Simon Sinek: Purpose should be prioritized over metrics

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During the seminar 'Purpose Driven Leadership' Simon Sinek answers the question: Can purpose be kept in a metric? Being purpose led is not the absence of metrics - it's prioritizing the purpose before the metrics. The organizations that do this will, over time, demonstrate better metrics.

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What I love most about the peer review process Simon shares near the end is how it's designed based on principles. Those principles inform the design of the systems and processes. And it treats those systems and processes as products meant to serve the multitude of people who are connected to them.


A good reminder in today's grind culture and everything have to have quick results and having people burnt out.

The performance vs trust is always very eye opening


Peer review is very essential to career growth and development. I really like the approach presented.


a very simple, yet efficient approach we used to get a metric for "trust": a scale from 1 to 10. 1: I'll quit, at best tomorrow. 10: i don't need money for this kind of work. every x weeks the teams are asked to put a point on that scale. First anonymously, later (as trust was growing) everyone told this at the team meeting. 2 sentences, a number on this scale, and a tendency (up, stay, down). This helped a lot avoiding layoffs and identifying problems early. Also, 2 sentences about personal situation, because there's an interdependence.


The part about the Navy Seals' preferences in the performance/trust matrix is spot on, but there is one MASSIVE factor which is overlooked: the Navy Seals are not an organisation whose primary goal is profit. Businesses may claim to put people at the center of their action, to be working in service of grand ideals, but the reality is that the overwhelming majority of companies works with one main goal and one main goal only: as much money as possible, as soon as possible.


Outstanding analysis. This really helps me


It’s always great to get peer review!!!


I love this notion of Peer Reviews. we have two reviews a Mid-year and End of Review. I am going to make the suggestion of this


I feel that people get very angry when they know the feedback is wrong or misleading. When the feedback is right and they know, they can fake anger but cannot feel angry. Self realisation will not allow them to. So when somebody is really angry about a feedback, probably there is a problem with the feedback. But they should try to ignore it, rather than being angry.


So you are teaching people how the DOD looks at performance reviews. Easy. I like it because I'm used to it. Great and honest method if you don't have a motive behind it.


I work the late shift and there are only 4 of us in our group. We build marketing campaigns. Before we submit them to QA we have each other look at them for advice and to make sure we do not make any errors to hit our QA. We have a higher percentage of a QA over this. The other side of this coin. Our phone call QA is done by people who do not and cannot do our job. Because it is too subjective in how we handle customer service. So they merely require ticking boxes that mean nothing to the client experience like reintroduction, asking if there is anything else. Matter of fact if you do as expected you can only get 96% You must go ABOVE AND BEYOND to get 100%. Meaning as expected is not even enough by the people who have no idea what that even means. I havestarted deleting any non perfect QA without signing them. That is where our resentment is. IT is that bad.


I need to learn to talk like this guy. I need to see what happens when someone makes him angry


It’s very hard to give and receive constructive criticism!


Clearly the seminar is in Holland. Just because of the questions.


“It’s the momentum… the way I measure success is if the trend is going like this…” sounds a lot like Dave Snowden with “more like this less like that” and in valuing direction of vector as opposed to strictly quantities.


Purpose unifies the whole experience. It definitely relates to what’s in the metric if it’s convincing, but it’s life more than projection. What’s the story, morning glory? The whole is more than the sum of its parts.


Ah, the myth of absolute precision in metrics. Useful, but not the only one thing.


Peer review has been around for decades. My hospital doesn't use them because they are stuck in the 1970's approach to workers. Work your shift, keep your mouth shut about the poor pay and please your manager. Why I'm happy to leave next week.


How would you measure the trustworthiness of the people?


This is exactly the pitch someone would give for 360 reviews if they've never experienced them in practice. In practice the feedback is weaponized by management to destroy the morale of direct reports that they wish to push out of the organization.
