Normal vs Sore Throat | Pharyngitis

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Tonsillitis is the inflammation and enlargement of tonsils. It is more common in children. Repeated infections may interfere with quality of life and require a procedure/operation to remove tonsils. This procedure is called tonsillectomy.
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#Throat #SoreThroat #tonsilitis
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Thank you for showing that its normal i was in worry after seeing my throat . Now i am happy that its normal condition and will insallah heal soon. ❤


They look sick in both what’s going on with the tongue 😷


No lumps in my throat just feels scratchy when I swallow. My doctors told me reflux was the problem. ENT told me no abnormalities but my anxiety won't let me believe it


Hi, great video and answers to questions. Is it normal for an uvula to touch the tongue? Also I have some candida build up and taking Nystatin, is it normal for a few white spots on the arches and i think one side of the back of the throat is more raised than the other.
Thanks in advance


Hey, so here's my predicament. Last Wednesday I went to the Doctor's office after having sudden tightness of my throat that Sunday night before (so a week and a half ago). We did swabs and everything, and while the rapid strep came back negative, the normal strep test came back positive on Friday. Luckily, it wasn't strep A, it was just strep. The tightness feeling went away, along with pain when swallowing, yawning, and so on. Never had any difficulty swallowing either, just pain.

Then my uvula kinda began to turn dark red at the bottom and I still had some ickiness in my throat, so I was like aight, time to go to the ENT haha. I saw a PA and they took a look in my throat and just swabbed me there (COVID rapid and Flu swab), and while luckily negative for COVID, I tested positive for the flu (Flu A iirc). I've been on Tamiflu since Tuesday, and it seems like irritation has gone down.

However, I still have cobblestone throat/cobblestone patches in the back of my throat, although it's far less red now. That and it seems like the area of my throat by my tonsils (not the tonsils themselves but the side of the throat going up to the uvula) is pertruding a bit more than the other. Is this normal? Should I see how I am in a weeks time and make another appointment for the ENT? Just unsure about having gone on the antiviral for the flu and not necessarily the antibiotic for the strep.


Sama juga di belakang tengorokn saya ada semacam tonsil aga kemerahan


I had oral thrush and then my doc gave me anti fungal and antibiotics. Now it looks way worse, my mouth is always cold inside and everything has a purple/red hue to it


Hey there, so this past year I’ve gotten so many throat problems. Sinus infections, and tonsillitis etc. Do you know how to get rid of tonsil stones permanently? I don’t have super large ones.


Hi, I have little reddish lump on right side back in the mouth and just started antibiotic but it feels like a knife if I swallow anything. Is that a strep throat and will it get recovered with antibiotics? I never had this thing before.


Hi, is it normal to have a white spot on the back of my throat that has no pain and no sore throat? Just one sport with three more that are just a little red


I had blood tests done for glandular fever as bad all the symptoms but it came back inconclusive I haven’t done another test as most symptoms have gone or are much better, I keep checking to see if the white or grey patches are going to go but they are still here after, will these just go randomly then?


What do you mean by drinking salt water or gram water?


Help me guys!
I have that lump thing in my throat fir many months, i already went to the doctor and gave me antibiotics but no improvements. I also have dry throat.
No fever no cough no other symptoms


Hello Sir i am 24 Years Male

I can feel Some Hard bump behind my Oropharyngeal Wall i don't have trouble during eating or drinking but i can feel burning sensation and it's Irritating It's feel like i have sore throat is normal?


Is it normal for my throat to have the red dots on the back like the healthy one? I currently have lpr and tonsil stones but my throat looked worse weeks ago then it did now.


Hello, may I ask a question? I have had lumps in my throat on the back wall for 2 years. I think it is allergic pharyngitis. When I eat some food, it burns and irritates me. Is it curable, or is it not dangerous?


My tonsils on the right side are bigger than the left. is it normal? I have no trouble swallowing food or a sore throat. No pain at all. I'm 21 btw


Sir i have throat left side pain when i swallow 2 prblem eating or drinking . I see ent doctor did blood test skul widal x ray all normal. Dr given allergic medicines . Still i have pain comes and go. What is the solution sir


hi, in dire need of advice. behind my right tonsil, more like underneath it? it’s quite hard to exactly explain..but is it normal for some of the throat tissue to be white under/ the tonsil? i’m scared it’s leukoplakia because i smoke a lot but i’m really hoping it’s just an infection or even normal
