David Bohm & Nietzsche: Reality // Consciousness | Philosophy & Quantum Theory

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In this video I talk about physicist David Bohm and his book surrounding the complexes of quantum theory and reality called: Wholeness & The Implicate Order. I also talk about Friedrich Nietzsche & David Bohm's work in relation to consciousness, reality and thought.

#DavidBohm #Nietzsche #QuantumTheory #Philosophy
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David Bohm said he got the implicit/explicit order idea from reading Hegel and his dialectic. He actually mentions Hegel in one of his interviews and how Hegel changed his view on physics. That's why you're making the Nietzsche connection because Nietzsche too was influenced by the Hegelian dialectic. This also ties into Holography and holograms and the fourier transform. Fascinating topic.


Bohm also had some interactions with krishnamurti, an interesting figure. You might find it interesting to look into it, also bruce lee heavily studied him so that might be a reason more to take a look.


Brilliant presentation. Make a program on Jiddu & Bohm's comparative views & ideas.


You should also study Jiddu Krishnamurthi; i consider Nietzsche and Jiddu Krishnamurthi true and authentic teachers the world has ever seen
Besides, i find a very close resemblance between the two of them, it's like their core basis of teaching flourished from the same deep Ocean
And here i think you should make a video on Krishnamurthi and Nietzsche's resemblance and discuss how similar two human beings can be!


The interpretation is different but essentially this teaching is the same as all good spiritual teachings. To know the one that knows. 2 things seem to occur. Firstly you identify as the one that knows or is aware, the awareness in which experience appears. With which it is known, out of which it is made, Secondly you see through and undo the impression programing that society and education had moulded throughout our time identified as an apparently separate and limited body/mind.
Good video thanks.


Some of the subject matter here is far beyond my current understanding of things, but during my last meditation I had this sort of intuitive idea that the internal systems of things probably play out in some perspective in a similar way to the way we experience life and a necessary part of how things might come to exist. So for instance, while we can only see particles interact in one way, it may be true that their interaction at the scale of a particle might be something similar happening to say the internal faculties of the mind to reach some singular idea or state if that makes any sense.


Thank you a ton for shedding light on these topics, especially with such creditable(if there is such a thing) and concise sources to use as the different paint colors for your picture. Glad to know I'm not alone


Philosophy and Physics are pretty close in sense that they both end up creating absurdism to some extent.

Edit: Just watched the whole vid, great job on connecting the concept of wholeness/everything with philosophy and quantum physics. Also instead of absurdity it made me think about determinism, oh well.


III. The Principal of Vibration
"nothing rests; everything moves; everything vibrates."

kyballion story telling yea yea me knows this, I do, I do but I do also enjoy the at a glace similarities of things quantum and at a distance rather spooky (sources sighted below lol)


Awesome and very insightful!! I thoroughly enjoyed this episode🕸️


Always happy when your videos pop up in my feed.

The problem of final vocabulary always surprises me. How the intention behind a word/concept can be so different between two contexts. I see such vacillation in Neitzsche, between a disdain and a core understanding of the human condition. I love how between your first video and this one, you can see the difference between Neitzsche' disdainful concept of rationality and his ideal application of the concept. How it is a tool which should be applied relentlessly, and without favour or nature. Existence precedes essence, but from that point on the human intellect only has so many tools on which to build and change outwardly. I consider Neitzsche' disdain for rationality in that inward metaphysical sense, as a process which Neitzsche must have subjected himself to. disdain which manifests outwardly in his writings, as he puts the whole of the humanity/society on blast. on the other hand, in contradistinction to Bohm, I doubt Neitzsche' self-criticism as only the attempt before a shrug and a will-to-power.


Wonderful pulling of threads together, thank you for this video and your insight - very helpful to me. Love the reach back to Nietzsche -- what he saw and communicated was like an atomic bomb going off, with the shock waves reverberating across time with increasing vehemence.


Great talk, and insights. Thanks for this.


Nietzsche is a total holist. There's always room for reductionism, but not all the way down. Can you do a vid on Nietzsche versus postmodernism? Based off this Bohmian reading, what Nietzsche inspired in postmodernism is the wrong thing as they are moral and epistemic nihilists, whereas he in fact appeals to wholeness and Bohm completes this in Nietzsche seems to me.


Just learned about this guy somehow. Great video


There's an interesting book called 'The Quantum Nietzsche' by someone called William Plank, which draws heavily on Bohm, who was also heavily inspired by Alfred Whitehead, the process philosopher, of which Nietzsche and Bohm are also; process philosophy, immanence or an "organic realism".

Some exerpts I shared on twitter:

"The apparent communication between the glass beads, or the monads or the photons is only a mistake of the intellect which creates causality and communication as a (mis)interpretation of events after the fact, as Nietzsche claimed [...]
We must conclude that herdman perception is a local event, and that perception as a local event is unapt to perceive cosmically organized or holistic events."

"I will stop short of reading into this quotation the prediction of the arrival of a superior human, an Overman, who attains this partnership with the universe. But I believe David Bohm, the quantum mechanist, has demonstrated that he was one of the "new philosophers", whose arrival Nietzsche predicted or that at least he had the vision of the perceiver who is one with the perception."

(From The Quantum Nietzsche)


There's a book called The Quantum Nietzsche that draws comparison between Bohm and Nietzsche.


Hey could you compare Bohm & K with Jung, because in one of the dialogues between them Bohm says ego/self is Jung’s archetype, by which I’m wondering if Jungs archetypes are still superficial/created by thought


The interview with Suzuki 17:30 normally finished with.. Suzuki apologizing 3 times but the time has finished..
In favour of the media, advertisement pause or the time are always appearing as a mechanical god to save their asses.
(for mechanical god search for the Greek theater)


"Parmenides said, "one cannot think of what is not"; we are at the other extreme, and say "what can be thought of must certainly be a fiction"."

While this is an interesting video, you are missing the immanent critique by Nietzsche regarding judgment, truth, knowledge, etc., which is necessary for parsing out where N would disagree with Bohm.
