Should You Sleep with Him? 3 Question to Ask Yourself Before Sex Feat. Dr. John Gray I Mat Boggs

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Mat Boggs shares relationship advice for women and the 3 questions you should ask yourself before sex.

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Are you wondering if your relationship has progressed far enough to start thinking about sex? It can be a huge guessing game, but the good news is there are three simple questions you can ask yourself to decide if it's the right time! Find out what they are in today's video.


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Mat Boggs Bio:

As a sought-after dating and relationship coach for women and international speaker, Mat Boggs has helped thousands of women understand men, improve their relationships, and attract the relationship they want.

As the best-selling author of Project Everlasting, and creator of Cracking The Man Code, Mat Boggs? dating and relationship advice has been featured on national media including The Today Show, CNN, Headline News, Oprah and Friends, and many more.

Mat's Mission: To increase love in the world, one heart at a time.

As a dating coach for women, Mat believes that your history does not determine your destiny, and that you are more powerful than any circumstance you are facing. The relationship dream in your heart really can become the life you love living!

Mat Boggs highly acclaimed relationship programs have served women around the world in all age groups.

Directed and Editing By: Luke Dejoras
Written By: Mathew Boggs

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Dating, Relationships, understanding men, Dating Advice, Love Advice Relationship Advice, How Men Think, What Men Want, What attracts men, How to attract a man, how to create lasting love, how to know if he likes you, signs your man likes you.

#DatingAdvice #MatBoggs #RelationshipAdvice
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First. Sex is not love.
After being single for years following a failed marriage, and a toxic ltr, I was confused and ignorant about what a good relationship was. I knew in my head what I thought it was. But was that just an illusion or a fairy tale?
I worked on myself, read as much as I could about relationships and had to put boundaries in place. Something I never had or had taken away from me.
When I met my fiance on line, we instantly connected. We spent about 3 months getting to know each other. We talked for hours. On the phone, through text and emails. We has discussed what we were looking for, what brought us to this place at this time in our lives, etc.
When we met in person for the first time, and I got the first hug, I instantly felt 'I was home'.
We each had boundaries, standards, and criteria to be met before sleeping with each other.
The chemistry was there and still is. When we did make that pivotal move, it was with eyes wide open and understanding where this relationship was at present, and where it may or may not go.
I had to learn to take a risk to love again. I wanted a deep meaningful relationship, as did he, but we both had to trust, and step outside our comfort zones, to experience that. We both had been terribly hurt by past partners.
Love is a verb. You choose to love everyday.
This is the first time in my life I love someone soo much, that if he wasn't happy with me, I'd want him to find what or who he is looking for and be happy. We are always friends first, lovers second.
He promised me on first weekend we spent together that he would never lie to me, or cheat on me, and he said he'd rather hurt with the truth than deceive me with a lie. I respected that soo much. I promised him the same.
Neither if us are 'perfect' as no one is, but we are perfect for each other. We are very happy and contented and living our best lives.
Something I never thought possible at my age. (Near retiring age, met him at age 58).
So my advice. Love yourself enough to set boundaries. Be honest open and fearless. Trying and being rejected is ok. Love is worth the wait. Sex is worth the wait. And a successful relationship is not 50/50. It's 100/100.


I ask myself:
- Do we know enough about each to sleep together
- Is the relationship that serious for us to sleep together
- Is he really worth sleeping with
- What will happen to the relationship afterwards that
This was super helpful cuz I never ask myself these questions, I never ever thought of that stuff.


NO is my opinion. I feel having sex with somebody stops the bonding process. The doctor said it all. People gets infatuated with the sex and not the person. We don't get to know each other and everything that makes us up.


Oh I love how you brought John into this! I loved how Matt explained how we need to set the standards in order to allow the privilege for them to enter our bodies. And that the cornerstones were mentioned.🙏🏼❤️


If you want to sleep with him, do it. If you don’t, don’t. If he’s the right guy, sleeping with him won’t ruin it. But don’t sleep with him if you’re not okay with him ghosting you, because if it’s the wrong guy, he will! Also, always be safe, in every way!


I met a man recently and he wanted to come visit so I said no, you can get to know me outside my house thanx 😉 take me out boy let's go hike that's how I know when they show up and he has been pretty good about it, but a man always shows his character early on when he doesnt get the cookie. Trust, vulnerability, trust, vulnerability those are my steps now as woman we just give and sometimes get nothing in return. I let him initiate most of the time and I make sure I go out with friends and still enjoy my hobbies..we learn and men are not that easy but they also have to understand us and put in the work.


This was super helpful in understanding why I don’t feel much of anything when being intimate with my husband, who I recently remarried after being divorced for 2 years. We were married for 8 years before that. I have never felt any real connection with him when we are intimately engaged. Now I can see that it is possible that it’s because I have never felt safe being emotionally or mentally vulnerable with him. There is some serious disfunction here, even though we have fun together. Thanks for sharing!


If he is relationship material, I wait. What really matters is that I do it when I want to, enjoy it and with no regrets whatsoever😊


You're great at explaining things, man!


Did he say he wants to be your boyfriend? He wants a Relationship? You met his Mom? No? Why sleep with a MAN who hasn't invested in you??


If you love him and if he loves you in return and end up in marraige eventually then I think its the right time since youre both adult


I agree 100% with all the points he's making! Sometimes I envy my muslim friends as for them, sex is off the table and that's universally accepted by both parties, and anyone looking to get into a relationship knows there are steps before they reach that point. I've seen their relationships blossom over 6-9-12 months of dating. They spend that time seeing each other, doing different activities, getting to know one another on a deeper level to see if they're compatible. The rest of us, we always feel pressured into sleeping with the guy and we're often made to feel stupid for not wanting to. For me it's never even been about the emotional aspects of sex or not being called afterwards. It's all about not wanting to get naked with someone I barely know or take the responsibility for any nasty disease they might have.


I thought our emotional connection was good but I think we needed to make more time. Yes he pulled away after it was getting serious and a few weeks went by.


Can you go more into depth of what it means to be emotionally and mentally naked with each other?


"The woman's job is to find that depth, the men's job is to respect that depth." WOWW! <3


Love it! I was thinking about this situation this morning, you helped me to make this decision, im gonna wait ☺thank u


I usually wait until I know them well enough to feel comfortable being vulnerable with them. Takes me a while but if they're worth it then they'll wait.


Soo good knowledge again! Mat is the best of the best! Good that he used one truthful statement of J.Gray. Usually J.Gray triggers me with so many unlogical and improbable arguments in his theories. Thanks a lot!🤗


I’m lost here. Can anybody explain what John Gray meant by being mentally naked and emotionally naked?? He never quite described what that looks like. And shouldn’t the point be what the guy DOES after you’ve exposed yourself in those ways?? And what about what he wrote in his book, Mars and Venus on a Date: “Never give a man all that he wants (sex—his highest reward from you) until you receive all that you want (marriage—your highest reward from him).”


It's a balance seems to me. If such major focus on mental and emotional over sexual, hmm...seems all three equally significant...sexual chemistry is no small thing.
Maybe check out Esther Perel's work too
