Release Your Diaphragm Fascia - Free Your Ribs, Breathe Easier, Help Your Liver, Lungs and Stomach

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I’ve moved on from Mobility Mastery (self fascia release) in order to focus on teaching Kinetix, my method of root cause discovery for pain and dis-ease that involves partner fascia release as a “diagnostics” (and regeneration) tool. Kinetix is a complete scientific methodology that I teach to friends, partners and professionals alike inside The Kinetix Academy.

My other primary focus will be the launch and growth of a new podcast and Substack community called The Human Freedom Project.


Sometime in 2023 I will return to YouTube with HFP podcast episodes and content created to help you know and understand yourself as a whole organism made of body, soul and spirit. This content will feature the Kinetix methodology, pain science, fascia secrets I’ve learned from 15+ years in private practice, neuroscience and evolving beyond the brain, trauma and the body, and more! I’m excited to go on this new adventure with you.

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WHY should you release your diaphragm fascia?

First of all, let’s talk about some anatomy.

While the focus here is on the diaphragm fascia (so you can breathe better), what we’re actually going after here is the fascial JUNCTION at the lower ribs. To read more about how important fascial functions are, click here to watch a video I made for you on this (it’ll help you get the MOST out of all your fascia release efforts, not just this one).

The fascial junction along the front (anterior) of your 12th ribs (left and right) include the fascia wrapping the ribs, sternum, the diaphragm fascia, potentially some lung fascia, liver fascia (on the right), stomach and spleen fascia (on the left); we’re also contacting the linea alba, rectus abdominis, internal obliques and maybe even the transverse abdominis fascia; not to mention the fascia wrapping the many arteries and nerves here. I mean - wow!

There’s just SO MUCH fascia here. Since fascial junctions get the most congested, that means this is one of the richest areas for exploration and feeling better in your body.

Use this fascia release technique to experience:
- Better breathing - your ribs will expand and contract with less effort and more fluidity.
- Improved mobility in your thoracic region - if your ribs are stuck to your liver and stomach fascia or your diaphragm fascia, you won’t be breathing or moving well here since all that fascia is tacked down instead of fluid and mobile.
- Improved liver, stomach, spleen and lung function - these organs need fresh blood and good nerve communication, in addition to needing good mobility.
- Conscious awareness of the state of your liver and stomach/spleen - if these areas are particularly tender, it indicates unhealthy tissue which might be due to toxicity or stressed organs. Please consult a doctor if you think anything serious is going on. This isn’t meant to replace medical evaluations or act as a diagnostics tool, but it could alert you to something important.
- Better vagal nerve tone and nerve communication between your gut and brain - the primary nerve communicating to your brain from your gut is the vagus nerve, which runs near where we’re working and could perform better with more blood and space, which fascia release provides.

How to get the most out of this technique:

1. USE CAUTION - please be careful doing this! Please go slowly, and if you ever question what you’re doing or wonder if it’s safe, stop and consult a professional (such as a Myan abdominal massage therapist or anyone that has been trained to do visceral manipulation).
2. Use the PADS of your fingertips as your primary tool. DON’T use your finger TIPS, which could poke an artery/nerve or cause internal distress. Try to create a FLAT surface with your fingers, and use them together as one tool.
3. Watch the video for the full demo.
4. GO SLOWLY - move gently, slowly, with curiosity. Assess first, get to work later. First understand your terrain and create safety for yourself. THEN, you can really dig in and work the area (with intention/gentleness, not aggression please).
5. Work from the middle to one side, and then do the other side. For example: start at the middle, where your linea alba is, and work right towards your liver and ascending colon. Then go back to just left of middle, and work towards your stomach/spleen and descending colon.
6. For best results, combine with my self abdominal fascia release technique.
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Jesus, after 2 presses I released the right side and almost passed out due to that release 🤤 my liver must be overworked from trauma and anxiety.. Poor thing.


Thank you for this! I discovered Myofascial release by accident. I thought I broke something when I experienced the first Myofascial release 😂 it’s insane how releasing your abdomen releases your entire back and hips. PT, stretching, medicine… nothing ever worked. Thank you for sharing!


i've been having slipping rib for over a year now. the hospital and my doctor were absolutely useless in even diagnosing me and I was having absolutely crippling back spasms all the time. i found a fab chinese osteopath near me and he did something a little like this but basically i laid on my back and he got his fingers under my ribcage and pulled out away from my body to flare them out. my whole spine released it was insane!! he taught me how to do it myself safely and it's very helpful. gives me the ick when my ribs are playing up and i can feel them popping under my fingers but it has helped so much


This video is a god send! Getting a full deep breath has become more of a struggle over the past few years but this past week it got so bad I went to the ER thinking my asthma was out of control! The Dr said my lungs were clear and suggested I might be constipated and to get a laxative. After double dosing miralax and not getting any relief of the shortness of breath I found this video and could breathe better almost IMMEDIATELY. I have since gone down a rabbit hole of diaphragm stretching and breathing exercises and can finally get a good deep breath for the first time in years! Thank you so so much ❤


Thank you so much you are a star. I have been stressed out for ages with anxiety over whether I had serious digestive issues, your diaphragm fascia release has made a big difference already


Thank you so much! This really helped! <3


Omg!!! You are amazing!!! Thank you so much!!! You are really good at explaining. :')


This is amazing. How does this not have more views


Wow, definitely tender in my bottom ribs from doing this yesterday. Thanks
For sharing this information 👌🏼🙏🏼


Wow Elisha. Thank you thank you thank you. I have been struggling to breathe for almost a year now. I have slowly slowly learned so much about my body and am still learning but these techniques are amazing.


Tip about the lat release: don't forget to hook the other arm over your head to gently hold it up with the fingers. (The neck can get worn out from laying on the side) I like to wear a hoodie and grab a fist full of the hood to hold up the head.


Thank you for furthering my knowledge! I found digging under my ribs through trial and error. It was what finally released the rest of the back injury trauma I had holding up my digestive system.... it was bad. Getting better and better when I used to think all was dooomed.


i use a massage hook and press the rounded side up into my diaphragm and gently roll it. helps get a bigger area than hands alone and feels amazing.


I just found your videos and I'm hopeful. I have fibromyalgia, secondary to Reactive Arthritis. I think fascia is a big part of my problems, after some research. I work with a great physical therapist, but she is still pretty AMA and we haven't talked about fascial release yet. I came to this video because i'm under some extraordinary stress right lately, and my diaphragm and ribcage and upper back keep loking up until my arms and fingers are tingling, I can barely breathe and my heart/chest won't stop churning and crunching from PVC's (yes, I've been the ER to have it checked--it's harmless but EXTREMELY debilitating sometimes. And apparently all due to my anatomical problems (die to emotional stress). So, when I do this exercise from the video--I can't "dig in". First of all, it hurts so bad I feel like I'm hitting myself as hard as I can with a ballpene hammer. Second, the tissue is all swollen and sticking OUT under my ribs--there is no "in". Does that mean I really need to do this as best I can until it releases? Or will my body not tolerate it so well. I can't get to the chiropractor for a week and a half--she's off til after New Year's now. I have ordered the foam roller to start doing lat fascia release too. Not looking forward to that, but also looking forward to it. LOL I almost passed out from a chest ultrasound because it hurt so bad over my ribs. This may be a slow process. Thanks for advice!


So i did this today, and i have been drinking around 4 liter of water after this. My liver says thank you Elisha! <3 :P Have a good day/weekend!


Hi, just to say your videos are enlightening and really helpful, thank you so much for sharing! Ive had gut issues for years and believe it corrolates with anxiety and depression, creating poor breathing tension and slowed gut motility. What you shared about your own gut issues and anxiety etc help hit it home. Since starting Myofascial release I do feel freer, but I feel a bit weak too, wondering if my muscles need toning now?.. along with an improved diet of course! Bless you and what you are inspiring your audience to achieve! : )


During the last three years I have had a numbing blockade of the thoracic spine which gave me dispnoe and tension headache, thus drawing my attention towards the block resulting in increased sympathetic activity and a really bad emotional state. Many doctors and therapists weren’t able to help... now watching the video and following the instructions almost instantly relieved all the pain I suffered from during this period. You cannot imagine how thankful I am! Thank you soo much !!! 🤍🌞


Where have you been all my life?!?!? Seriously, thank you. 💗


Thank you for this video. Due to a back injury and weak core muscles, my diaphragm sometimes pushes up and causes my heart to race, and I feel like I am having a panic attack and some chest pains. I have had numerous chiropractic adjustments to address this. I have been working recently with a physical therapist on my back and core issues but have been noticing some palpitations. My usual pattern is to dismiss it thinking it is just an anomaly until it really escalates and feels like I am freaking out, like tonight. Then it dawns on me! I need to get my diaphragm adjusted! Tonight, I was led to seek a video, found yours, did the release, and I feel a hundred times better! THANK YOU!!!


Oh wow! I'm already kind of used to how amazing your videos are but everytime I feel like a little child <3 I first did my sides and then came back to this one... this is tough... And I felt pain between my shoulder blades/ mid back pain... So there's definitely a connection in my body at least... Will explore that more often. Sending you love <3
