I added fruit to my carnivore diet, here’s what happened!

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Adding fruit and veg seems to trigger the carb cravings again, so it’s best for me to avoid this! Never want to lose this food freedom that I now have!


Monday I was just so hungry and i did not have anything out of the freezer. I went to the local Mexican restaurant and had an order of grilled beef. The order came with rice and beans and corn tortillas. I ate most of it, thinking how bad could that be? I have been carnivore like 7 months. Oh boy, oh boy.. the bloating, the gas, the joint pain, the hip pain and the brain fog. Finally last night I felt better. Never again! In a way, I am glad I tried, just to realize how much my life had changed since I started carnivore! and how bad would it be if i start eating other stuff again.


Added half a sweet potato daily and cravings for every carb in sight were killing me. No thanks, not worth it.


When I first heard of Carnivore, it was via Paul Saladino and I thought that's how your supposed to do it. I felt awesome from cutting out all the other crap and also intermittent fasting, but would always be hungry. Always. Even after 2-4 pounds of meat, when it stopped tasting good, i would have to have some fruit and/or honey and then would start addictively eating meat or other animal products again, despite being stuffed. Then more fruit. Multiple dinners in one meal. It was just like the former life of bread, rice, and potato addiction. Skip to now, I do strict carnivore and am only sorta hungry maybe once or twice a day. Usually OMAD. Same 2 to 4 pounds of meat depending on exercise but the addictive and compulsive overeating is gone. I find Dr. Chaffee's method of "eat fatty meat until it stops tasting good" to be the best and easiest method to employ.


I love fruit, but. It immediately sets off my sugar cravings, I start to fart again and I get arthritis in my knees and hips within 24 hours.


One of my favorite things about Dr. Baker is how open-minded and non-dogmatic he is.

He never tries to cram it down your throat like many anti-meat folks.


Honestly, i did strict Lion Diet for over 60 days, and it had profound effects on my gut health, and really calmed things down in terms of inflammation, but i was not feeling good after a while no matter how much meat/fat/electrolytes i was pounding. Adding back in some fruit and dairy have actually helped me to feel pretty damn good and imrpove sleep and energy. Mostly berries and melons, the easily digested and hydrating fruits, and some honey seem to work best. Just my personal experience.


Steak grass fed, eggs grass fed, black coffee with 100 percent butter. I had 1 tablespoon of raw unfiltered honey and have no problems. I am full for 7-8 hours with no hunger issues. Occasionally I have pineapple. My bloodwork is excellent and I was diagnosed type 2 diabetes 2018 when I was 350 pounds; now 229. But for the most part I am 97 percent carnivore. I am still losing weight.


We eat fruit with our meals and we feel really good with it. Honey and maple syrup also don't bother us and the occasional sweet potato. No cravings and flare ups.


Dr. Baker's intellectual honesty and curiosity are admirable. It strengthens his credibility that he is not blindly dogmatic. Science is inductive, not deductive, knowledge; so it is subject to refinement and correction as more data are gathered.


I ate almost no carbs for over a year. Felt great. Lost fat. This last holiday season, I added some carbs back in. Now, I have to carb detox again. Gained 15 lbs in 2 months. Lesson learned.


In all seriousness, at your age and athletic and strength levels, I wouldn’t change a thing Dr Baker! I know my personal feelings when I added fruit or some rice, I felt bad, strength went down and my sleep was worse


Eat fruit or veggies and the farts start again 😂😂😂


I prefer NOT to add fructose to my diet, nor any other sugar.


Growing up we had a bowl of plastic fruit as the centerpiece on our dining room table. Guess Mom was right again fruit is better as decoration not for human consumption ❤


I'm 67 and mostly carnivore. I eat about 1/2 cup of blueberries every day without issue.


I was listening to Dr. Saladino and added 1 tsp of raw honey per day....but I stopped after two weeks because I didn't like how I felt and I started getting a pain back in my knee that I previously had before I went full Carnivore.


Wife made apple pie at Christmas. There were two apples left over. Its now the end of February and one of those apples is in the fridge looking the same as the day it arrived here. Is it still a fruit? I wonder. Maybe not. Will check again in April.


My son brought home a bag of mandarin oranges. I hadn't had any in a long time so ate 4 small ones. My A1C has been down at 6.2 from carnivore and I lost 80 pounds. I was up every 2 hours all night long peeing out the sugar and stressing out my kidneys. Lesson learned over here. Not worth it for me.


I stopped lifting things that didn't need lifting some while ago. As being diagnosed as T2D 8 years ago at the age of 50, I went down the road of drug educed continuity, but found that the drugs caused severe reactions in me. I therefore went to a Keto and eventually Keto/Carnivore diet, the results, no medication, total control of T2d, at the time, aged 50 actually felt like I was 30 again, it was amazing, at the time and now, 35g of carbs per day, anything more produces side effects, just my personal reaction.
8 years later, this thing works for me, almost all my medical practitioners are against it for "cholesterol" reasons, and want me on a Statin, I have refused all medication, including the state injectable, (for obvious reasons). I still plant 1000+ trees per day and out perform people whom are way younger than me, I prefer to work for a living and work for a lifestyle, rather than go to a gym.
Whilst I appreciate people like Shaun, whom presumably earns a good amount to live on, I cannot afford to not work, I could not spend 4 hours or more a day in the Gym, I do not know what other people do for a living, or what that living pays, but I know that I have had countless people say "I work out in the gym, and can plant the number of trees that you do" yet they do well to last a day, let alone 2 or even better, showing potential 3 days of planting 1000+ per day. It just simply does not happen, just a personal opinion, but work harder in the real world, you will need to work less in the gym. The gym has its place, but should only be king if your "work" is not really physical.
