Infinity and Non-Locality with Vernon Neppe

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Vernon Neppe explains that, though we only experience our physical lives of 3 dimensions of space in a moment in time (3S-1t), we nevertheless still exist in a discrete nine-dimensional finite universe plus a separate "countable infinity—the discrete transfinite. These are made up of innumerable ‘quanta' —Planck lengths in quantum physics. These quantized dimensions (finite and transfinite) are all intimately, necessarily and inseparably “embedded” (directly contained)—like a hand to an arm, more than just a connection—in a non-quantized, unbroken infinite continuity that is forever extended in unbounded space, eternal time and an all-pervasive consciousness repository. This infinite continuity may be responsible for the order in our existence—“ordropy"— and this also implies survival after physical death. The controversial notion of levels of the infinite—the “infinity of infinities”— was regarded as if mathematicians were challenging god. However, this infinity of infinities better allows us to understand how each component of our finite reality may be mirrored in the infinite.

New Thinking Allowed host, Jeffrey Mishlove, PhD, is author of The Roots of Consciousness, Psi Development Systems, and The PK Man. Between 1986 and 2002 he hosted and co-produced the original Thinking Allowed public television series. He is also past-president of the non-profit Intuition Network, an organization dedicated to creating a world in which all people are encouraged to cultivate and apply their inner, intuitive abilities.

(Recorded on April 29, 2018)

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This was fascinating. I could listen to these two chatting for hours on end.


This is exceptional. Difficult to understand fully, but it has a Qabalistic reality-feel to it. Thank you Jeffrey and Vernon!


Looking forward to an interview with Vernon Neppe and Dr. Eben Alexsander proof of heaven.Thank you for a wonderful interview. Jeffrey Mishlove. with Love from Norway.


In my downtime (which is a lot these days, ) I play repetive games like Minecraft or The Sims to keep my eyes and hands occupied, while listening to your videos. It puts me in a receptive state to hear what the speaker is really saying. Going through the catalog of interviews, I become familiarized with a wide variety of topics and terms that would normally take many hours of reading to fully grok. I've bought several books based on your suggestions. Thanks to you and all your wonderful guests for expanding our universe one mind at a time!


In any system, as you add to the system, the system itself changes.


I thought I knew what I was talking about in terms of time, space, and consciousness. I studied it, as a layman, since I was 12-I'm 42 now. Wow, I think the only thing I could gather is that time, space, and consciousness are holographic fractals that go on forever. Even Dr. Mishlove was agape at the concepts Dr. Neppe was using.


Please, since Dr. Neppe, is a psychiatrist, could he touch on meditation and mental health?


This is exciting to watch, as difficult and challenging as the subject may be. I'm certainly not a quantum mathematician or even close. I've always been fascinated with the correlation in mathematical theories and their experience. I often wonder when we are in the deepest recesses of our consciousness, how small are we? Is the approach to the void, a sense of nothingness and everythingness simultaneously, a moment of experiencing that tiny moment?

From an experiential, or even 'technique' perspective, William Swygard developed a process called multi-plane awareness technique. It speaks to a 9-plane process that has associated 'bodies' and particular 'consciousness' on each level. I wonder if the 5 senses are distributed across these 9 dimensions in similar fashion? A ratio of 5 senses to 10 percent of our brain leads to 45 senses with the other 90%, a possible distribution of replication across the 9 dimensions?

Is the mathematics of this calculus of dimensional distinction able to create natural equations that correspond to natural experiences? Shouldn't we be able to have an experience of the model in some way or ways that examples its reality? I wonder if the discovery of the Higgs-boson was really a rip/repair in the 'fabric' and thus proves M Theory, not the Higgs field theory.

Are the discrete and pixelated also part of the threads of equations (individuation) that ultimately produce the tapestry we experience as the physical world? Is there a perfect form, fit and function of the threads - our consciousness incarnate in this physical body? Is the idea of oneness the path to harmony as we evolve expressible as an equation? Could entanglement also be a manifestation of the message?

Now as I'm listening to the non-local references and the nearly instantaneous travel in another dimension I'm reminded of an experience I had in the late 80s. I was preparing for a multi-level awareness experience (another Swygard technique) with a facilitator sitting next to me. Long story short, I was escorted to somewhere that took 8 minutes to arrive and 8 minutes to return. The scene was of three huge spheres of light, white with rainbow sparkles as I watched, with perhaps a dozen small green spheres surrounding them.

The interaction that occurred between the facilitator and I during the process gave credence to the reality of the experience even if it was imaginary. Still, the 8 minute going and coming is significant. The only thing I could think of was that we traveled at the speed of thought. What is the speed of thought? I'm sure there are other references. The one I found was 841 trillion miles per second. Listening to this conversation was intensely enjoyable.


Going to re-watch all the Vernon videos after that Close interview, man I wish I had time to get this, fascinating stuff.


The Universe is fractal in nature, infinite possibility's!!


If the universe is finite, then that is counter intuitive.

If the universe is infinite, then that is counter intuitive.


When people say there are 7+ billion worlds on earth (because each of us creates his/her own reality), I am thinking that each "consciousness" (person) has its own 9-D allotment of dimensions out of the infinity, and (potentially) we "intersect" only in the transfinite dimensions. Or maybe families of consciousness share all or part of a 9-D manifold.
As to the issue of non-locality: if you imagine infinite-D reality's being filled with ether (methyl-, ethyl- or polyvinyl - take your pick [just joking]), then the vibratory plenum of the ether (or you might want to call it "vacuum zero medium") could change instantaneously without actually travelling anywhere (thus rendering the "speed" of light irrelevant), and the polyholographic universe would be entirely entangled.
Pretty wild! (but I am thinking more Scriabin or Stravinsky than Mozart :))


Unified, unification. And Syntropy. Term I've mused for a while that I think best apply to what is being discussed here.


Zero is Infinity in the opposite direction


I'm now compelled to revisit the creation of a 17 sided polygon. Thank you. True story, 2 years ago I watched demonstration of how a 17 sided polygon was discovered and created. One year later as I look at daily crop circle updates, seeing a new one, I said to myself out loud "that's f rad.super nice and the like, a very distinct voice spoke. "wait until you see the next one", matter of factly. I can't say that has ever happened before or since. Italy 2017. Me, here Wash Great math professor btw. Shout out to you!! For sure. I'll remember your name. or was that 3 years ago? Oh man, I don't recall exactly. but thats not important


What are the 12 altered states of consciousness he speaks of?

What are the 9 experiments with one and billion odds showing psi phenomenon?

Why should being able to Map this theory mathematically make any difference. Does this but make the assumption that math is objective and exists outside of human mind?

How can our experience exist outside of existence (consciousness)? Though I do understand his point.

So when he says matter energy consciousness is this another triade(dimension) of space time consciousness or just different words for the same triade?

What is the infinite space that the nine finite dimensions exist in? Especially if consciousness is included in the 9 Dimensions? What can exist outside of and therefore contain consciousness? Could he possible mean mind (inside the nine dimensions)? Therefore consciousness would contain the nine Dimensions and be the infinite space he speaks of.

How does this relate to the triune models that exist in so many spiritual traditions?

Can any frequencies or musical scales and harmonics be attached to the nine dimensions?

Fascinating interview.


Dimensions could also be virtual like particles and the only thing that may be discrete is ratio.
There may be no digital horizon.


Don't think "particle, " think "quantum of action in a field."


I have a feeling that the talk is inconsistent. But it is inspiring


The one without a second is by definition boundless.

Eternity and Infinity are the complementary poles of the Reality continuum, for only eternity can fully embrace infinity.

Correlated electrons form the poles of a relationship, which is a continuum.

Reality regarded as a whole can be quantified, like a pie, the reality pie.

Reality = that which is
Being = potential
Existence = actual

The nature of the Absolute is to function/serve as a diversified unity (continuum of Being), which actualizes as a unified diversity or Uni - verse. It is thus the One Absolute Being in which all relative beings live, move and have their being.

I think, therefore I am. I am, therefore there is that which is.

There is that which is.
There is not that which is that is other than that which is, for if there was anything other, it would still be that which is - that we call other, thus not other at all.
Therefore, that which is, is all - inclusive.

Time is the moving image of eternity.

Conscious attention can be measured.

Conscious and unconscious are the poles of the continuum of awareness.

What appears as death is in reality a phase transition, like water - solid, liquid, gas.

Gas = innermost
Liquid = midmost
Solid = outermost
