10 WORST Low Elo MISTAKES You MUST AVOID! - League of Legends

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What is Skill Capped?
Skill Capped has one goal in mind: help YOU become a BETTER player FAST! We create guides that ACTUALLY WORK by the TOP PROS and COACHES. We're so confident we can help you IMPROVE that we back it up with a RANK IMPROVEMENT GUARANTEE not found anywhere else!

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0:00 - Introduction
0:38 - RANK UP FAST!
1:20 - Mistake 1
3:00 - Mistake 2
4:24 - Mistake 3
5:19 - Mistake 4
7:17 - Mistake 5
8:10 - Mistake 6
9:16 - Mistake 7
10:05 - Mistake 8
11:13 - Mistake 9
12:16 - Mistake 10
14:23 - Outro

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Рекомендации по теме

Hey, Skill Capped. One of the series guides you have is a bronze to diamond series. While it can be helpful to watch someone high skill play low elo, what would really be interesting is if you take someone genuinely in bronze or iron and get them to plat or diamond without playing duo with a high elo person. That way, the audience can watch the mistakes, hear the corrections, see the growth, and believe they can do it too. You'd have to find someone that can and will commit to the process. Granted, it'd be tricky to do, but all the most valuable things in life are hard.


1. Playing Too Safe
2. Unaware Of Rebounds
3. Not Using TP For Advantages
4. Fight Over Every Objective
5. Forcing Too Hard
6. Forcing Tower Dive
7. Too Close To The Enemy's Turret
8. Greed For Turret Plates
9. Not Pushing Mid
10. Not Threatening Baron


your videos have helped me climb from bronze 2 to silver 1 80 lp with a 70% wr adc in the past 20 games by just following basic macro


Having a good mental especially in low elo is more important than anything on this channel can teach you. I used to tilt frequently because “my team is dogshit” stop doing that terrible victim mentality and went from gold 4 to emerald 4 in a month and 120 games. Tilted and dropped to plat 4. Mental is imperative for climbing.


The last one is quite the good advice. But what to do when your whole team is just permanently araming on midlane and no one gets the push advantage?


to everone, skillcapped is tottaly worth it, not only for the knowledge but also for the content to watch on your second monitor


Rigth about Drake... Can't get rid of the instinct from when it gave 150g to everybody.


Can you guys release more master in minutes champion guides for junglers on your website :)


I only looked at no1.

Whilst it's true that playing too safe is bad, at low elo's, farming is subjectively hard for people.
People in low elo cant wave manage that well and cant farm that well either. If they focus on being aggressive, they may just end up losing macro, and overextending to die from a gank of which, in low elo, tends to never go unpunished or countered with warding, jungle retaliation or adapting build and play style once behind.

Mistake no.1 alone shows that top elo players are entirely out of touch with low elo, showcasing how MASSIVELY different the game is in elo's.


I think a more effective version of tip 1 ks to not play champs you dont have the mechanics to.
If u look at that challenger clip the gnar is always playing right on the edge of darius E, which is not something low elo players are gonna he able to do, or atleast consostent enough in the small lvl 1-3 window they have.


I'd really enjoy a ranking of rules from most to least important. Two concepts may be benefitial but one is more important.
Thanks for the video


Easy to preach but extremely hard to apply when every single game has a troller/inter/afk. I am D1 in flex q for the past 2 seasons and I can escape plat in solo q because of these teammates


The thing I seem to struggle with is this (and maybe this plays into the over forcing bit): Do these things and the rest of your team stays calm -> yeah works great. Do these things and the rest of your team manages to give away 1-2 kills a minute and it feels like an impossible race against the clock. And option two sadly happens more often than not. Now maybe this evens out if you play enough games (after all, and I know how cocky that sounds, you can't have the feeding mates every game) but if you don't have the time to play hundreds of games it just feels extremley random and frustrating...


Hey skill capped! thank you for providing us reviews and videos to keep us on the track!


I believe in you Skill Capped Challenger LoL Guides


I've played this game for 14 years, highest I've gotten is gold 4. Right now I am silver 4 with a 50.1% win rate working my way towards Gold again, I'd be interested in doing like a video series or something to show how effective this stuff really is.


How can you apply the mid pressure to baron strat as a top laner/split pusher?


The video is really great but I have to disagree about Mistake 9.

Low elo (Iron-Gold) players don't care about waves getting pushed. They don't look at the map. That's why it's so easy to destroy turrets while pushing side lanes. Having pushed mid will still lead to 5 vs 5 fights.


Do you think the Rift Herald should always be used to push mid? I will sometimes use it to help my top laner.


void grubs are a big capture they help the whole team esp if u have 4, i will always give dragon for grubs
