Tim Maudlin: Was Einstein Wrong? Bell's Inequality & Universal Non-Locality

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Tim Maudlin is an American philosopher of science who has done influential work on the metaphysical foundations of physics and logic. He studied physics and philosophy at Yale University, and history and philosophy of science at the University of Pittsburgh, where he received his PhD. He taught for more than two decades at Rutgers University before joining the Department of Philosophy at New York University in 2010. Maudlin has also been a visiting professor at Harvard University and Carnegie Mellon University. He is a member of the “Foundational Questions Institute” of the Académie Internationale de Philosophie des Sciences and has received a Guggenheim Fellowship. In 2015 he was elected a fellow of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences. He is the founder of the John Bell Institute for the Foundations of Physics in Sveta Nedilja, Hvar, Croatia. Maudlin is also Visiting Professor at the University of Italian Switzerland.

0:00 Introduction
0:27 Does Science need Philosophy?
6:00 "Shut up and calculate"
7:59 Physics & Fundamentality
11:19 What is Matter?
20:53 Limits of perception & unknown unknowns
25:25 Consciousness renders the mind-body problem intractable
29:40 The observer-effect
43:35 Quantum consciousness & computation
51:28 Conscious AI
56:43 Unifying quantum theory with general relativity (theory of everything)
1:02:15 Bell's Theorem & Non-locality
1:11:57 Tension between special relativity & Bell's theorem
1:24:29 Oppenheimer, Interstellar, The Prestige - logical coherence in film
1:34:54 Time Travel & Many-worlds hypothesis
1:36:19 Free Will Compatibilism & moral responsibility
1:47:27 Moral absolutism
1:51:35 The John Bell Institute (GoFundMe)
1:52:41 Conclusion




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#TimMaudlin #Einstein #Physics #Consciousness
Рекомендации по теме

0:00 - Introduction
0:27 - Does Science need Philosophy?
6:00 - "Shut up and calculate"
7:59 - Physics & Fundamentality
11:19 - What is Matter?
20:53 - Limits of perception & unknown unknowns
25:25 - Consciousness renders the mind-body problem intractable
29:40 - The observer-effect
43:35 - Quantum consciousness & computation
51:28 - Conscious AI
56:43 - Unifying quantum theory with general relativity (theory of everything)
1:02:15 - Bell's Theorem & Non-locality
1:11:57 - Tension between special relativity & Bell's theorem
1:24:29 - Oppenheimer, Interstellar, The Prestige - logical coherence in film
1:34:54 - Time Travel & Many-worlds hypothesis
1:36:19 - Free Will Compatibilism & moral responsibility
1:47:27 - Moral absolutism
1:51:35 - The John Bell Institute (GoFundMe)
1:52:41 - Conclusion

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The best interview with Mr Malden I’ve ever seen. Excellent interview.


So refreshing to see someone calling out the Idealism BS for what it is. Idealism is charlatanism, and in practice absolutely no one believes in it (as judged by actions/decisions rather than pronouncements). This stuff is hard enough to figure out without introducing total nonsense with no predictive or explanatory capacity whatsoever.


of course lobsters and octopus are conscious


Philosophy and free will, solids within conscious mind.


You don't have to give up on locality.


How many times have we seen/ heard that "Einstein was wrong"?
Hundreds, thousands, hundreds of thousands?
Some sociopsychological historical analysis is needed to describe this chronic stubborn persistence that some people have about Einstein's "wrongness"...


listening to tim, it seems like he acknowledges experientiality as a datum, but doesn't want to give up physics. BK's analytic idealism might be just perfect for him! a conversation between tim and bernardo would be very cool!


The trouble with physics is it's in need of an audit.


What happens in one lab does *not have a physical affect on another nonlocal lab.


every video I see of Maudlin he looks like a different person, only his voice remains the same


Does science need philosophy? Continues to watch on very interested…..

I started here and thought hard before watching the whole video

the study of the fundamental nature of knowledge, reality, and existence, especially when considered as an academic discipline.
Also we have so many cases where a “Person” will come with a theory (like DrEiny did with GR +more), evolve into other things greater and more precise. But what’s important is a “person” comes up with these brilliant concepts and all of humanity is impacted. It’s truly great work and we should look at it it a mistake or mis information that was never Intentional !!


❤❤❤❤ guy's generous with his time that is hard to do


Scott Aaronson in his book “quantum computing since Democritus” answers this in a page or two for all time. He talks about all the areas of quantum mechanics that wouldn’t have even been analyzed at all without philosophers asking questions.


Having watched Sabine Hossenfelder's YouTube video "Why is quantum mechanics non-local?", I see that the violation of local causality is only shown to be true if measurement independence is assumed to be true. There is no reason that this assumption needs to be true. Even though quantum mechanics itself is non-locally causal, reality is not necessarily non-locally causal. Quantum mechanics is, after all, only a model. What is important here is to understand that "information" is locally known about the reality at another locality. That information is NOT transferred to the distant location. Reality can be understood as locally causal, if measurement independence is violated. In the case of the knowledge of two quantumly entangled particles, we know that measurement independence is violated: if each person making their measurements know that the particles are entangled, they know that when they make a measurement, it affects what THEY know about the measurement at the distant locality. There is nothing spooky here at all.


How can it be this channel only has 6100 subscribers?
Tim Maudlin is certainly one of the few philosophers of our time, and one of the brightest minds ever, but...
...one point he repeatedly makes: Quantum Theory is not a theory but a receipe to predict the results of experiments.
Which, if you had the headache to "shut up and calculate" ("normailzation", anyone?) is certainly true.
That's why I prefer the term "Quantum Mechanics". But this state of affairs is nothing new. Here's my point:
Consider "Newton's theory of gravity". Newton, his contemporaries and for centuries to come, his disciples simply had no theory of gravity.
They had a receipe to calculate the force of attraction between to massive bodies. A theory needs to answer the question of why there should be a force acting on bodies with a certain property "mass" instead of, say, temperature.


For a guy who acknowledges there are "unknown unknowns" and that consciousness may never be explained, he seems awfully dismissive ("crazy", "silly" etc) of the ideas and theories of other theorists and academics. Why is it that so many of these guys with fancy degrees seem never to have heard of the word "humility"?


The book by Flann O'Brian that Msudlin mentioned is The Third Policeman and I highly recommend it. The nutcase researcher in the book is named De Selby. He is not a character in the main narrative. Rather, the main character discusses De Selby's craxed ideas. Literarily, this was a genius way to include a character and the high comedy he engenders into a story that otherwise has nothing to do with him.


I adopted a German Sheppard with Psi tattooed on her forehead. I taught her Calculus in 6 weeks and now she's helping me decompose the maths of Quantum Mechanics. Only a dog could love and support a nerd like me. On the serious side I am publishing a new hypothesis on Relativity as an emergent property of field interactions. No Space-Time or Time Dilation and falsifies the Relativity of Simultaneity. It's called ETA Relativity. I'm hoping to publish it on Cornell's ArXiv. I will also be posting a video on Youtube to guide the layman on the paper's content.


Isn't Zeno effect the same as the collapse of the wave functio?..Prof.Dr.Nasir Fazal Cambridge USA
