TRUE Baptism is to be Baptized into Christ (not Water)

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This really brings abundance of revelation, Masoud. All glory to God alone🎉🎉🎉


Thank you rose and masoud for this wonderful teaching cannot wait for the next session .i want to request you to please do a teaching about speaking in tongues because there are so many controversies about that topic in the evangelical church today as the Roman Catholic Church don’t practice speaking in tongues. Hoping and praying my request will come true one day 🙏 ty


Happy u touched on this topic as I had that thought over weekend debating whether water immersion was necessary 🙏


Like John The Baptist promised us, after me, will come The One who will baptise you with fire. Come Lord Jesus, please come quickly!


Speaking in tongues is of interest to me also great topic good news for baptism ❤ blessings to all


if you have never been baptized why do you think John the baptist baptized Jesus ? every Christian has to be baptized


Jesus Christ came to John to fulfill the law. The outward work of faith is accomplished for ever in Christ Jesus. Jesus fulfilled the law of Baptism. Baptism for those after the cross would be inword repentance of the heart which is sircumcision of the heart- following Christ. Heart that has ears to hear and see God speaking better things that produce 7th day rest in inword man that is being placed in heavenlys being brought near to the throne of the father which is your true identity, son of God.
My son said, I want to be baptised! I asked why? He said I dont know! I said, than you are baptised now, as we speak.. without any work of organising the water and ceremony of physical work.
And I see that my son is being changed into my image for I reflect my Lord and father which made me Christ. I reflect no law of works anymore, but law of life which is IN CHRIST JESUS.
Not everyone can handle like that...for enything done not out of hearing and seeing the father is of false identity which is sin.


no death bed repentance? "they didnt count they cant get water baptized!" 🤣🤣you are saved when you are born again. the Holy Spirit doesnt enter your body and make you a new creature after you are dunked in water, its when you believe by faith, in your heart
