Growing Your Career | As an Executive Assistant

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Description: Happy Administrative Professionals Week! In this video, I'm giving you 4 tips to help you in your pursuit of excellence in your career as an Executive Assistant or Administrative Professional.

I am also sharing with you some of my very favorite EA advocates who are helping to revolutionize the industry. Please take a few moments to check them all out and join their communities.

📒 Show Notes and Resources 📒

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🎈 EA Advocates Mentioned in Video 🎈

Meg Steinschauer – Connected Assistants

Annie Croner – Whole Assistant

Lauren Bradley – The Officials

Debra Coleman – Have a Seat with Women in the Workplace Podcast

Nadine King – National Association of Black Administrative Professionals

**** SHOW NOTES ****
About This Video 🎞
In this video, Melissa Peoples shares tips that Executive Assistants can use to level up their careers.

Check out our upcoming events ... 👍
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Melissa, I have followed you for years and have used so many of your tips. I love my job and wish I could get my peers to shake off that second-class citizen attitude because we are vital to the success of our organizations. Thank you for the links. Of course, I joined! Thank you for all you do, Meg.


Hi Melissa, love the all the knowledge you bring to the table. Loved the mixer last week, hoping there will be more in the future. Keep the tips, tricks and content coming 👏🏽


Melissa, I attended the virtual APC yesterday (11/18/21) and found not only your style of training amazing, but YOU as a whole. I'm a new subscriber to Admin Guru and this is the second video I've watched thus far (the first was your response to the Wall Street Journal article - they just don't know any better). Have you come across the title of Executive Administrative Business Partner? I believe this title sums up what my role as an EA truly is. I'm curious as to your thoughts on this title. Thank you for being an advocate for this profession - I've been an admin assistant all of my working life (40+ years). I am so happy and proud to see my younger counterparts stepping up and demanding that this profession be elevated to the level it deserves.


I am sure I want to be a career person and I really want to build my career on EA. I just subscribed


I want to land a job as an EA and I KNOW I’ve got what it Please connect me with the right people to work 🤞🏾


Sadly Nadine King lost her battle with Covid on May 18, 2021. Doesn't seem like the National Association of Black Administrative Professionals is active anymore.


Hi, I am an issue as executive assistant to two General Managers. Both are gems but the issue is with their DRs, most of the time they take me for granted and starts treating me as an admin person who will print their docs, travel booking etc etc. It has become so painful, I can't even say no to them as they say the job that they are doing is for my boss whereas I understand they are too responsible to provide work to the executives..can I say no to them?
