Knowledge vs. Skill - League of Legends Champions

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In all seriousness now, for my money, Teemo has to be the most skillful and knowledge based champion.


I miss the more knowledge based, simpler champs. Rito could make more. Not a big fan of bloated kits.


Can't really agree with you here Gbay. You said here that knowledge based champions require you to know when to engage and when to use their skills and what not, which is true, but the same also applies to "skill" based champions. In my eyes, the only division between champions is whether they are simple, or complex. There is no such thing as "knowledge" based champions, they are just easier champions to learn and play with in general. All of the things required to play "knowledge" based champions are needed to play "skill" based champions on top of that, so really you can't categorize champions in this manner.


SKill wins lanes but knowledge wins the game


3:47 Because mordekaiser es numero uno! HUEHUE BRBR (that for some reason speaks spanish but who cares??)


I reject.

I have watched many of your videos and they are pretty informational. However, i don't feel like this video is very helpful(especially towards newer players who are trying to understand deeper into the game). All you basically point out is that 'A champion with a skill-shot requires skill', and 'A champion without a skill-shot requires knowledge'.. Are you saying Master Yi does not require skill, because he has no skill-shot?

Really, ALL champions require knowledge, AND skill. I think we should open up the dictionary take a look at the definition of the word 'Skill'....

 Skill; 'The ability to do something well; expertise.'

I think if i gathered first blood on the enemy mid laner as Akali, going by that definition, i must be skilled? If i gathered first blood on an enemy i would consider myself doing well, and an expert; am i not?

Basically, you're just telling us not all champions have skill-shots, and you're trying to imply champions without skill-shots do not require skill. Which promoting this idea may not fare well with many players, as i said, especially newer ones who are looking for a deeper understanding of how the game works and who they should play. You should never tell someone a champion 'does not require skill' simply because they have no skill-shots. 

Anywho, lets look at the word 'Knowledge';

Knowledge; 'Facts, information, and skills acquired by a person through experience or education; the theoretical or practical understanding of a subject."

The sole definition of the word knowledge is defined by a multitude of things, including the word 'Skill'. Maybe i'm digging too deep, or maybe i am just offended that you are promoting the idea that not all champions require skill. To make it clear what i am implying; i understand many people in the community point out certain champions as 'trash champions', usually ones that are not played in competitive play. I do not like this idea, as i feel all champions have strengths and i feel all champions can excel and be enjoyable to play, whilst also being very powerful, and everything you do in this game requires 'skill' and also 'knowledge' to excel above lower elo's. No, i'm not implying i mained Urgot and got to D1. I'll toss it out there though, last season i placed in Bronze 3 provisionals, i rose to Gold 4 by end of the season, not a huge feat, but it was a nice climb. And i learned a lot along the way. Especially knowing as the VAST MAJORITY of player in League are in Silver, you will encounter many different types of players there(Some who are very skilled and knowledgeable, some who are not).

Your idea that skill is related to 'skill-shots' and knowledge is related to 'point and click' abilities, i reject. All abilities must be precise, all abilities require timing, you must use your abilities in a certain order to achieve better damage. At lower ELO's yes of course players will have a harder time hitting skill-shots simply because they are not accustomed to them. However, at higher elo's, the issue is not 'properly aiming skillshots', because at higher elo's it is a matter of Knowing to throw your snare BEHIND them(predicting a dodge by them) or to LEAD them(predicting they will continue in the same direction). Do you see what i mean? In higher elo's, you must often throw skillshots behind enemies because you KNOW they will attempt to dodge, and if they do, they will actually be walking into your stun. I capitalized the word KNOW above, because the more you KNOW the more KNOWLEDGE you have. Another one, knowing the hitbox on your enemy, also the hitbox on your skill-shot, and knowing if they will even have the opportunity to dodge the shot or not(in many clutch situations, esp in team fights, your opponents will not even have the opportunity to react) and when to use the ability becomes a matter of KNOWLEDGE of when to use it, not as much as hitting or missing.

Anyways, continue making videos, as i do enjoy them. But i will say, please do not try to lead the community into a single mindset; the game is played many ways and all champions on the Fields of Justice are BEAUTIFUL. All Champions can be admired, and you can become SKILLED with ALL champions, and there is an ENDLESS amount of KNOWLEDGE you can gain from the game as the game changes, day by day (: Thank you.


I think Heimerdinger is the perfect example of a knowledge champion. His turrets require no mechanics, but you have to position them correctly and manage his turret kits correctly as well as have great map awareness for split pushing..


Overloaded kits?
The problem are boring champs with bland kits like Warwick, not fun champs like Yasuo or Lee Sin.
Riot is going in the exact right direction.
They chose to make their game more action packed and less tactic focused when they sundered from Dota and Zed and Yasuo definitely deliver on fast action and individual skill.


Why would I pick morde? because I can lane against a riven midlane and still 2v1 when the jungle shaco pops up for a visit. Oh and you forgot the one champion that isn't skill or knowledge based.... Teemo a.k.a. Satan


Master Yi is a knowledge based champion because you need to plan how many pentakills you are gonna get


In my eyes a champion who needs skill aswell as knowledge, would be riven (aswell as yasuo) . She's an extremely high skillcap champion, aswell as very versatile and mobile, plus she turns cd red into liquid cocaine. literally.
Riven again, requires a lot of practise to even be able to hardly utilize her entire kit.
So does Yasuo.
Theres so much you have to take into account before you go for a play or just simply kill your opponent.
By the way before u reply to this comment, saying yasuo is a noobchamp/ riven is too OP! guess what.
Darude- Sandstorm.
Nah just kidding, think about it. Theres A LOT u can do wrong and end up dying, wether it's yasuo or lux you're matched up against.
Sure theres champions who counter each other (which then again wont really matter in bronze silver maybe gold) or different tiers, better scaling with items, powerspikes snowballs team comps and so forth.


Jayce is a good balance in between both until now i still think he is riot's best creation


Gbay where did you go?... We miss your videos. 


What Happened to posting a video everyday?


I'm sorry, but Gbay, under your own definition, you can't argue that Irelia is a skill-based champion.

Getting a stun from her E would fall under "Flashing, stunning, igniting or using your abilities".

If you want to know what a "skill based champion" is like, learn any champion that is skill-shot dependent. You will very, very quickly find that it requires more skill than "how much HP does he/I have" to predict where someone will move to avoid your ability.

That was just the tip of the iceberg. Don't use your own biases to defend your theories, no matter how solid they are.

NOTE: If you want to find out how "skill based" a champion is, look at the difficulty bar.


The question of "Talent vs Effort" is the main theme of Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo, just thought I'd share for anyone interested.


As an older player, I can really relate to this message. I've noticed I can't play champions like Vayne or Lee Sin anymore efficiently. I never was too good with them but I could handle the matchups ok. My champion pool has changed a lot when I found out my reflexes are not that good anymore. I think that's a good tip for a bit older players to change to those knowledge based champs. I've managed fairly well with champions like Liss and Janna. (And I'm not OLD old but not just as fast as many of you silver fingered lighting fast youngsters are.)


Knowledge... this may be based off of league but a perfect example of something else.
Leagues old roster was heavily inspired by dota 1, and by the way as a dota 2 and a league player (more dota 2, but more play time on league.) I can see the differences now.

League is transitioning into skill based gameplay while in dota 2 you do need skill, but you need a LOT more knowledge. Which makes dota 2 harder to learn, but once you get dota 2 and league both you will notice that league may be a bit harder when aiming and timing skills right but dota 2 is also just as difficult because your mind can get over loaded a lot quicker.

And COD is none of the above, point and shoot m8... why can't the communities just get along.


i have a platinum 2 account only playing nunu jungle and doing dragon at level 5 since nobody wards and that's my smurf, my other account where i play mainly rumble, syndra and vayne i'm gold 5 and can't get out of.
guess i'll become main nunu since the skillcap is 0 but knowlege makes him have a skillcap of 10 (imo)
