Who has the real baptism, the Catholics or the Protestants?

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#Sam Shamoun
#Shamounian Clips
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I was born 7 months not 9 months
I was not taking any intake milk my granny though that I will die so my granny told my mom and dad to get him baptize before any thing happens belive me after the baptism I was improved and strong and I m 57years old healthy since I m a Catholic christian


Very good, my friend. I am impressed. Not so much on the contents of the facts you speak, but rather on the fact that you speak these. Not many do or dare for some reason.


It would be nice to hear an actual conversation and not just Sam giving his arguments


The Greek word baptizo means to immerse. Therefore I'd state that an immersion is needed and just sprinkling would not match with what the scripture tells us to do.


Well, with the same logic, evangelical Christianity in a way existed before Catholic Churches came to existence through their kings. There were no theories of purgatory or paying for dead souls to go to heaven, etc.... ! Protestants took back to what was there before Catholism !


Jesus Christ established His One True Apostolic Catholic Church and doctrine with His apostles in 33AD. He instituted His Sacraments and Teachings; one of them is Baptism. We baptize everyone including babies asap, to remove original sin and to fill them with The Holy Spirit; especially good in unforeseen circumstances or deaths. There’s no age requirement for Baptism.


There was not only the Catholic Church. In fact the Catholic Church persecuted the other churches. The succession, is succession of the true doctrine, from faithful men to faithful men, not institution


He's right of course. What amazes me is that - all that he said - is not only historically accurate, yet so glaringly OBVIOUS you don't need to be a historian nor Phd to figure out. You don't become a "pastor" or "apostle" just because you declare yourself so, not an assembly of laity vote for you. It's not a democracy, and nothing in the Bible says that. The Bible shows "good men" were chosen, selected, and then the Apostles "laid hands on them". That's what Catholic bishops do to ordain priests, tracing it all the way back to the Apostles. Duh!!
And yet, 1 billion protestants either don't see this, or do but just outright reject it. Which means - it is a willful, deliberate, conscious rejection, and not an innocent ignorant one. (The only innocent ignorance will be children).


To understand infant baptism is to understand ORIGINAL SIN (Psalm 51:5). If baptism now saves us (1 Peter 3:21-22), from what does it saves us!?!? FROM SIN! Any sin? Yes!! From ORIGINAL SIN to actual sin!! So what is the problem if we don’t baptize infants!?! They will be in SIN!! To be “born again” is to be baptized and if you are not baptized then you can not enter the Kingdom of Heaven!! Do you want to risk your child’s salvation!?!? Go ahead don’t get them baptized!! As Jesus commands in Mt. 28:19, make disciples! How? Baptizing them!! AND THEN TEACH THEM!! And as Peter stated clearly in Acts 2 to the ADULTS who are present, “the promise is for you AND YOUR CHILDREN” When? Until they are older? Where does Peter state that!?? It is pure Protestant assumption to think they have to be old enough!! That is diabolical thinking!! Yes, denying baptism to an infant is satanic!!


Acts came before Catholics. There's more.

Praise Jesus Christ!


AT LEAST you could have linked to full video...


Baptism erases original sin. That’s why real Christians baptize babies.


You do not need to be a pastor or priest to baptise any child of God can baptise Matthew 28:18  And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. 19  Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:....


In the early period of the church many infants were dying before they were a year old which was one of the main reasons the catholic church decided to baptize infants. To help with anxiety of the parents who lost a loved one at such an early age.


The correct baptism is Acts 2:28 that too in water not sprinkling of water in name of father, Son, holyghost.beside this or any other way is not from the Lord.


To be fair, lay people can baptize as long as they follow the trinitarian formula. But yeah, every other sacrament, the Catholic Church has authority where Protestants do not.


The Catholic Baptism and Protestant Baptism are not valid because we can only baptize believers. Mark 16:16 . Babies are never baptized but dedicated into various denominations. Saint Peter gave the keys to the kingdom in Acts 3:38 -46


”Then Peter said to them, “Repent, and let every one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins; and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. For the promise is to you and to your children, and to all who are afar off, as many as the Lord our God will call.”“
‭‭Acts‬ ‭2‬:‭38‬-‭39‬ ‭NKJV‬‬


How can a baby repent for their sins if they’re just a baby? Acts 2:38 says to repent and be baptized, it’s on the person to go seek and be baptized not the parent doing it for them.


and when he had found him, he brought him unto Antioch. And it came to pass that for a whole year they assembled themselves with the church, and taught many people. And the disciples were called Christians first in Antioch - Acts 11:26
