#4241 Blood Baptism Is The Only True Baptism

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00:00:00 Introduction
01:20:31 Beginning Of Message
01:35:31 Chapter 1
01:50:31 Chapter 2
02:05:31 Chapter 3
02:20:31 Chapter 4
02:35:31 Chapter 5
02:50:31 Chapter 6

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4241 WN030123 Blood Baptism Is The Only True Baptism

A study of NT Greek and OT Hebrew, customs and culture of Israel, Babylon, Persia, Greece, and Rome, the pagan origins of the Christmass and other "holydays / holidays", all for the purpose of understanding what the bible meant when it was originally spoken/written as opposed to what modern "preachers" and "christians" "think" it says; i.e. NO OPINIONS

God Has Chosen
Romans 8:29-30 - "For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren. Moreover whom he did predestinate, them he also called: and whom he called, them he also justified: and whom he justified, them he also glorified."

Foreknow - to have a personal intimate relationship beforehand.

God predetermined that all who belonged to him before the foundation of the world were to "conform" to the word of God in obedience to Christ.

All that were predestined were "called", "justified", and "glorified" (past tense verbs). These were fixed in the mind of God before the world began. (Ephesians 1:4; Acts 13:48; II Thessalonians 2:13). The election of the saints is unto accountability (I Peter 1:2).

The majority of the protestant church held to this doctrine during the reformation. It is the foundation of "The London Baptist Confession of Faith of 1689". You Baptists are supposed to be believing it and you've discarded this precious doctrine of Grace!

No Free Will
John 1:13, 5:21, 6:39, 6:44, 6:63-66
James 1:18
Romans 9:15-16
Psalms 110:3
Ezekiel 36:9-12,23
Jeremiah 4:6,27-28
Daniel 4:35

God Does All Things
Isaiah 46:10
Ecclesiastes 3:14
Ephesians 1:11
Isaiah 42:9
Daniel 2:28
Acts 3:18, 15:18

God Creates Evil
Isaiah 45:7
Job 2:10, 42:11
2 Samuel 24:16
Jeremiah 4:6, 5:15, 6:12,19, 11:11,23, 19:3, 23:12
Amos 3:6

No Invitation Hymn or Sinners Prayer
1 Corinthians 2:14
Romans 10:14
John 8:47, 9:31, 10:24-29, 17:2-10
Isaiah 64:7

Predestination (pro'orizo)
Romans 8:29-30
Acts 4:28
1 Corinthians 2:7
Ephesians 1:5,11

Orizo (to bound)
Romans 1:4 declared (aorist past tense)
Luke 22:2 determined (aorist past tense)
Acts 2:23 determinate (aorist past tense)
Acts 10:42 which was ordained (perfect)
** only time used by man
Acts 17:26 determined (aorist)
Acts 17:31 hath ordained (aorist)
Hebrews 4:7 limiteth (present tense)

Orderly Arrangement
John 3:16 world (kosmos)
Romans 13:1 ordained (tasso)
Acts 13:48 ordained (tasso)
Galatians 4:3,9 elements (stoicheion) **
** Jews called all their rituals by this word
Colossians 2:8,20 rudiments (stoicheion)
Hebrews 5:20 principles (stoicheion)
2 Peter 3:10,12 elements (stoicheion)
Romans 4:12 who walk (stoicheo)
Galatians 5:25-6:16 walk (stoicheo)
Philippians 3:16 walk (stoicheo)
2 Peter 1:5 add (epichoregeo)

Persecution: Popularity and Loved by the World is Not of God
John 15:18-20, 16:33
James 4:4
Luke 6:22-23
Acts 14:22
2 Timothy 3:12
1 Thessalonians 1:6, 3:3,4

Fellowship/No Fellowship
II Thess 3:6 (withdraw)
Eph 5:11 (have no fellowship)
II Cor 6:14-17 (come out be separate)
I Cor 5:9-11 (not to keep company)
Rom 16:17 (avoid)
Haggai 2:12-14
I Tim 6:5 (withdraw)
II Tim 3:5 (turn away)
Рекомендации по теме

Messenger of God. I'm persuaded that the Father annointed Jim to be a teacher of Truth to the elect. He is our Paul for such a time as this.
May God's grace cover the ministry and peace rest over y'all.
A & P


A++ thanks g&t team, you are the best.Thank you for all the hard work and sacrifice. Thanks to all those who support the ministry. Agape.


Jim torches these apostate preachers like a 🐉spitting hot 🔥.
Hebrews 12:29
“For our God is a consuming fire.”
These froward preachers must repent or perish.
Hebrews 4:12
“For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.”
I thank God for leading me to these truths and giving me conviction. Thank you g&t for your hard work and sacrifice.


Thank you for answering Jim - God Bless


I've been hearing you teach this lesson for years on the DVDs. For some reason, it all seemed to come together with this time. I always try to take notes. I really appreciate your use of the whiteboard. It helps me coordinate my notes to your speech. Too, as I take notes I love that you spell aloud the Greek words: it insures my note accuracy. This was to me a super message. Thank you. ( I am one of those folk that your speaking of the part of speech of words does not fall on def ears. It recalls my old school days of diagramming sentences and Latin and modern Greek word case studies.


I love what you're saying pastor Brown. Your life is a real testimony of Jesus Christ. The blind churches out there don't seem to worship our Father in heaven IN SPIRIT... So clumsy to miss out on the Spirit of Truth and settle in the lies of the flesh. This old flesh can only let me down and on the wide gate of destruction.


Thank you Jim. This was very great. I need to get more books. The town where i am right now has a religious book store.


Isn't it amazing how some people hear the truth. All men at one time or another hear it, but not all are convicted by their former walk. Lord said you'll know them by their fruits, it's the doers this message is for. Lord, help us for we all fall short, helco us in.


Hello Mr. Brown loving the videos.

In Luke 20:4 when Jesus asked “the baptism of John, was it from heaven or of men?”
I don’t remember why he asked this question but I knew why before but never gave it much thought afterward. Can you remind me please? You taught it to me before but now I do not remember. 😢
