Star Trek III :The Search For Spock (1984) Retrospective / Review

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Star Trek III :The Search For Spock (1984) Retrospective / Review

Let's Play Channel
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I think Lloyds performance is more important than you realize. Outside of Worf he is very much the template for modern klingons


Your reviews are great. I disagree, however, that James Horner's score did not shine in this movie. Horner did an outstanding job. The "stealing the enterprise" scene in this movie is one of the best scenes in the entire Star Trek franchise, and it's certainly propelled by Horner's amazing music!


"Stealing the Enterprise" was definitely a fun romp in the soundtrack


Kruge has some of my favourite lines in the entire series, and Lloyd delivers them brilliantly.


Christopher Lloyd basically invented the next-generation Klingon in this movie. The Klingons of the '60s were just normal dudes with tan make-up on who talked big, but weren't really physically imposing. You got the sense that they were all mouth and ego. But in the movies they changed, and I'm not just talking about the make-up. They just started seeming... bigger. More savage. Somebody you really wouldn't want to piss off. And that continued from then on. And apart from the few seconds at the beginning of part 1 (which featured a ship of nameless Klingons getting vaporized) part 3 was where that all started. Back to the Future is my all-time favorite movie, but I have no problem forgetting all about Doc Brown when I watch this one. I thought he did a hell of a job playing this blindly ambitious, savage, sociopathic alien.


I remember watching this in the theater when i was 14 and one of the worst scenes in cinematic history happened. They blew up the Enterpise!! I remember cryng, lol


While this is not my most favorite Star Trek film, the death of Kirk's son was part of the build up for Star Trek 6. Kirk saying "Let them die, " is perfect attention to the material and exactly what one would expect him to say.


Good overall review. When Kirk finds out his son is dead always gets me. Shatner knows how to make a moment.


Star Trek III is still a fantastic movie to this day, I never tire of this and to watch it alongside II and IV as one whole story makes for the best experience of all the Trek movies . The original cast are still my fave crew as opposed to the sterile TNG crew who I've never taken to. Sure there are cheap and tacky bits but that just adds to the fun of it. Love it.


If this is "not a perfect movie"
then I say:
"Please give me more of this (not perfect movies) today"
It's ok for me if they are not perfect as long as they start to make movies like this again....


Leonard Nimoy: "We decided the wings (of the Bird of Prey) should change to an attack position....I don't know if the fans noticed." - Oh yes Len we noticed!


As a child, I was at first shocked and heartbroken at the loss of the enterprise. But then I realized that it was a good sendoff for the beloved ship. What more fitting of an end then to be destroyed in the process of defeating the enemy and allowing her crew to cheat death one more time.


I grew up as a huge fan of the original Star Trek series and really loved this movie for its creative and almost flippant break from convention. It was the first time I saw the crew portrayed in such a humanistic manner. They're out of uniform, they're committing a heist, it had humor. It was awesome to me. And it was a visual spectacle. This movie delivered.
Also, at the time this came out, I only remembered Christopher Lloyd as that guy from Taxi and didn't really recognize him as anyone particularly noticeable.  I could be wrong, but I think Back to the Future came out later (and even then, he was still that guy from Taxi). In any case, I didn't see Back to the Future until after Search for Spock.

That being said, you can imagine my joy at seeing the Voyage Home. Not just one of my favorite Star Trek movies, but one of my favorite movies.

Belated thanks for another great review!


I really disagree with you that James Horner theme does not help the emotional scenes. I think this is one of the score's greatest strengths. Who could forget 'Stealing the Enterprise', and I cannot think of more beautiful music here for the destruction of the original Enterprise. That's just my opinion.


I enjoyed this film much better than Star Trek 4 that got more critic   praise . Watching the end of the Enterprise was heart retching, She was like a character, but was played out in battle.  


No no no....this soundtrack is amazing. It sets such a somber, sweeping and emotional mood. It is the natural progression of ST2 and I adore it...


I find it fitting that in the next movie, kirk and company travel back in time using the vessel previously captained by a character played by Christopher Lloyd.


Hate to break this to you, but Christopher Lloyd's performance in this could not be " off - putting " as a result of his part n Back to the Future, because BTTF had not even been made yet - Search For Spock was at least a year before Back to the Future.


I really enjoyed Star Trek 3. For one thing, it had DeForest Kelly best work as a Actor. When he channeling Spock, he is very effective. He does a great job.


We shall dedicate this awesome review to the late Leonard Nemoy.
