Does All on 4 or Full Mouth Implants Change your Speech?

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If you are considering all on 4 treatment or a full set of teeth on dental implants, then you may have thought: will this change how I speak?

Will others be able to tell what I have had done?

The short answer is that it will temporarily change your speech, but if the treatment is carried out properly, then it should not take you too long to sound normal again.
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I really needed to hear this. Earlier this week I was second guessing my decision, which of course I can’t. It’s nice to hear someone talk about this process with a calm & collected manner.


I have all on 4 top and bottom. I still have the temp set made of acrylic and I get my try-on set for the final next week. Even the temp set (Which doesn't fit as well as the final will) is no problem for speech. Honestly, I have to force myself to eat soft food because even these feel like regular teeth. No one can tell and actually, I've started singing again since the messed up teeth I had hurt my tongue when I used to talk. Now it feels a million times more natural to talk, sing and eat. I went to a different dentist but can attest that the procedure is 100% the best answer to messed up teeth. My experience was pain free and just... perfect.


Oh thank you Lord! This was a really great video that made me feel a lot better about the choice I made. Thank you so much!


You are so informative, and I could listen to your calm voice, all day!! Thank you so much!!


Thank goodness l found your video, it has given me some hope. I am now 5 days into having my finals. I have 5 implants on both the upper and lower. I am hoping you can reassure me further, whilst l love my new teeth my speech is causing me some anxiety. The issue l have is with my upper teeth in particular, l now appreciate after watching your video that there is a bar going across from one side of my teeth to the other. This has caused some bulk behind my front two teeth (creating a ridge of sorts) which means that l am unable to position my tongue correctly so saying certain word especially those with an s in them is difficult. I understand that it will take some time for my gums to settle into the new teeth however l wondered if it is possible to take some of the bulk away at the back or even smooth/angle the rig to allow better placement of my tongue? I am currently doing speak therapy and tongue strengthening exercises, as well as massaging my gums, l also find that if l put a small piece of gum at my top front teeth where the ridge is my speech improves dramatically. Obviously this is not something l can do long term (it just makes me feel better when speaking) nor do feel that l should have to do this considering the amount of money l have paid for my new teeth. I would be eternally grateful if you could respond as my checkup I not for another 3 weeks

Kindest regards

Fiona 😀


Thank you for this video!! I just got my temps, 06/17 (12 screws total) and the temps do feel like they are really thick, like theres more gum and little tooth. Its affecting my speech big time. So ty, its comforting to know the perms will feel more natural than my temps and help with my speech 🤘


Thank you so much, just did implant for my front teeth, I wasn't told all of this. My speech changes a little, Thank you for explaining so calm and with love


Hi Dr Gurus,
First, I want to say I love your videos.
I have all on four top and bottom and had my permanent teeth in March. I have a real issue with speech and my mouth feels quite wired when speaking. I am trying all the suggestions in your Visio’s and watch them over and over. I am getting quite depressed and cancelled a holiday with friends due to my speaking difficulties. I have to use gum and stick it along the bulk and the roof of my mouth when speaking on the phone so I am not lisping my words. My dentist just keeps saying that some people just take longer and I am one of those people, but I could speak a little better with the temps and feel so disappointed with my final teeth. Will this problem resolve it self?. I also have a problem with the teeth clanging togeather and making a clanging noise when talking or, eating. It feel like my back teeth are too long and keep hitting of each other which is really embarrassing and I have stopped meeting friends for meals now due to this problem. My question is, is my dentist correct when he says it will get better in time. On my last visit he said my face would cave in if he was to change anything. Do you think I need a second opinion?? I quite like my dentist and want to trust his advice but on a few occasions he has given me misleading information. I don’t want to make a full about nothing as my dentist is quite experienced in all on four so, I was hoping his advice is correct, but starting to lose confidence in him. If you have the time can you please reply. I have invested all my savings on my teeth but just so disappointed in the outcome. Thank you for taking the time to read this and thank you in advance for your opinion if you have the time to reply. I do understand that your are a busy man.


Excellent videos as I'm looking for an all on X solution

But my question is you know all your videos are for all on 4, are they all still applicable for all on 6? Would the additional 2 implants make any differences in terms of your content?

Thanks and best wishes


Dear Dr.Gurs, my dentist screw my all on four denture so tight to my jaw. I felt tension in my head but he insisted that the right way to do it. Please gave me your thought about how tight it should be. I don’t have good feeling about this. Thank you.


👍 Good sound advice always watching your new updates


I am 24 days post 10 extractions and 5 implants on the the lower arch. Still dealing with my speech issues. The temp is quite bulky and I have high hopes for this going away. I do have more teeth showing on the bottom than I like. This should be corrected with the final. Six more implants in the top later this year. Enjoy your information. Thanks Doc.


Hi doc I have question.
Do you need to replace the entire dental implant arch or just the crowns and abutment screws for every 10-20 years?


Thank you for this very informative and helpful video.


I had upper full arch done last month..there is a big overbite now..I went to another dentist for the bottom teeth and he measured an 8 centimeter overbite..should I tell the dentist im not happy..having a hard time talking and chewing bc my top teeth don't match the bottom bridge I have..Im so upset and not happy it looks like they are on top of my gums instead of being where my originalteeth were..big horseteeth....please heeeelp!!! What do I do


Have you ever done an all on 4 procedure and have not needed to grind any jaw bone down?


Hi there. I love watching your videos and I wish I would have watched them before starting the all on 4 upper. But I cant go back. My question is what should a final zerconia one look like. The one my dentist showed me has a gold color metal pieece that will be against my gum. I want to know if its a cheap product. I am a grinder. I thought maybe it is because of that. But all the zerconia ones ive seen are all one piece from where the implants screw together to the gums and then teeth. It showed all one piece. Also should there be a little gap for cleaning purposes?


I am 6 months post op and all on 4’s upper and lower. I had zygomatic implants on the top. The temps fee like a huge piece Of Carmel stuck in the roof of my mouth. Speech has been a very difficult adjustment. I find that the back of my toungue sits at the back of the implants and my speech has lots of Lisps. I had my wax permanents yet on yesterday. And they feel almost as thick. Creating a deep void in the roof of my mouth. Dr says my tongue doesn’t “curl” or “arch” like most People’s? And that’s why I’m lisping. We are going to try and add one more tooth too and bottom to see if that helps. But I think it’s the thickness and width. How can that be adjusted?


Do you know if there are any exercises patients can do to help with the speech changes?


I am concerned about the amount of bone removed before implants any comments about that?
