We need to talk...

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again im sorry i get super emotional here but i appreciate y'all and hope you can understand what I am going through 💜
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again i appreciate anyone who sits through this while i talk about some personal matters and i hope you can all understand where im coming from


I found watching near-death experiences very comforting after losing my loved ones. Knowing that they're in a peaceful, loving place helped me cope with the pain and begun to heal. This may sound weird, but I also learned from NDE stories that we are the ones who planned our lives beforehand. We must experience the duality of life to allow our souls to grow and evolve. We are physical beings having a human experience. You'll see him again, my dear. ❤


after a 10+ yr relationship break up im on a stuck mode .... tried to work again then resigned after 2 yrs ... stuck in my room watching youtube or playng vid games most of the time .... i find reaction channels fill some kind of a void ... laughing together with someone that appreciates what i love ... across countries away ... keeps my head away from shitty thoughts ... keeps me grounded to reality that some peeps out there whos like me ... maybe experiencing some speed bumps but still there ... hope this message finds you in good health ... take time to heal ... there is always something good to look forward to


Condolences Maisie. Take as much time as you need, your mental and physical health is always a priority. YT Algorithm might be in favor of content creators who constantly upload videos, but as long as people are subbed, they'll definitely be back and watching as long as you post content / videos they're interested in. Just want to say I've discovered your YT back when you're reacting to UNIS' content, but I love that you're adding more variety in your recent uploads.


yow, its ok. just always do your best.
'Kapit Lang' :)


It's brave of you to tell us about this and we appreciate it. We know it's hard, so it's okay, we understand if you want take a month off from the internet to grieve and heal.

And please remember that you are beautiful, that's why we're watching your reaction videos and it's fun watching your videos. Putting yourself first is not upsetting us, I hope your heart won't be as heavy as right now when you come back, we will wait for you, please take your time to heal because it's important.❤


I can feel your pain . I also lost my mom recently and I was holding her hand until her last breathe . It's really the worst experience . We understand if you need time for yourself for a while . I hope you will be ok soon. My deepest sympathy to you and your family . I will wait for your next comeback and will continue to support your channel . ❤ Take care maisie


Take your time to grieve dear, I'm sure granddad is in a better place now. Please be kind to yourself, you're beautiful and amazing just the way you are that's why ppl like us watch your reactions because it's you. Virtual hug. Take your time


my condolences, your granddad meant a lot to you and it shows. please dont feel like you NEED to film content, you dont need to. come back when and if you want to. pls do whats best for you. rooting for you!


My thoughts and prayers are with you. I also lost my Papa last July. I feel you. You can never get over the loss.


I listen till the end, and its brave of you to open up to us, I feel like I am listening to you face to face. To answer everything of your anxiety and what you are going thru, its okay to be not okay, you're beautiful, you're a wonderful person. Its okay to take a breath, and you're doing fine. Waiting for you comeback 😊


You’ve taken the first step. Which is the most difficult part of the process. Take your time and get better.


I have felt that pain before. In 2018, before Christmas eve, December 24, My Mom died due to cancer. Stay strong.


Are you so beautiful alway you are and take care of yourself and your health and take all the time you need ❤😊


I know it is hard for a lost family member but it is going to be ok sry for your loss 🙏 god loves you ok and your family ok hope you get better


My prayers and condolences to you and your family🙏🥺


hang in there.. stay strong and things will be better.. 🥹🫂💗


Hope you start feeling better, Miss Maisie 💜 Take as much time as you need and take it easy, we'll be here to support the channel when you do come back


we love you maisie ❤ we'll be waiting, take your time to heal and be with your family to greave. lost my dad last 2015 but up til now feels like it was just yesterday that he died in my arms due to cardiac arrest. i hope your mind finds peace on your internet break. we will support you when you get back and continue to explore music and entertainment with you. love from the philippines ❤


just hear the song poppin to make you in goodvibe
