Create a ROS2 Component and Load it at Runtime

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Learn how to transform a ROS2 Node into a Component, build it, and load in at runtime inside a Component Container.

⏱️ Chapters
(00:00) Starting code and what we want to achieve
(01:09) Transform the Node into a Component
(04:40) Build the Component
(09:54) Load the Component inside a Component Container

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sir can u make video that like make a 3d model and use it in gazebo and control that and about move it pkgs and about kinematic solver, plugins, movegroup, please


When I load the component the node is not up and error said could not find requested resource in ament index… do u know how to fix it?


Hello i follow your courses in udemy . I think its worth every penny . CAn u please make a course on ROS control?


Thank you for this video.
I have a question. Do you have any information that could be helpful for me?
I have a cliff sensor in Gazebo and I want to publish the values taken by this sensor in a topic to use them in my code. However, I am unsure of how to do this. I believe I may need to find a plugin for the cliff sensor, but I have been unable to locate one.
Below is my code for the cliff sensor.
<sensor type="ray" name="cliff_sensor_front">
<!-- -2.5 degree -->
<max_angle>0.0436</max_angle> <!-- 2.5 degree -->


Sir could you help me in making project by ardinuo please ? It is essential for me .