Why you hate your art

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heyyy, if i seem a bit all over the place in this video, I'm sorry I've been in a really bad headspace! but I still wanted to make this video.
i know it can be difficult to like your own work, or to be proud of the work you put into it, but you owe it to yourself.

i do these video's just for the fun of it , they are more my experiences rather then straight up advice so take what you want from it ;;v;;

.:Music Used:.

❤️‍giving up

i don't own the music, all rights go to their respectful owners ;w;


✿ ~ I love you ~ ✿V
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im a little burnt out with life right now , sorry about the quality being a little less then usual <3

edit: you guys are so so so so sweet, thank you ;; ily


this just hits different tbh, people say take breaks if u don’t feel like drawing but I’ve been on a year break and I can’t bring myself to draw- 😭


Hating your art is alright! That feeling happens one way or another. What isn't alright is that you let the hate take over you. Don't let that happen, you're stronger than you know :)💙


I just think ‘’if you a year ago saw yourself making this how would you feel?’’ The answer is proud and happy but my standards are getting higher and higher so it doesn't always work


I really resonate with this topic because rn I'm still struggling with liking my art- seeing how i haven't improved as much as other people and even younger artists being better made me feel demotivated even though i know i should be rooting for them. Last year i really reached a breaking point where i stopped drawing for fun and feared even going near social media or anything related to art- distancing myself from my online artist friends. Thankfully I started drawing again bit by bit-
Ig my own advice for myself or anybody reading this is to not pressure yourself to improve in just one day- be happy and draw what you like- not what others want to see- but yeah! great video as always TwT I'm glad I found this channel-


It's so true! I'm having an art block rn and it's so hard to get through sometimes. It does make me feel better that I'm not the only one who goes through this kind of stuff. Being an artist is never easy lol


Just remember even though you might hate your art, somewhere out there it's inspiring hundreds more.


Another point that I often tell my friends: Only you know what you wanted your piece to look like. Even if it didn't quite turn out how you wanted, others don't know what you wanted it to look like. So, they only see it for what it is. And often times, that final piece is still really good.

I.e. sometimes I'll look through my older art and find a piece that I remember not being proud of, but seeing it now I think it looks fine especially for my abilities at that time. I dont remember what I wanted that piece to look like, but looking at it now it's fine.


I just hate the way I draw faces, that’s it other people have incredible artstyles but I’m trash at drawing eyes and mouths and they always come out ugly


Watching this while crying because I can’t draw simple things normally and can’t do anything right in this life-

Good video


Being a young person who started drawing and steadily improving thanks to your videos, I feel sorry for the people who hate their own talent and abilities because of young people like me even though I also doubt my ability to improve my own art


Guys holy shit. I’ve hit a milestone. I just saw the title of this video and thought “Eh, I don’t hate my art” for the first time ever. Let’s gOOOO


This is very comforting to hear, I went nearly 7 years without drawing after some not so fun life experiences. Thank you so much for your help, sometimes It helps knowing others struggle with this as well and we all grow at different rates! <3


This was really comforting and useful! I hope you feel better soon Blue, and know that you're a huge inspiration to loads of people, including me! I learned so much from you <3 So thanks so much <3


Ever since i found your art and channel my art has been a lot more fun. I draw as a hobby but art is really important to me. Your tutorials are really good and you're a inspiration to me!


i’m 15 (almost 16) a few years ago i got really into art but after a few months i stopped. and now, at the beginning of 2022, i decided to try and become a better artist and actually improve my art. it’s now been about 7 months of drawing (2 of those being inconsistent) i feel guilty every time i take breaks. i have a tendency to become obsessed with certain things and then moving on after awhile so every time i take a break i feel like i’m slowly falling into the pit of giving up and moving onto something new. looking at artwork lights a fire in me, and it hurts because there are artists that make such beautiful art while my art can’t come close to looking as amazing as theirs. i wanna get better but i’m afraid of failing. and now i think i wanna pursue a career in art so i feel like if i don’t improve soon i might not be able to.


i was like

"oh this is nice it could help-"

*self esteem in my own art absolutely destroyed from the godly pieces on the screen when showing examples*


Here's an idea that really helped me get over the whole "my art sucks" thought, especially the first beginner phase. You have eye experience and hand experience. Eye experience is way easier to level up than hand experience. Everyone, as they get older, already gain an eye for what they like and don't like. What looks right and wrong. So, when you first start drawing you're hand doesn't have much experience creating things and your eye can spot all the little problems and mistakes you make. It's a struggle but you have to push through it until your hand catches up. But as you get better, and you learn more about art, techniques, color theory, etc. your eye starts out-leveling your hand again. So you have to let your hand catch up again. Try new things, try emulating the things you see that you really like, and eventually your hand will start making the things you like, thus your art becomes "good" again. It's always a cycle because you're always learning as you go.


I'm from Brazil so... sorry for my english but since i started watching your videos my digital arts have started to get a lot better! I've been a "paper classic" designer for 14 years, but digital art everything feels so new to me so you've been helping me a Thank you very much, I love your art.


i’m pretty young and i only started actually trying to draw, watching tutorials, etc. like 2 weeks ago, but my hair has already gotten better. I just can’t find the right art style, and i have no motivation other then “i want to be able to shade properly, not just random grey spots in the general area that i think shadows are supposed to be”. i really can’t figure out how to color or shade, and that’s been making me stop immediately after i started.
