What He's Thinking Before You Sleep Together

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Let’s be honest and admit that external beauty is important to everyone. BUT it can be a short-lived phase which can easily turn unattractive by someone’s behaviour. I, for one, believe that a person’s beauty radiates from within. No matter how gorgeous he or she might be, their actions will make them more beautiful or turn them “ugly”. Whoever you choose to be your life partner for all the right reasons will always be the most beautiful human being to you.


As a curvy girl I've worked on my self for years: worth, development, loving my skin...I can tell you that confidence is everything! Own that shit, be grateful for your body 🙏🏼 and sexiness will ooze out of you. And just because someone is good looking doesn't automatically make them good in bed anyway 😅
It's LOA...what you believe about yourself and put out to others is what you'll receive


Here’s the rub: if they participate in porn or mention not liking your features or compare you to others. It’s not you, it’s them, they won’t be satisfied with reality, move on, they’re the problem 😊 find someone that is attracted to you as your unique self, not a set of features


I agree with Audrey. When we are in that moment of being completely vulnerable in front of each other, we do not judge each other.


There it is. The key word. "Chemistry" ...and it doesn't necessarily primarily means sexual attraction. To me "chemistry" is a constant hunger and interest in learning more about the other person, wanting more of the communication and this personal contact and presence Even in silence. In fact silence in presence of the other person tells me volumes about the connection between us.


I’m loving the new female element in your content and how Audrey is bringing the female perpective and questions into this ❤


If I’m attracted to someone’s soul, it affects how I see them ❤


Let’s face it attractiveness is Very important but character will make people stay


When I'm in love, I'm in love also with the little things that are not perfect about my man's body. I even see them as a plus. I cannot split a person into "areas": body, mind, voice... it's a whole lovable person.


Thank you for your voice Audrey. Your point about our looks not defining whether we are worthy of a relationship really resonated.
Glad you are part of these videos.


I'm 79 and men of all ages tell me I'm attractive. I thank them


Think they are all right, that you go with the person that you have that chemistry with, makes you laugh, etc and you dont want to point out the bad things in you and just be yourself!


Reject ourselves even before others do...😢 Let’s not do it!!


Also agree with Audrey PLUS There’s a world of us who are overweight, who can’t/don’t work out, who are ill, handicapped, have had mastectomies etc& hey/we are just as lovable, sexual as the models Real love transcends the superficial. I know cause I was fortunate enough to be loved really loved by my husband for 45 years (and a couple of others too.!) Thank G-d ➡️Sexuality is an inside job and most of the time people don’t feel confident or great about the way we look Part of love IS embracing body mind soul, warts and all!❤


Absolutely brilliant articulation of identity and personhood showing up strong inside of vulnerability Matt! You bring so much covering of vulnerability within the thought as well. Awesome! I love it when you support each other’s thoughts and sharing… This was a very wonderful description of exuding confidence through what we believe about ourselves. 💫💫💫


Think about this truth: We already are beautiful! We don't have to live up to these expectations of beauty. We already were and are beautiful just the way we are 😍


This was a nice podcast session. From what I took away in this conversation is that no matter what your looks are (body type, size, and shape) is that having a deep connection and chemistry with the S/O is what makes you love them. As far as sex goes, I believe with what Adurey pointed out to that as long as you have the chemistry and connection, then men aren't judging you on your looks. They are just happy to have sex with you in that moment.


What i would like to know is why men are exempt from bringing to the table? It appears to there is so much emphasis on what a man wants from a woman but no looking at themselves as if sex is for them only. Why is that?


I'll tell you one thing... He already knows if he wants to be with you or not!! Sleeping with him won't change anything!!


This made me think about the little mouse in The Gruffalo creating a ferocious myth about himself and saving his skin! ☺️
