Why don't you just leave it? And quietly you'll forget about it. ~ Mooji

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In this excerpt, Mooji conveys the power of losing interest in the mind's stories. This video is highly recommended for those who are struggling to let go of things (truly, there is nothing to let go of, just keep looking at the Stillness rather than at the stories of the mind).

"There's two kinds of interests, or two types of desires: 'I really, really want this thing' is a desire.. 'I really, really, really don't want it', is also a form of desire. It means that you are caught up with it somehow, and so your investment in it, your repulsion at it or attraction to it, gives it life." ~ Mooji

"At a certain point you start to realise that the tendencies and the powers and the intensity of your actions and reactions become less, you're less concerned about it, there's more a stable sense of presence here, it's not recationary, it's not easily disturbed." ~ Mooji

Excerpt from Open Satsang Season from Rishikesh, India.
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