a vapor state this is all dependent of course on moisture in the atmosphere temperature at the surface temperature in the atmosphere pressure of the atmosphere at the particular time Etc


Could SpaceX launch a CargoDragon “tomorrow”? If so could they ship up extra space suits and extra O2 so the current CrewDragon could be used as a longer term bolt hole for 7instead of the current short term 4 ppl?


Snow is good for travelling on, especially when’s its flat, would be good for a snowmobile kind of rover😊


Using A.I. to control robots and machines to do all the work with wireless signals. 😂


Would be nice to see some venus probs landing for a long term stay if possible.
Or a soon to be moon base to make bigger better telescopes to see deeper into the universe and mybe find life.


lol Yep those temps are pretty scary lol. But you can actually use dry ice boards to surf the Martian surface.


In the big picture adding exoplanets or moons, to lncrease Mars mass to the point it has a magentosphere will be critical. It could take millions of years, and energies still to be discovered.


8:55 Hey flat earthers, there's your container!


First question, is it H2O or CO2 because those are two different things


Thank you The Space Race video interesting compliment information genereal progect future Nasa.
