How Do Scars Form?

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If you’ve ever had a deep cut, you might now have a scar. What are scars, and how do they form?

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Mechanism that limits scar formation discovered
“Researchers have discovered that an unexpected cellular response plays an important role in breaking down and inhibiting the formation of excess scar tissue in wound healing.”

Why Are Scars Permanent?
“Every scar tells a story — about the time you fell from your bike or the day you burnt your hand. Every scar also tells about the body’s amazing ability to heal itself. But it’s not perfect. Why? If skin cells are continually dying and being replaced, shouldn’t there be no scars?”

Mathematical Modelling of Scar Tissue Formation
“The initial response to injury is bleeding and the formation of a blood clot.”

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How do scars form you ask?
When you see Simba crying over Mufasa's lifeless body. That's how they form.


Anyone who has a surgery scar (well anyone I know) can tell you they love having them as a reminder that they got through a difficult part of their life. My ankle scar came from a whole year of tearing my ligaments before someone finally said "hey, maybe this problem isn't going to fix itself". And while it may not be pretty, and it took a while to wear things that made it visible, I am glad I have it and I'm glad my ankle is fixed. Thanks DNews for making videos, I have loved them for a long time ☺


Scars happen when Mufasa has an evil brother 😂


You know when you're deep in thought and you can "hear" your thoughts, what makes that happen?


There was a TED Talk a little while back, i cant remember the dudes name, but he was talking baout a type of gel he'dcreated to stop bleeding instantly and help the ceels bind quicker without making scars, i think the gel was called vetigel, the TED Talk was pretty great though


I have a pretty bad scar about two inches long on the side of my leg. It was from a tiny scratch made by my cat as he leapt off of my lap, and I didn't even notice it until the blood started to drip down my leg. No idea why it formed a scar as I've had numerous injuries far worse than this and it healed in about a few days.


Fibroblasts. Silly me~ I thought she was saying fiberglass. Enunciation.


If it came down to it, I would never get rid of any of my hundreds of scars I have, each one of them have a story to tell, and each one of them make me more awesome.


I have a number of scars. Some are from surgery, but others are from family pets. For instance, when my cat was young she used to love climbing up onto my right shoulder and then jumping off. That's left the upper third of my arm with a number of scars on it.


I knew a boy once that had such traumatic inface that let him with a methaphorical scar. And a literal scar also. I tell you, strange shit happened where he lived. Then one day I never saw him again, only on hot days. And 7 years later his family was taken by a strange looking man. 
His scar was lighting shaped. 
I wish I knew what happened to him..


Hahaaa 😂 the lion with the scar.. His name is scar! XD


I got my biggest scar because of windex. That damn sliding glass door was TOO clean!


I have scars of discolored skin on my knees from.... Adult activities. The skin is just a different shade after the scrape healed.


I have scars over my eyes/eye lids, on faintly trailing down my cheek, a ton on the top of my head, a couple deep and noticable scars on my wrist, and I very ragged, skin deforming scar on my ear. All of those are from when I was mauled by a stray cat a few years ago and was unable to move.
I also have a scar on my right hand from a scratch my dog gave me when I saved her from falling over a ledge (she did it by accident!). I have never really seen it well but people have pounted out a large scar trailing down my back from a high heel that was used on me during a conflict with someone.
Hmm, I am 80% sure now why some of my friends have nicknamed me Scar after the character from the Lion King.


I'd love to hear more about process of scar forming - why do they sometimes are building up, and sometimes are like holes? Scarification etc. is great form of art.


Do a video about bullying?why people do it?and the effects?


I have 8 scars on my hips that range from 0.5 to 8 inches long from past surgeries. Some are purple-pink others are the are my natural hue.


I have a scar under my left eye that I got 14 years ago, when I was 4 years old. I was bitten by a dog and my cheek was partially torn open, I guess you could say it looks similar to the scar Luffy from One Piece has.


Can you research the science behind emotional 'crushes' a bit more?


My anatomy professor said that scars are the result of the dermis growing faster then the epidermis due to their vascularization. Sine, the epidermis and epidermis are different tissues (epidermis is karitinizing squamous epithelial and the dermis is irregularly arranged dense fibrous connective tissue). Scars look different from the epidermis simply because they are completely different tissue and lack melanin.
