Все публикации

Tales of the Mystics - Keep Going

VERSES FROM THE VOID: RUMI - What Is This Hurricane Blowing From Heaven

One Step At A Time (A Short Story about Hope and Perseverance)

Mooji - Rest without waiting, love without need, be happy without stories

Gautam Sachdeva - Jesus said: Not my will oh Lord, but Thine, be done

Gautam Sachdeva - Acceptance will happen when it is meant to happen

Ganga Mira - Place yourself in what is Real, in what you are

Ganga Mira - Don't give reality to your mind

Ganga Mira - You have to be cured from your imagination

Ganga Mira - I am the Seer, I'm not what is seen

Book Review - Heal Thyself by White Eagle

Ganga Mira - Don't be traumatised by fear

Mooji - Getting Distracted by Thoughts (highly recommended for those who have a restless attention)

Words of Wisdom - Paramahansa Yogananda: Inner Peace

Kanan Jarrus - The Jedi teach that life doesn’t cease at death.

Wuauquikuna - The Last of the Mohicans

Wuauquikuna - Wuayrapak Muspuynin

Mooji - Witnessing Unbearable States (highly recommended for all those who are struggling)

Words of Wisdom: Native American Wisdom

Wuauquikuna - Abba - Chiquitita

Wuauquikuna - The Last Inka Warriors 'Siwar'

Wuauquikuna - Pocahontas - Colours of the Wind (on a windy day)

Ganga Mira - Fear is born with the birth

Tales of the Mystics - The Angel of Death (a Rumi story)