Why Theon and Sansa Should Have Married

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Did you know Robb might have won Northern Independence if he had married Sansa to Theon? This short uses evidence from A Game of Thrones, A Clash of Kings, A Storm of Swords, A Feast for Crows, A Dance with Dragons and The Winds of Winter.

A Game of Thrones theory explained, prepare for The Winds of Winter release date with a theory video of George R. R. Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire book series and something to think about while waiting for HBO's House of the Dragon Season 2.

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I can imagine a Sansa-Theon marriage, but Catelyn-Victarion is just hilarious 😂


In my opinion balon doesnt really care about theon even he hadn’t returned to iron isles balon would’ve still invaded north


Balon would NEVER have agreed. He saw Theon as an embarrassment and wanted his daughter as heir. He also wanted to rule the Iron Islands as a completely independent king with no ties to anyone. He wanted the freedom to raid the entire Westerosi coast not only Lannisport.


The idea of Catelyn being Asha's mother by law would have been fun. The fights would have been epic.


I sometimes wonder what would've happened had Robb won, that would've been so cool to see, such an amazing battle commander, he reminded me a bit of Alexander the Great


Robb knows Theon personally, would you let Theon have your little sister


It could have worked he only turned down rob asking for help because he told him he would give him the crown whereas if they formed a alliance and then both took there own crowns he would have been more likely to agree it would make sense to him as rob would be king of the north and not cared that the raided and pillaged the other 6 kingdoms having the north as there allies would also mean any attack on the iron islands would have to come by boat and that plays into what there good at ship warfare


I think it would’ve been interesting to see if the Lannister’s had lost to Robb and what would’ve happened afterwards. If, with all the Lannisters dead, Stannis sat on the Iron Throne, his daughter as his heir and Robb ruling in the North and then years later after everything has settled down and Westeros is running efficiently, Daenerys with her armies and three dragons sail across the Narrow sea to conquer ALL of Westeros without Tyrion as her hand. Some of the greatest stories are ones where you don’t know who to route for and Daenerys vs Robb would’ve been conflicting for the audience. Without a common enemy like Cersei, I don’t see the North making an alliance with Daenerys.


How would he offer Sansa without having Sansa? Does she teleport out of the Red Keep in this hypothetical?


“The Greyjoys the Starks, and will convince the boy to come to our side”

Nothing changed my guy.


I can’t imagine a Sansa and Theon marriage, but maybe Robb and Asha. And Robb definitely should’ve taken his chance to marry Margaery instead of letting her go off into the hands of the Lannisters. And also, the Sansa-Theon marriage wouldn’t have benefited anyone because Balon not only would not have agreed, but Theon is no longer a Greyjoy(he was in the North for so long) and eventually they would have had to deal with the threat of Euron(everyone needs to focus their efforts and attention into stopping him) and I don’t know what would’ve happened to Sansa had Euron encountered her.


Tiny problem is that the Greyjoys always get defeated when they attempt to sack Lannisport where the place still has a good defense despite their leige lord beinf in Harrenhal. In contrast to Winterfell, everyone just let Theon in thinking he was there to defend it. Baleon is not exactly someone would have wanted an alliance as it meant he was given something rather than taken it


3 marriages to the Greyjoy's? That's more ridiculous than the Freys getting a royal wedding with Rob. I doubt it, that gives way too much power to Greyjoy, and loses 2 other possible marriage alliances. One would be sufficient enough to bind the two houses, that is if Balon had any intentions to remain under another King, which was counter to his plans of going back to the Ironborne way.

What makes the Ironborne ships so enticing are their beach landing capabilities, river sailing and coastal sailing capabilities (shallow water). People have this misconception that these ships can stand toe to toe with in a straight up fight with ships designed for naval warfare, like the carrack or gallery (or was it the galleon? Can't remember maybe both?) converted to a wartime vessel. And that is simply not true, it is great for covert operations, or inserting troops into areas you wouldn't expect open ocean going vessels to be able to reach.

Assassin's Creed Valhalla is an accurate description of what a longship the Ironborne use are. While the Andrestia in Assassin's Creed Odyssey is an accurate description of what an open ocean going war vessel is capable of (since cannons aren't prominent or as far as I know a thing in the books or show). Two completely different mindsets and strategies are used in their designs.

So to have a dominant naval presence you'd want both, (and technically the Freys have longships that can traverse coastal regions and rivers, so all Rob has to do is ramp up the production of those ships, and he can match the Ironborne presence, and possibly exceed what they are capable of in numbers), and pledging 3 marriages to one house lessens the possibility of acquiring both. There are other houses with open ocean naval power, and the North is plentiful in wood.


I think you forget they’re only reason why he wants to marry Sansa so that he can be fully a stark


Robb wouldn't have broken his vow. The only reason he did was because of his grief for his brothers, but if their was an alliance with the ironborn winterfell wouldn't have been sacked and robb wouldn't have been vulnerable to jeyne westerlings advances


Sansa was caged in kings landing during that period. Rob' war was for the return of his dad and sisters


Balon was an idiot going against the North. They were the only faction that offered an alliance and would have readily recognized Iron Island independence. They could have gotten fat and wealthy off the Westerlands.


Honestly this is unlikely

As stated Balon would never agree to such a thing

But a Stark Greyjoy alliance would be great in all honesty


I definitely ship Theon/Sansa in the show (mostly after Ramsay) but I actually would have loved a Robb/Theon marriage <3 I know it would never happen only because Robb is king and needs an heir. At least in this case, if the red wedding still happened, Theon and Robb would die together and Theon would avoid all that grief with Ramsay


I’m probably one of the few people who thought they actually would have made a cute couple Sansa and Theon
